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Bad news from Florida


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I have so many questions... Did this guy only order Uber eats just so he could kill this dude? If that's true, judging by the whole "body parts in trash bags" thing, I would bet large amounts of money that this guy is a serial killer and missing persons cases near every place this guy has ever lived need to be reexamined.


Come to think of it, if I were a serial killer, ordering something on Uber eats seems like a very convenient way to get someone to my house. That's kind of terrifying. Just remember that you are many, many, many times more likely to die from driving itself than you are from getting murdered on the job. Driving is just about the most dangerous thing anyone ever does in their lives and they do it every day.


In most of the country, only a little more than half of murder cases ever get solved (in some states it's as low as 35%). And those are just the cases that actually get ruled a murder. There are many more people that just... disappear. No body = no murder.

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