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Everything posted by osxmatt

  1. I love that Congressional Republicans and Fox News are acting high and mighty, condemning the words of a young Muslim woman. But Donald Trump, “that’s baked in to the cake” and “we weren’t voting for a minister.” Literally opinions I’ve heard shared in the past 24 hours.
  2. I can certainly understand "dual loyalties" being antisemitic. But when I hear the phrase "allegiance to another country" I don't think of someone putting the interests of another country above America, or even putting them on equal footing. I think of someone who will defend that country, above the interests of other countries. Which is certainly something the Republican Party seems to do with Israel. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being naive. But again, I don't want to traffic in antisemitism just because my understand of an expression is lacking.
  3. As someone that is largely uneducated on what terms and double speak constitutes antisemitism, is “allegiance to another country” really antisemitic?
  4. Yep. But sadly in journalism, it's well established the electorate is above reproach. But that's what I think of every time I listen to a Trump speech, or hear Mark Meadows birther comments, or anything Steve King has to say. Not the one man that has insane opinions, but the hundreds or thousands of people cheering in agreement.
  5. I constantly find myself between wanting to ignore the president, but then again, it's the president (at least the office of the president) and it's important to be informed. So I listened to his 2 1/2 hour CPAC speech over the past few days. It literally sounded like Obama era Fox News opinion hosts made Frankensteins monster.
  6. To be fair, I understood it as giving them massive amounts of birth control so they have enough for regular daily doses. But that’s because I know how birth control works. I’m not sure our president does.
  7. It's going to get significantly worse over the coming days and weeks. I don't have any direct evidence of this, but every time I've said I can't believe how low he just went, he goes lower.
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