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Posts posted by AshsToAshs

  1. Extremely excited for this!

    1. It's by the team that did Odyssey, which was the only AC that I liked of the previous 3 mainline games. 

    2. It's also the first AC game that no longer has to support the PS4/Xbone generation. Curious to see what that might allow them to do without those limitations.


    Gameplay is expected to be shown at the Ubisoft Forward on June 10th.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Makes sense that "Gearbox SF" wasn't included in the deal, considering that it was previously Perfect World which was bought by Embracer and then it seemed like Embracer forced it to be rebranded (I feel like they were trying to do something like Zenimax/Bethesda with this). 


    I would be worried if I was at Gearbox SF, as I'm not familiar with too many recent successes from them.


    Also very happy to see that Gearbox Frisco wasn't shuttered like so many other Embracer owned studios. Makes sense that Take2 would grab them, considering they have produced so much together previously.

  3. Quote

    Hellgate's original creator Bill Roper has announced he's working on a brand new Hellgate game under his new studio Lunacy Games. Roper's new studio Lunacy Games signed a licensing agreement with HanbitSoft, a Korean publisher who published the 2018 re-release of Hellgate: London, to make a new "AAA" Hellgate game


    Hellgate: London creator Bill Roper's new studio Lunacy Games have announced they're working on a new triple-A Hellgate…



    I'm so ready to be disappointed again!

    Who still has their copy?



  4. I think i'm about 15ish hours into the game so far. I'm lvl 20. 


    This game feels like Assassin's Creed Odyssey + Yakuza style relationship systems + better combat. 


    Things im liking so far:

    • Gear system: I've seen some reviewers complain about the overwhelming amount of loot. I find this loot system to be very similar to AssCreed Odyssey, in that you are gonna get a TON of stuff, and then if you are someone that gets some joy out of min maxing stat upgrades on loot there is a TON to play with here.
    • Taking down forts/bases: If you're someone that enjoyed taking down all the forts in AssCreed maps, this is going to feel similar.
    • Relationship systems: There are a TON of characters to meet in this game, and with some of them you can increase your "bond" with them by giving them gifts and talking with them. Some of these characters can assist you as an ally on some missions, and depending on how high your bond with them is will directly impact how strong they are in that mission. This has actually been a lot of fun for me. 
    • Colleting things: at the end of the day, like most open world games, this is a collectathon. There are cats to pet, chests to find, fugitives to hunt down, photos to take, etc. And the game does a good job incentivizing you to do it, by giving you clear progress bars of how much you've done in a given area, and by giving you bonuses for completing everything in a given area.
    • The combat: I'm a baby when it comes to parry-based combat games. I'm not good at them. By the time I got to the first boss fight in this game, I instantly needed to turn the game to easy mode. Now, after having played a bit, and understanding the different combat styles of the different weapons, I'm feeling far more confident at the timings of things. And it is extremely satisfying to go up to a group, parry them, get the crit hit, and walk away feeling like a bad ass. (i'll note that i'm still BAD at parrying, but getting better).

    Things im disliking:

    • The AI is good in combat, but otherwise pretty dumb. They don't seem to react much to dead NPCs, they have pretty limited cones of vision. Taking down bases silently (which is something I loved to do in AssCreed games) feels a little too easy/dull in this game. I've opted to just go in full aggro mode now to most bases.
    • The Glider: the glider is AWESOME. It feels good, controls well, and you can pop in and out of it super easily. But it doesn't feel like the world was really designed with the glider in mind. I almost NEVER use it, unless I happen to be on top of a hill and need to go downhill. But it being used as a way to save time traveling is pointless because of my next point.
    • Fast Traveling: this game provides such a stupid amount of fast travel points. In most zones you are going to find 2 or 3 fast travel points, which is more than enough for how large the zones are. But in cities they give you a fast travel point like EVERY OTHER BLOCK! It's actually just annoying to find the icon I need on the map between all the fast travel icons. ITS FAR TOO MUCH!


    Other thoughts:

    • Graphics: yeah, the graphics are not up to PS5 standards and it's weird that a PS5 exclusive doesn't look better. That said, do I think it looks bad? No. The world design just looks like its from an older gen console game. But some things, like the character models, armor, and weapons, do look pretty good. 
    • Co-op: You can play online co-op with 2 other real players, but only during missions (the same missions where you can bring along allies. So these players would replace the allies). I haven't tried it yet, but it feels... pointless? Those missions are usually pretty short. You are just clearing a base usually. 
    • Factions: This game has two factions, and makes you feel like you need to pick a side right away. But the vibe I get is you can work with both sides and it likely does not matter until you need to make a larger choice at some point later on.


    I'm sure I am forgetting some things. But that's it for now.

    • Thanks 4
    • Halal 3
  5. On 3/1/2024 at 3:01 PM, Jason said:


    I'm not trying to shit on accessibility features but I'm genuinely confused, if you need audio descriptions for the game...how are you playing the game in the first place???

