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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Vermont legalizes marijuana sales WWW.VOX.COM Vermont is the 11th state to allow recreational marijuana sales.
  2. Trump says the families of losers and suckers could have given him COVID. http://www.politico.com//favicon-16x16.png Trump says Gold Star families could have given him Covid-19 - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM “They come within an inch of my face, sometimes,” the president said of the families of America’s war dead.
  3. How Did Lindsey Graham End Up In Such A Close Race? | FiveThirtyEight FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM Recent polls of the U.S. Senate race in South Carolina have found third-term Sen. Lindsey Graham effectively tied in his contest against Democrat Jaime Harrison… Why Democrats regularly get a large percentage of votes in South Carolina despite rarely winning: Graham is polling behind Trump: Why Republicans are still suspicious of Graham: "Most white voters in South Carolina don’t vote for Democrats … ever" I learned a while ago that South Carolina is "inelastic." The last quote is important on that one -- it's why Michigan voted for Trump after voting for Obama by 16 points in 2008, but why South Carolina gave Obama 44/45 percent of the vote and Hillary around 40/41. Harrison can win, and I wouldn't be shocked. I also wouldn't be shocked if he lost with 48%. Hope your S. Carolina friends vote Harrison in droves!
  4. Methinks there will be a reversion, but I'd rather he be increasing his lead with this little to go until the election than seeing it shrink.
  5. You know..... it was actually fucking cool to see a black woman on that stage. I'm nearly done with the debate but it just hit me.
  6. Nice. Twas worth it considering the game kicked all sorts of ass. Never change it or else Michael Cohen will eat him.
  7. 2nd debate between Trump, Biden to be virtual - ABC News ABCNEWS.GO.COM The town hall formatted debate is set for Oct. 15
  8. She was up by around 3 points the day of. The change was pretty big. This was the polling up until October 28, before any polling occurred that took the Comey letter into account. And this was the following week:
  9. I keep wondering myself. The last 10 days of 2016 were so rough. It surprises me to this day that many thought Trump had no chance even as the polls tightened considerably.
  10. He lives in Illinois, though, and promised if Trump won the state to sign the deed of his house over to someone upset with him. He supported Yang in the primary. I think if you're a straight-up libertarian, you either vote strategically or always vote L. Like him: Penn Jillette voted Libertarian every election, but in 2016 saw the polls in Nevada and decided to cast a vote for Hillary while "trading" with his Democratic friends in deep blue states. One of the guys on his podcast/show/whatever it was also did that, while the other did Gary Johnson.
  11. 2020's been bad for many Trump voters. The idea that bad 2020 = bad for Democrats isn't out of the question, but it could also be even more horrific for Republicans.
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