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Posts posted by chakoo

  1. 4 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

    This is probably an extremely retarded question seeing how it's a handheld but...


    Is there a video output that lets you run the 3DS on your TV screen or anything similar? I'd love to play many games but am just not a handheld guy at all, especially due to the tiny screens. 

    There is a guy in Japan who has been making modified units with video out. I think you can find some on eBay. They won’t be cheap.



  2. 53 minutes ago, Rodimus said:

    I tried online. I'm not sure what a target wallet is.


    EDIT: IOk I think I figured it out. I got the Target app signed in and found the 40% discount. I found the barcode in the wallet. the 40% is in my wallet. So I go to Target after work and buy the playStation and have them scan the barcode on my wallet in my phone and I get the deal. Right?

    Yep 👍. Just make sure they price match it to $60 first and don’t bring up that you have  the coupon (as some people are saying that they will give you crap for price matching and a coupon). Some also say maybe buying a few things you might need help as well.




  3. 37 minutes ago, johnny said:

    The only problem is I don’t have a disc drive for my Mac so I’d need to buy one 

    Then you’ll just do what 98% of the internet does and just download it. 


    (I understand the disc issue, I only have 1 pc with a disc drive and it’s only been turned on 1/2 times this year, lol)

  4. 29 minutes ago, johnny said:

    How easily can I play 3xtreme on it? 

    1) Dump your disc to a cue/bin file

    2) download bleamsync 

    3) format usb to fat32 and label it SONY

    4) dump the contents of bleamsync on the usb, put the bin/cue in the proper folder

    5) run bleamsync on the usb (it’s copied over from step 4)

    6) plus the usb into player 2 on the classic, plug in the power and turn it on.


    you’re done. Game will show up in the UI.

  5. So anybody get anything retro for the holidays? I got two small things, My good friend gave me Bionic Commando nes cart (I got him flashback for switch) and another person gave me space invader tiny arcade (it's neat, gonna swap in a pi 0 to finish off an old project idea I half completed).


    Side point, I found a boxed copy of Bloody Wolf TG16 at a local game shop. I'm on the fence if I should get it (I don't need it nor can I play it since I have a PCE not a TG16) but the price seems really cheap for what it normally goes for on ebay ($99 cad). I know it will most likely sell in a week or two.

  6. Man, end of year deals on 3DS games up here were pretty much shit. -.- Over the whole black friday to now I only ended up with detective pikachu & sushi strikers on sale. =/ I was hoping a few others would have gotten a cheap discount. Guess I'll have to pay full price for a few games while I can still find copies. =/


    So unless something drastic changes between now and next week, I'll end out the year with only having picked up 18 titles of which 3 were digital and 4 were used games. Even if it sounds like I still got a lot, note that 90% of my game buying this year was 3ds and most I bought on sale. Still have a few big titles from this year missing from my collection (namely Wario Ware).


    2018 Gets


    Usa Complete Metroid: Samus Returns
    Usa New Pokemon Ultra Sun
    Usa Complete Kirby Battle Royale
    Usa Complete Kirby: Planet Robobot
    Usa Complete Shinobi 3D
    Usa Complete Fire Emblem Warriors
    Usa New Mario Party: The Top 100
    Usa New Yo-Kai Watch Blasters White Dog Squad
    Usa Digital Code of Princess
    Usa New Culdcept Revolt limited edition
    Usa Complete Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion
    Usa Complete Luigi's Mansion
    Usa New Bravely Second: End Layer
    Usa Complete Dead or Alive: Dimensions
    Usa Digital Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker
    Usa Digital Stella Glow
    Usa New Detective Pikachu
    Usa New Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido


    * New just means I haven't opened it yet so it's still sealed.


    Of my pick-ups this year, my most played titles so far have been Metroid, yo-kai blasters, Kirby Planet Robobot & Stella Glow. The titles I've (mostly) completed this year is Kirby planet Robobot & Luigi's Mansion. 


    My 3DS collection now sits at 118 titles. (I actually expected to be more at 125 due to buying up titles while I still can) :p



    Also @best3444 come join the topic now that you own a 3ds.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Rodimus said:

    I got a Hori Fight Stick for PS4 and I'm going to order a supergun to play arcade boards on my TV. I just need to figure out controllers for it. I will likely start out with sega saturn adaptors and try and buy broken TE sticks to fix and mod for arcade. I bought a bunch of games earlier for myself at black friday. I also got a bunch of giftcards I'm going to spend on games.

