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Posts posted by chakoo

  1. 1 minute ago, Biggie said:

    Do you think they are going to release any new styles of 2DS systems @chakoo ? I’m not a fan of the black or white ones. 

    Keep an eye out for black friday I say.


    Japan got a Minecraft Green system this year. Maybe we'll see it as a surprise system.




    If not, how about purple?


    (Hits september 28th)


    I also still see some retailers have the Zelda or Pikachu n2ds LE units in stock.

  2. 7 hours ago, GameDadGrant said:

    By the way @chakoo what are your party plans if/when Persona Q 2 is announced for North America? I'm thinking toga party, personally.




    I'll probably actually import this and play through it this year because I don't think I'll be able to wait till next year for localization (much like I played through PQ1 in Japanese).



  3. Yay 3ds still has some life in 2019 even if it's mostly ports. 


    Also I picked up Yo-kai Watch Blasters Blue Dog today (local gameshop got a copy). I was always curious how the 2.0 content was going to be rolled into the USA release but happy to see it's coming as DLC. Now all the more reason for others to grab the game since there will be tons of content.


    3 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I'm excited about Kirby's Epic Yarn. I've had it on Wii for years, but I never got around to it. I'll definitely play it on a handheld. 

    Same. I know it's a port but I enjoyed Yoshi Epic Yarn on 3DS so i'll gladly pick this one up since I never got around to playing it on the Wii even though I had it.

  4. =( I've been tempted to buy Yo-kai blasters this week but it's been slow to show up at retail stores in Canada. Only one who seems to have some stock in stores is EB and it's kind of sporadic (one close to work has done, one near the mall has red but now blue, only blue is further out of the city). =/ I might have to cave and just hit up amazon.ca for a copy. I know Yo-kai watch 1 & 2 were everywhere in Canada, and still is, but 2.5 wasn't and I feel this one might be harder to find in a few months. =/ In the mean time i've been playing my import copy i've had for a while.


    20 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:

    Has Persona Q 2 been announced for localization? 


    I’m looking at downloading Dillon’s Dead Heat Breakers sometime soon. I wanna finish off Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology first, though.

    Not sure but Atlus is good at doing late localization. We're getting Etrian Odesy Nexus next year and that just hit japan a few weeks ago. Plus it's persona which sells.


    I liked the demo to Dillon's Dead Heat, I'm kind of angry that we didn't get a physical print but Europe and Japan did. =|


    12 minutes ago, darkness35 said:

    OH boy I forgot the golden rule of SMT games.

    What that there is always something ready to kill you in the next 5 seconds? =P

  5. 6 hours ago, Biggie said:

    As soon as a good sale on a 2DS happens I’m going to snag one. I still need to play Metroid and the new Wario Ware. 

    Keep an eye out for Black Friday, that normally is when the best deals happen for a 3ds system. I can see them doing a $100 n2ds this year like they did the $100 n3ds a while back.

  6. Hello to the dozen of us left... 





    Anyways since the 3DS has cooled off a lot for most I though I would jump start the community thread again like we use to have on the handheld boards for those of us who wish to talk about 3DS stuff that might not warrant a full topic of it's own. There is still some decent life left in the 3DS with still a few notable titles on the way (Luigi's Mansion, Etrian Odyssey Nexus and Persona Q2).


    @GameDadGrant @CastlevaniaNut18


    So anyways to kick off the thread, I would like to celebrate with showing off my 37th 3DS/1st n2DS.... It's amazing to look at in person. I was talking to GameDadGrant over PM about it since he also got one and we use to talk about n2ds LE in the old thread.




    Normally I don't open these but I couldn't help my self with this one. 


    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, GameDadGrant said:

    You may have summed up a majority of the Nintendo fan base right there, LOL

    Yeah, it’s definitly from Yo-Kai Watch 2. I wonder if they are thinking of localizing Yo-Kai Watch 3 at some point? Or if the sales of this game will decide that game’s fate?

    I thought they announced that yw3 was getting localized already (no date though).


    The bigger question is, do they localize yokai busters 2 that came out a few months back in japan or even snack world (which has both a 3ds and switch version)

  8. u1GHd_KQufSlmCcnpAndDS0LjlNk41G4vr4uPJ1S


    this finally showed up on monday. I’m quite happy to add it to the collection. Now to get my hands on Fatal Fury 1 then take a break on AES for a bit (probably go back to cheaper neo cd titles).

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, mclumber1 said:


    How do Canadians afford prescriptions?  Don't they have supplemental insurance they can purchase if they aren't willing to pay full (but still much lower than American) prices? 



    Government has some control on cost and we’re more friendly on generics.


    yet with that said, if Canada is your roll model then you should know that the government in charge is possibly looking to roll out pharmacare for prescription drugs. :)

  10. 44 minutes ago, Bjomesphat said:

    Why are people still buying games on day one anyway? They're just going to get discounted in a few months anyway, sometimes by 50%.


    The only games I pre-order are Nintendo games that I need to play on day one. Because I know they're not going on sale for a long time.

    For me it’s mostly Nintendo games that won’t be on sale or it’s games with low production runs at the end of a systems life.


    I’ve got smash, Metroid, and Pokémon all on preorder for $50 cad (~$38 usd) each. I could have also gotten some big name Sony/MS games on pre-order for the same cost.

  11. RIP my prime account. First they dropped the credit card in Canada, then games dropped to 10% discount and now just ending. I don’t buy enough anymore to justify paying for prime every year (any large items I buy already would have gotten free shipping without prime).


    Props to Walmart canada for the $30 off e3 pre-orders, they’re now my go to for pre-order deals.

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