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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. You get that outcome by having it be the compromise from pushing for single payer. Not by preemptively surrendering by offering what you think is "realistic".
  2. Okay, I like that the solution here is to blame the people getting screwed by their voting officials for being lazy.
  3. I would buy "he doesn't even belong to the party" a lot more if they hadn't just bent over backward to let in the former Republican who was still bankrolling Republican reelection campaigns as recently as 2018.
  4. The next Democratic president will hire another pandemic response team but then the next Republican clown will fire them again.
  5. The panic is in large part about the extreme incompetence at the top. It may not be terrible YET, but this administration is guaranteed to make it worse. After all, they already have. If they hadn't burned what credibility they had right out the gate, people might be calmer.
  6. I still wonder how much of an effect you have from east coast results being called while the west coast still has hours of voting left. Especially this year with stuff like the long lines in Los Angeles County. I don't see how it doesn't result in people getting discouraged and going home if you're standing in a multi-hour line planning to vote for one candidate and your phone starts blowing up with news alerts about the other candidate trouncing your guy on the east coast. Maybe not enough to swing things by 10% points but I can't imagine it's 0 either.
  7. Remember this story from the end of February? Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders They were pretty explicitly blaming progressives for potentially costing the party the general election.
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