    If you need any help with your super gun setup let me know. =)

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    Imagine playing it at a higher resolution and frame rate. Something these boxes just don't provide.

    With a few emu tweaks they already run at proper frame rate. So that point is moot unless you're going to force a 30fps game to run at 60fps which usually breaks them.


    You can already enable resolution doubling and disable forced bilinear filtering. 4k isn't going to make the games look any better. Also if you're going to go hardcore on ps1 the sweet spot is actually running at 240p native. So....


    The only major point you probably loose out on, ATM, is some pc emu are starting to offer texture swapping for enhancing the visuals in ps1 games but again the device is hacked so it probably won't be long till someone ports this over to the device or retrocore. 


    Again me personally, I just look at this as a pretty box that I can plug in and play a random ps1 game from time to time and for that it works for me. If I need something more hardcore I'm just going to play on my ps2 hooked up to the CRT I still have. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Even if you could get other games to run on this, you're better off using a better piece of hardware to do it. :p 

    Depends on what you are looking for. If you’ve got a pc plugged in to your tv then sure but if you’re looking at other SOC you’re going to spend just as much with a shit looking case. The unit’s chipset is just 1 gen down from a pi 3 but still well above all othe pi boards. Like i’ve mentioned before, it’s a nice package with just shit software but luckily hackers already fixed that part. :D

  10. These where on sale for $60 Canadian ($42 usd) yesterday for some time, now back up to $80.


    Now that the device is almost fully hacked and there is a full port of retroarch, it’s not a bad device to buy for that price (good build quality, standard USB ports, better specs than nes/snes classic)

    12 minutes ago, Bjomesphat said:

    If the hacking community can figure out how to keep the UI, but replace the emulator and have the ability to swap in and out games, then I'll definitely pick one up.

    They’re pretty close to having this done. You can already load up games on a usb stick pretty easily with bleamsync. As an alternative retroarch beta hit yesterday which runs even better. I think the current state of modifying the flash is just them trying to find a safe way to dump/archive the flash but that is getting pretty close.

  11. 7 hours ago, best3444 said:

     Zelda a link between worlds and metroid samus returns seem interesting. I like action adventure type games like Zelda. I like platformers like Mario. 


    I never played Majora mask ever. How did that turn out. 

    Then do get Majora mask but also consider ever oasis which is an original title from the team that did the OOT & MM remasters for 3ds. Also look into resident evil revelations.


    On the platformer front, get Kirby planet robobot. Sure it’s not difficult but it’s very charming and full of content.

  12. 1 hour ago, best3444 said:


    Add 5 more! I'm completely new to the system. 

    If we really went in depth there is tons of games to recommend. It might be better if you told us what type of games you like and we can go from there. Just to explain the size of the 3ds library, i’ve got almost 120 titles and yet i’m still missing a lot of popular titles.

  13. Good man, now join the 3ds thread for the few of us that remain.


    not my top 5 but a must play

    Zelda a link between worlds

    animal crossing new leaf

    metroid samus returns

    dragon quest 7

    Luigi Mansion 2


    super Mario 3D land is also worth a play (but really I felt 3D world on Wii U was better)



    Also what model and color/design did you end up with for your 3ds?

  14. 1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:

    And even if they could do that, what does a winning coalition for the GOP look like if they piss off even 5 or 10% of Trump's most diehard cultists?

    You make a lot of reasonable points and I'm not 100% sold on most but I mostly want to point out this line atm. I have a hard time buying into this one. These were the same die hard bush supports shouting "you're either with us or a terrorist sympathizer or un-american" to "Bush who? Oh yeah fuck that guy. Palin my queen!!" These people will be die hard supports of who ever the GOP picks in 2024.

  15. I've got tons of imports, even my PS Classic is an import. =P


    Yet for modern systems, I've kind of stop importing but I've also cut back a lot on my game buying for PS4/Switch to more focus on my other systems.  With that said, my craziest import this year was a Neo Geo AES and a few games. =/



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