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Posts posted by chakoo

  1. If anybody brought up lines of code as a measuring stick I would verbally back hand them on the spot. Such useless measures are the work of a shoty or jr dev.


    On the women in stem front, i’ve had the pleasure of working at two companies where gender diversity was in their dna and it lead to us having some amazing women devs. They’re pretty much on the top of my hiring list if I jump start a new company.

  2. Minor Updates.


    1) Tekken arrived. I think this board has been sitting around for years (covered in dust).



    2) I had a little free time yesterday so I thought I would try out the LCD panel plugged into my Namco System 246 via vga (Running Gundam Zaft 2). The game looks fantastic on it (display has a lot of settings including 16:9/4:3 options) and it's wicked bright.







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  3. spacer.png


    So i'm building a bartop (n64 cart for scale). It took a while to convince the wife on this one but I finally got the go a head a few weeks back and the wood kit arrived on monday. It will probably take me a few weeks/month to ultimately build this thing out but I thought it would be fun to post progress reports here as I go since I know a few have asked from time to time how to build a SuperGun (and in a way this will be pretty damn close to one).  So to kick things off, going to do a bit of Q & A.


    Q: What kit did you buy?

    A: It's the JAMMArCADE 2P wood kit sold by http://www.retrobuiltgames.com/ best known for the Porta-Pi arcade.


    Q: What will it look like?

    A: Subject to change but i'm considering it being a Capcom Impress style theme. So the shape of the image on the left with the theme/color/style of the right.

    spacer.png spacer.png


    Q: Why not a real arcade cabinet?

    A: I have one, it's a capcom impress, it's getting old (needs a full restoration) and my wife doesn't like it sitting around so it sits in my storage locker. =(


    Q: Why so small?
    A: About as big as I could get away with, even the wife found this too bulky. =|


    Q: Why not the 1P version?

    A: He no longer sells that kit and the porta kits are too small  (The Jamma ones are slightly larger inside).


    Q: Will it be powered by a raspberry pi?

    A: Oh god no. The plan is to wire this up with interchangeable harnesses for Jamma & JVS. I bought this kit over the smaller units as it will have just barely enough space to internally house a small arcade PCB (Namco 11/12 or Capcom CPS3) inside but due to a cutout in the back I can pull the harness out the back and plug in a larger board outside the kit (like a  Naomi/CPS2).

    Q: What games will you put in it?
    A: Undecided and it will change around. I recently picked up a Tekken 1 & Street Fighter EX board since they'll be smaller to put inside. I also think I could possibly gut down a System 256 so I could run Tekken 5, Soul Calibur 2 or Gundam Vs (I own all 3 and bunch others for that system).


    Q: Why?

    A: I'm a huge arcade fan and I get sad I can't easily play my cabinet anymore. So I want a smaller unit sitting around at home. 


    Q: Why only 1 button or what are you missing?
    A: Before I buy all stick/button parts, I wanted to wait for the kit to arrive first and check sizing. The kit is kind of built for Happs buttons and the one I have is a Sanwa which is about 1.5mm bigger but now that I have the kit I can see that slightly enlarging the button holes should be just fine. I also still need to pick a color theme for the buttons. Capcom Impress doesn't have a consistent theme for colors and will mostly use a mix of standard Sanwa button colors which is less than the color options for Happs & Seimitsu offer. As for what i'm missing, connectors (I want to keep the wiring clean), 2nd player stick and remaining buttons, 2 speakers and amp (RBG didn't have these for sell outside a full kit) some nuts & bolts. The two boxes in the picture are the LCD and a Power PCB that will keep the power wiring cleaner.



    Now to slowly take my time to build this. =/

    • Like 2
  4. On 3/29/2019 at 3:45 PM, crispy4000 said:

    I view the Stadia comparison as more of a metric to know what the next consoles are targeting.  Stadia could potentially do more, of course, but this does look good on paper for the consoles.

    Jason Schreier is the one doing the telling here.  It's more than likely he's correct.

    As you stated, it's a point of targeting but even this far out specs are subject to change. It doesn't matter who is reporting it and if they are leaking sdk docs. It all will change in many ways up until near launch (I've worked with pre release hardware for multiple systems in the past). 


    21 hours ago, mikechorney said:

    4)  Do people really think that Stadia can run in the equivalence of a SLI/Crossfire setup?  That would really surprise me

    It was stated at GDC that a game can allocate additional servers/hardware. Scalability in both directions is built into its design.

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