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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. I think its a matter of the Emperor has no clothes. The Russian military has deteriorated to this point and unless they are just bombing the population without giving a shit like in Syria they are a 3rd world bloated corrupt military. .
  2. Is Russia showing us that tanks are the new battleships as in they are completely obsolete in modern warfare? I feel like they are just too big bulky, costly and vunerable to infantry fired anti tank weaponry to be effective on anything other than giant open flat fields.
  3. I've stated this multiple times there is no way they are taking Kyiv without total war. We have seen what happened in Fallujah and the US is a far superior force compared to Russia. Urban combat will grind them into the ground especially with the weapons the west are providing. It will be a javelin/stinger fest.
  4. With this and Russian attacks on merchant ships it wouldn't suprise me in the least if the US or NATO sends a convoy to the area to escort ships or possibly blockade Russia.
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