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Posts posted by Fizzzzle

  1. 1 minute ago, Mercury33 said:

    I don’t mind AOC. She says a lot of things I agree with but I think it would be a horrible idea for her to run for president anytime soon. The right and and even a chunk of the left can’t stand her. 

    Yeah, that's what I think as well. Like, if Bernie couldn't even get nominated, AOC wouldn't stand a chance. Then again, we'll see how the landscape has changed in 4 years.


    edit: I should mention I think it still might be interesting to see her run for president just to gauge her interest within the Democrat party. There's a growing schism within the party and I would be interested to see what the demographics are like in 2024.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I think it's pretty clear that Biden intends Harris to run in 2024. He said he's going to be a one-term president and this is her internship. 


    I believe AOC turns 35 weeks before the election in 2024 which would make her legally eligible to run I believe. So she could run, and she would fucking kill it.

    I think AOC is planning that, judging from her tweets.


    I'm thinking we might get something like Mittens vs. Harris. It would be fantastic if Trump ran as an independent.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I love that everyone is happy that like "at least Biden is an actual (mostly) functional human being! Man, remember those days?:daydream:"


    Given how old he is, we might end up with President Harris before too long. That's actually something that kind of worries me. Not that I think she would be a bad president, just like the backlash from having a **n a s t y  b l a c k  w o m a n** as president for any length of time. I'm actually curious to know what happens in 2024, since I doubt Biden would run for a second term (he'd be 82 when the second term starts). Would the Dems run Biden again but ditch Kamala as VP? Is it going to be a free for all?

  4. The beautiful thing is that we all love pizza. We agree that pizza is a good thing. It's only what we put on the pizza that is divisive.


    Now imagine pizza as a metaphor for democrats taking control of the government (not that that has happened yet). We can now argue about pizza toppings. And by that I mean things like UBI, Medicare for all, and carbon taxes. Not whether or not pizza even exists.

  5. Just now, Xbob42 said:

    Is there anyone who has pineapple on pizza without ham? That's the whole point. It's why it's a Hawaiian pizza. Do psychopaths get non-Hawaiian pizzas and add pineapple? I mean, I figured that was literally the only way to eat it. Ham and pineapple already go amazing together, so slapping both on a pizza just makes sense. I can't imagine pineapple gelling well with many other combinations, though. Maybe just a cheese pizza, I guess? Would feel a little too sweet and fruity for my taste at that point without the delicious ham balancing it out.

    Pineapple and jalapeno. Thank me later. Throw some ronis on there if you're worried about it being too sweet.

  6. 5 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:


    The unfortunately sad part of the video's message (to open a discussion with them to persuade them) is that in order to even have a discussion with Trump supporters in an attempt to change their minds you basically have to break down their core beliefs and build them up from the ground level.  There would need to be a re-education campaign, because these people are set in their views from the environment they were raised in--which, since we're talking about rural white people born in the 1950s-80s, would be Christianity, mixed in with boomer-anti-Cold-war-fuck-socialism notions.  It is pure tribalistic thinking.  Otherwise they are going to defend their beliefs til their death, because their beliefs are their identities.

    You are correct. I was taught at an early age that socialism is bad. But the more we keep telling them they're worthless, racist, pieces of shit, the harder they dig their heals in.


    I don't know how we do that. But there is apparently a large portion of the country, the vast majority in rural areas, who are becoming increasingly radicalized to the right. You can absolutely break down someone's core beliefs if you come at it the right way. It happened to me.

    • Like 2
  7. 20 minutes ago, Joe said:

    I really liked Fizzzzle's earlier points. He tried to make a contrarian point in good faith. Not sure why his thread title is the new "nm!" Oh well, sad.

    Have I walked things back or something? I can't keep track.


    The video I posted kind of explains what I was trying to get at. It's hard to put form to thoughts at 5am.

  8. I've been with the same woman for 3 years. She has an IUD, so it's mostly safe, but I'm also at the point in my life where if she got pregnant I'd be like "well, I guess this is what we're doing now."


    So to answer the question seriously, I haven't used a condom in like at least a year and a half. But I prefer Boyle's answer.


    Though I do plan on getting a vasectomy if I make it to something like 35 and still don't have/want kids.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Nah... they're just cool with overt racism and don't mind being associated with open white supremacists. And don't get me started on the "People of color" who voted for Trump. 


    I think what we need to do is work on getting rid of the stigma around sOciALiSm that exists in the country. I'm only 30 and I was taught in school that "socialism=communism=bad." Like, a few million people voted Libertarian this election. The majority of them are probably both anti authoritarian and anti socialist. I think those people can be reached.


    Democrats running on a "we're not republicans" platform can only go so far, we're just going to do this again in 2 years

  10. 2 minutes ago, Jason said:


    Pratt is a MAGA chud?

    Chris Pratt has never openly discussed politics, anyone saying he's a trump supporter is just basing it on the fact that he's openly Christian and he chose not to take part in a Biden fundraiser. He donated money to Obama's campaign in 2012.


    He may be a Trump supporter. He may not. I found it crazy that so many people got up in his business because he didn't attend a fundraiser.

  11. I kind of feel like Republicans are giving themselves enough rope to hang themselves with. Republicans have resisted changes to the electoral college, which, ironically, will make it impossible for them to ever win a presidential election again once Texas turns blue (it didn't happen this year, but it will eventually). They prevent votes from being counted until election day, which gave them a false sense of security.


    but, on the other hand, 70 million people actually fucking voted for Trump.


    It's going to be really important to galvanize people to vote in the Georgia Senate elections. We haven't won yet.

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