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Posts posted by Fizzzzle

  1. 48 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

    And statues of Hitler and Goebbels do not.


    One is a monument to countless suffering and one is a monument to those who caused countless suffering. Confederate monuments are absolutely the latter.

    The difference is that the German education system ensures that everyone knows the evils of the nazis. The US education system does not do that with slavers. People are legitimately taught that the south was fighting for freedom, which is immensely ironic.


    Basically, my point is that it's easier to turn confederate monuments into holocaust memorials. It would do greater good than just demolishing them.

  2. 5 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:


    The majority of Confederate monuments aren't even museum worthy.  They aren't historically signifficant of an any import, they were mass produced on the cheap long after the war to make fragile whites feel better.  Their only value is a tool to remind Confederate dick riders how pathetic their "heritage" truly is.

    Correct. Most confederate monuments in the US were sponsored by the Daughters of the United Confederacy. Or maybe it's United daughters of the confederacy, I can't remember. They had these monuments erected some 40-60 years after the civil war, and also were the main perpetrators of the lost cause myth, which became so prevalent that even I was taught it in school 20 years ago. So have something that says "here's this monument, here's why it sucks."


    Point being, erasing history doesn't help anyone. Point out why the past sucked, and your grandpa was probably a racist, actually does some good. There's a reason Auschwitz still stands.

  3. 10 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:

    I stand by my assertion that every single confederate monument should be allowed to stay, but they must all have a gigantic participation ribbon permanently adhered to them.

    I'm generally in favor of moving monuments to museums, but that is not always possible. Short of that, I think there should be a plaque next to every confederate monument explaining the evils of slavery and what these men fought for (hint: slavery). There's a difference between remembering history and celebrating it.

  4. Just now, Ominous said:


    3.  I call them every name but their own already.

    Sometimes even the cat's name.

    True dad right there. Do like my dad did and just say all the names, at least one will be right and the cat won't give a shit.

  5. I'll find it kind of funny the last couple days before lockdown at the restaurant (assuming we close outright and don't do takeout). The reason the governor delayed lockdown until wed. was so restaurants could burn through their inventory.


    "Can I get a salad?"


    "Can I get a chicken sandwich?"

    "Nah, but popeyes has some."

    "What CAN I get?"

    "You can get the fuck out of here so I can go home and not get covid from your bitch ass "

    • Haha 1
  6. The entire state is locking down starting on Wednesday. The whole state for at least 2 weeks, Multnomah/Washington/Clackamas counties (Portland) for at least 4 weeks. Restaurants are back to take-out only (the bar I work at will likely just close temporarily), gyms/salons/barbers are closed, church gatherings are limited to 25 indoors/50 outdoors, grocery stores are limited to 75% capacity


    Unemployment is hopefully not going to be as big of a shit show this time. Maybe that's why they aren't putting the measures in place until Wednesday.


    edit: The fucked up thing is that you KNOW restaurants and bars will be packed as much as possible for the next few days. Yay.

  7. according to howlongtobeat, it's a relatively short game. Like 10-15 hours, depending on what you do. It has a 90% positive rating on steam, but a 60 on metacritic.


    I'll probably wait to buy it until it goes on sale again at some point in the future. I'm trying to limit my "oh, I suppose I might play this one day" purchases right now because, y'know, not sure if I'll have a job in a month.

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