    To my limited understanding, the visually impaired gaming community is able to play a lot of games if the game utilizes good audio queues.
    It's likely that they could already play this game a bit, as the game has pretty good audio queues for steps and web "thwips", and the additional audio descriptions seem to be for cut scenes. Skip to around 4min in this video to see it in action: 


  6. 5 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    Are the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers impactful enough that I should consider getting a DualSense controller for Sony exclusives?

    IMO I find them fun when they are used for occasional mini games.

    But if they game constantly uses them for core gameplay, I hate it.


    Astro was really just a series of different minigames, and I found the triggers to be fun there.

    But Spiderman, for example, uses them for EVERY web swing, and I hated that.

    • Thanks 1
  7. The fact that both Nintendo and Tropic Haze are now asking the judge to say yes to following feels weird:


    Developing or distributing software, including Yuzu, that in its ordinary course functions only when cryptographic keys are integrated without authorization, violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s prohibition on trafficking in devices that circumvent effective technological measures, because the software is primarily designed for the purpose of circumventing technological measures.

    (that's taken from the verge article linked above)


    This is tinfoil hat conspiracy talk, but that very much feels like Nintendo is telling Tropic Haze to go along with requesting this statement in exchange for not having to get sued for a harsher fine.


    EDIT: also, if the judge goes along with that statement, then every "bring your own BIOS" emulator is now going to less legal.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Play them on the Xbox Series X. They are backwards compatible.

    Otogi is backwards compatible, yeah.

    There are a handful of truly exclusive original Xbox games that never became backwards compatible.


    Toejam and Earl 3 is one of those. A game no one really cares about, but I have a mild amount of nostalgia for. 

    • Halal 1
  9. On 3/3/2024 at 9:37 AM, Greatoneshere said:

    ... not sure why Xbox Original is tough to emulate given it's old but maybe it's because of unique hardware architecture...

    My basic understanding of why the original Xbox never got good emulators are:
    1. The community around it was never that big, especially outside of America.

    2. The original Xbox was so incredibly easy to mod, that most of the diehards of that community are satisfied with that.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 5 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


    Nintendo kinda fucked themselves with a potential Mario Kart 9 though. It would have to be pretty damn amazing to get players away from their 50+ tracks in MK8.

    Nah, MK9 could have like 10% of the tracks of MK8, but as long as it has one more unique character people will go nuts for it.


    And then Nintendo will get to charge for all those tracks again :)

  11. My launch game predictions:

    • Mario Kart 9 - they haven't made a new one since the Wii U, and MK8 is the best selling Switch title of all time. This one is a no brainer IMO.
    • Mario Odyssey 2/new Mario 3D Platformer - First Odyssey came out a few months after the initial Switch launch. I'm betting we see the same with the Switch 2.
    • Way more 3rd party AA/AAA support - You're about to see every 3rd Party PS4 game that couldn't run on the Switch 1, now release on the Switch 2. 

    Everyone that is putting Prime 4 on your predictions lists, stop letting Nintendo disappoint you. 

  12. I've played about 8 hours of it over the past week. 

    It's great.

    The combat in particular feels very tight.

    I think a lot of the puzzle rooms are cleaver and well designed.

    And it runs buttery smooth.


    The only part I have had issue with is the story/writing.

    Sometimes it feels a little long winded, and (for me personally) not super interesting.

    But the voice performances are well done.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, best3444 said:

    A few things I don't like about this game are:


    - The music (just awful)

    - The characters 

    -voice acting

    - lack of solid sound effects

    - sloppy vehicle controls

    - I don't like V at all


    So those are big issues I have that prevent me from playing 2.0. Starfield is a much better game in all regards to me. Yes, to me, which is my opinion. 


    That being said, I'll suck it up and play Liberty because the reviews are stellar. 



    A bit surprising to me.


    Having played around 5ish hours of Starfield, and now playing 8ish hours of Cyberpunk for the first time, I kinda feel the opposites in all regards.


    I think the biggest contrasting difference to me is that Cyberpunk does such a better job at showing character motivations.

    In Starfield, characters seems just so unrealistically written. "oh, you touched a magic rock? have my whole spaceship and robot." "Hey I run a bar and I've never met you until now, but you wanna break into a warehouse for me?".

    In Cyberpunk, I understand all of the characters motivations for the actions they are choosing. 


    Also kinda think the voice acting might be some of the best I've ever experienced. Especially the female V.
    (noting here: not trying to invalidate your opinion on the game at all. just surprising how different we both perceive the game)

    • Like 1
  14. 20 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Surprised this didn't turn up in this thread



    Bethesda's epic space RPG Starfield is right around the corner and springing leaks left and right, with one 'Boundary Reached' message causing some concern among fans.


    You guys are slipping.

    No Mans Sky nerds are upset there aren't more games with planets filled with nothing for them to walk endlessly in.

    • True 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    were aiming to create a Polynesian action-adventure that combined traits from two all-time beloved games: the mystery-filled Elden Ring and Nintendo's sea-faring The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    I loved the first Fenyx rising game. It wasn't a GOTY, but it was good dumb fun. 

    I really love the team that made this game too. Hope they get to work on something more original soon.

    • True 1
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