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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. I just don't see how that doesn't end in disaster. They are gonna get be entering a vipers nest of snipers, javelins and stingers. It sounds like complete morons are in charge.
  2. Just to comment on the attack on Ukraine. In a way this is the boomerist of boomer moves. I think Putin even being the head of state, ex KGB with all the information in the world at his fingertips doesn't understand how the world works today. World popular opinion has united against Russia in a way that would not have been possible even 20 years ago because of how information travels today and how connected the world is. Even without Biden and our US intelligence blowing up their flimsiest of pretexts for the war, there was no way to keep a lid on what is happening on the ground. Even their own solders can know from a macro level how the world views them and watch their own footage on the internet. As an Xennial I consider myself a bit of an observer as I've watched the rise of the internet going from a toy nerds played with to an all consuming force. Its facinating to me how its changed almost the consciousness of humanity. David Bowie was right man. The internet is an alien lifeform.
  3. I think its a matter of the Emperor has no clothes. The Russian military has deteriorated to this point and unless they are just bombing the population without giving a shit like in Syria they are a 3rd world bloated corrupt military. .
  4. Is Russia showing us that tanks are the new battleships as in they are completely obsolete in modern warfare? I feel like they are just too big bulky, costly and vunerable to infantry fired anti tank weaponry to be effective on anything other than giant open flat fields.
  5. I've stated this multiple times there is no way they are taking Kyiv without total war. We have seen what happened in Fallujah and the US is a far superior force compared to Russia. Urban combat will grind them into the ground especially with the weapons the west are providing. It will be a javelin/stinger fest.
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