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Posts posted by Chadatog

  1. Just wanted to chime in and say that chronic pain is no joke.  My wife still has nerve pain from a fixed ruptured disk and fibromyalgia.  She rarely gets enough sleep, is more likely to catch colds/flu, and can be down right nasty at times.  I especially don't know what to say to her when she starts talking about ending the pain, I think our daughters are the only thing keeping her from acting, that and lots of antidepressants and therapy.

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  2. Meanwhile, my boomer parents have so much extra money that they are not only gifting us 3 kids 5k a year for a retirement fund, but they will be gifting each of us 45k over 3 years to an account for each of us to buy/renovate/maintain our houses.  All because now they are forced to withdraw from their retirement.  I'm thankful that my parents are so well off, and are aware that with the same education/jobs that we will make significantly less in our lifetimes, but I just can't fathom the boomers out there that can't wrap their heads around their kids not being as successful is mostly a result of when they were born and not any change in "not wanting it enough".

  3. 47 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    In what world does a teacher need to engage in discussion of their own sexuality to care for a child? Professional counselors and therapists do a pretty good job of listening and helping other people without interjecting their personal story or feelings into the mix.


    Again, going back to what actually occurred in the story being discussed, the teacher not only stated she had decided to come

    out to her students as Pan because she had just done so to her family the day before, she also went into detail about being poly and how she has both a husband and a girlfriend.


    She was acting like she was buddies with these kids, not an authority figure. If the personal details of your kid‘s teacher’s love life is something you want them discussing with your kids, we simply have very different ideas about how education ought to work. And that’s fine, fortunately we have the ability to choose the path we want for each of our kids.

    Spoken like a true homeschooler.

  4. Honestly in middle school I was too old for Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny, so why were people still telling me fairy tails about Columbus Day and Thanksgiving.  I'm still pissed that I never heard a peep about the various massacres after reconstruction that happened where black people were gaining wealth.  I had to learn about that stuff for the first time from a HBO show in my 40's 

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  5. @AbsolutSurgen @sblfilms according to this article the WP article published her full name and not the phone number or full address just the city she lived in.



    See multiple perspectives from The Daily Wire, Newsweek, and Washington Post at AllSides.com.

    According to the article, the woman’s name and phone number were used in the publicly available registration of LibsofTikTok.us last October. Notably, the article did not publish the woman's phone number or address despite their public availability.


  6. 10 hours ago, sblfilms said:


    Small children don’t die at any alarming rate, so saying something is a top 10 child killer is pretty meaningless. If Covid affected all ages the way it affects young children, we wouldn’t bother with literally any of the things we’ve done the last two years.

    And guess what the chickenpox vaccine does that the Covid vaccine doesn’t? Prevents infection in the vast majority of patients after two doses (90%+!). This presents both a personal benefit and a public health benefit.

    As a parent who lost a child I really hope you don't have to go through that and hear some asshole say that small children don't die at an alarming rate.


    And as the foster parent of a under 5 child considered medically fragile, we would like her to be able to go places eventually and not have to wait for the magic switch to be flipped inside of her for her immune systems to work better with the vaccine when she turns 5 in August.


    I love it when people talk about other people as statistics and loose their humanity. (mostly talking about Nate Silver here)

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  7. 4 hours ago, Nokra said:

    As an alternative to stuffy Episcopalians, might I suggest Lutherans, particularly the ELCA? They're pretty progressive (female pastors, support LGBTQ, etc.) and have been known to indulge in beer drinking. :p

    I belonged to a ELCA church growing up and I had very fond memories of doing church activities.  Fast forward to my entire family moving to NC and none of us are affiliated with a church and every church I see down here that say they are a Lutheran church are either pentecostal or Missouri synod

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