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Everything posted by unogueen

  1. I'm sure we're all aware of the all too ineffectual liberal tactic of correcting spelling as political praxis, but why is it that it's so peculiarly in the American discourse that the bourgeoisie refuse to budge in deference to a system that only has consistently failed them domestically and abroad for so long? Not to make this a blanket statement, because there are large pockets of population where the threat of government is very real everyday *cough*. The local media at the least is not shy about showing SOME of the discord around the world, why is there a failure to find the reflection in the image? Is the reticence really just bread and circuses? Because that loaf is getting shorter and shorter no matter how stupid the circus gets.
  2. I think a central hypothesis is handy during trying times. It doesn't have to be cloying, just enough 'makes sense' not to jump off the edge once in a while.
  3. I love weird. Who doesn't? There's the mesmerizing view of a siamese twin, then there''s that strange talk during a smoke break.
  4. https://www.resetera.com/threads/this-milk-first-thing-is-fake-right.575263/ Eat shit and die.
  5. Duck/Goose is an ideal steak replacement.
  6. People are out there sucking marrow from bone, and elon will take them to their deaths. what are we up to?
  7. Please heed this warning. You are your body. Your mind is there to justify things.
  8. A multi step process. Gotta wonder what that wendy's is about.
  9. Chinese Imperial Yellow Deep Plate | Vanderven WWW.VANDERVEN.COM Chinese Imperial Yellow Deep Plate from the 19th century
  10. Braised short ribs and the memory of a tart curry from an irish spot decades before:
  11. Don't matter. sentiment is a far cry from a body shield.
  12. Emotional labour is a nursing term, to prepare and engender empathy for the inevitable and all too close contact with complete strangers, nevermind their shit families and shit co-workers. Having your feelings hurt has nothing to do with it.
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