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Everything posted by osxmatt

  1. “Have you ever lied to the American people on behalf of the president?” ” I do naht rekall.”
  2. This makes sense. All congressional districts that run along the southern border seat Democrats, and the only one that doesn't, Will Hurd, says his district doesn't want a border wall.
  3. Obligatory "I know I've said this presidency can't sink any lower, but here we are hitting a new bottom." These were the ramblings of a madman.
  4. We've already seen it. “Obama is an imperial president! Too many executive orders! National emergency on DACA!” Presidential overreach only matters when Dems are in control.
  5. It’s hilarious because the combination of 6’2 and 239lbs make him clinically overweight, but not obese. 1 pound more, or 1 inch less, and he’d be obese. Nothing funny about that. No sir, not at all.
  6. At least with a name like Brock Long he’s got a post government career lined up.
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