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Posts posted by GameDadGrant

  1. 19 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

    I found this game pretty boring. I didn't find it gorgeous at all, it felt like some gimmick indie title where they asked the question "What if we slapped a bunch of shitty, ugly filters all over some sprite work?" and that was the limit to their creative endeavor.

    That was the limit? No sir. The game is called OCTOPATH TRAVELER. 


    Who names their game that? 


    Creative people.



  2. On 4/3/2019 at 12:57 PM, Bloodporne said:

    One of my favorite series ever but I'm assuming this won't be more than the Wii bundle with upped resolution most likely, right? 

    Perhaps. But there would be major re-working of the controls, at least for Corruption. That game was designed around the Wiimote, and I’m not sure how that would translate to the Switch’s more traditional controller(s).


    10 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

    You're also right.  But in some ways I wish it also got the ALBW treatment.  Or at least a New Game +.

    NG+ would be very welcome. We don’t know everything about the game yet, so who knows...maybe it does have that mode! Or something similar.

  3. 6 hours ago, NeoJoe said:

    If they remake Link to the Past, I will seriously consider buying a Switch for it. It's one of my all time favorite games ever and have replayed more times that I can remember. But if it's just a port then forget it. :p

    Why do you not have a Switch already? :confused:


    You should get one for the Link’s Awakening remake. I honestly believe it’s a far better game than A Link To The Past


    Worth the price of admission for sure! :D 

  4. 2 hours ago, TheLeon said:

    I think I’ve started this game on three different platforms, but never finished it. It’s on my list to revisit some day. 

    Same for me. I respect that people enjoy the game so much, but I can’t ever seem to be compelled enough to actually finish it. 

  5. I’m genuinely enjoying this conversation so far. Mostly the last couple of responses. But please do try to keep it civil, y’all. 


    On topic, I’ve never had a bad experience when actively buying a game. Way back in the day, Street Fighter II hit the SNES. After saving up my money, my mom took me to the mall to get it. I bought the game, no problem, but my sisters were hungry so we stopped in the food court before leaving. I didn’t want to sit around, so I asked if I could go in the arcade which was connected to the food court. I left all my stuff there with my family and played some

    games. They actually came to get me after a few minutes, and I asked for my Street Fighter II I had just bought. My mom said “You didn’t bring it with you? Must be back at the table, then!”


    A rush of fear and panic washed over me as I darted over to the food court where they were to find...nothing. Table was cleared, chairs were put back and nothing sitting on them or under. Apparently my game was gone. Some lucky S.O.B. just happened upon an unguarded, brand-new, $70+ copy of Street Fighter II. I was devastated. 


    I slinked back to my family, and kind of gave a half-hearted shrug. The game was gone. Whoever took it was undoubtedly long gone, and definitely NOT gonna give it to the mall’s Lost and Found (assuming they even had one of those) I just wanted to go home.


    Suddenly, my mom shoves the game into my arms. Astonished and confused, I look up to her, and she says; “Always look after your things. Don’t assume anyone else will for you.” 





    It was a hard lesson to learn. But I learned it hard that day, lol. 

  6. 8 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


    The levels were different in the arcade Contra. Not only that but since the arcades were designed to munch quarters, Contra Arcade always felt cheap. I've had Contra on 360 since it released to Live Arcade way back in the day, and I've never really liked it. Give me NES Contra any day.

    Yeah, agreed. I have both the arcade and NES versions of Contra on DS/3DS, and I much prefer the NES version. Not that the arcade game isn't fun, but like you said; it's cheap. 

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