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Posts posted by BloodyHell

  1. 18 minutes ago, Brick said:


    Never, eh? There's quite a few easy ones out there like Hellblade, and the Infamous games. 

    Never. I usually, outside of pandemics, don’t have a lot of time to play. So i play a game until I beat it and move on most of the time, unless it’s a game I love. I love this game.


    I’ve never played hellblade, I tried the first infamous and didnt love it so I never got the others, and ive never played a telltale game.

  2. 17 hours ago, Brick said:

    I didn't think I would even bother with the Platinum, but by the end of the game I had only a few ravens and other things to collect I figured I might as well. It really is a great game. 

    Thats my thing. I need a few ravens and a few treasure digs for the plat. Ive never, ever platinum’d a game, but this one is just so easy.

  3. 2 hours ago, Brick said:

    Don't forget to make the Infinity Gauntlet ;)

    Already did. I Just beat the Valkyrie Queen. 

    i just need about 30 ravens and some treasure hunts for the platinum. Gonna use one save to finish that up, and start a second NG+ on Hard so I can get my Zeus and Ares sets. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

    Make it like the worst pay to win gaming stuff.


    Make it so you have to pay 10 cents per month for every character over 20 you want on your limit.


    That way we can dumb America down even more. Having the national discourse confined within 144 letters is just way too nuanced and complicated. We can go dumber.

    Its actually 288, isn’t it? I don’t use it, but I seem to remember they doubled it some time ago

  5. Definitely can’t wait for the next game, because this is such an incredible experience. Hopefully it will be within a year or so of launch. 3-4 years development should be doable, now that they have built the structure of the game. Part 2 is now my most anticipated game.

  6. Man, I have Kratos up to about level 8.5, and he feels like his proper godly self. I destroyed one more Valkyrie tonight. I only have Rota and  Hildr left. Im about to upgrade my last piece of Ivaldi armor for the last time, then ill do the last two tomorrow, before I start trying to kill the queen. The end game side content in this  game is amazing. 

    once I beat the Queen, I'm going to start a ng+ so I can get the Ares and Zeus sets. Doesn’t seem right for Kratos not to have them. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

    I didn't think it was hard just often irritating until quite a bit into the game when you had more tools available to quickly demolish their often enormous health bars. That's one really weird thing about the game I always thought. It takes several full combos to kill a regular grunt. 

    Definitely, at least until you fet Epic gear upgraded and max out your weapons. And even then some grunts are health sponges

  8. My Smoldering Brimstone Armor set is badass at level 6, can’t wait till its fully upgraded. I may try to platinum this game. For the first time ever. Unlike most games that have a bunch of side content I don’t give a shit about -like Ellie’s cards- 90% of the extra content in this game are actually fun. Especially the Valkyrie fights and the side quests. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

    Ah yeah I meant that in a good way. Those trials were actually really fun unlike many other games who do this kind of shit because I felt myself steadily and noticeably improving. Flinging enemies off the cliff while doing fifty other cool things at once was incredibly fun.

    I just found it easy because I’m always getting ruinic health bursts.

  10. 15 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    Just because you just beat it and OP hasn't played it, I'd put that in spoilers.


    Fire Realm is a lot of fun! I'd think it would get frustrating, but the combat is so good that you don't feel like the AI is playing by different rules.

    Done, sorry about that. 


    the combat is incredible. At the beginning it seemed so slow, now im a Valkyrie killing machine (ok, I only killed 3 so far). 

    And once you get the second weapon, the combat choices become never ending. 

    Imo, it’s one of the best games I have ever played. 

    The whole ending was incredible as well. 


    Kratos taking off his wrappings, giving Atreus the ashes to carry, the scene in the temple where they find out hus mother was Laufey, and then the end, the two of them with her ashes. 

    And that dream/prophesy, damn! I hope the second game comes out early in PS5’s life. I can’t wait to go on a god killing spree with my son. 


  11. 21 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


    I don't know how much further he is from that 7-8 hour mark, but I can't wait until he gets further a head and meets that new character.

    I actually beat tge main story late last night. Now i’m working on The Fire Realm trials.  I loved Mimir, and listening to his stories. 


    The Loki reveal was amazing as well. And the scene with Thor in Atreus prophecy/dream, wow! 


    I would love to see the end to this pandemic, but damn, it’s been cool to have time for games.

  12. I am shocked at how amazing this game is. I enjoyed the original trilogy, but Kratos was just a rage machine with no personality.  Everything about this, the combat, the story, the RPG elements. This is probably the best game I’ve played this generation. 

  13. 1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    For me the controls felt like a natural evolution of what the PS3 games' controls would be in modern times. The game still FELT like God of War to me even though it had a more modern control scheme and the game was in full 3D. I was actually surprised at how well the game played and how much it felt like an action game. I think I need to kill one or two more Valkryies in that game.

    So far I think its the best GoW by far. Im only 7-8 hours in, but I love it. Took me a bit to get into the combat, but once i got more abilities I loved it.

  14. 7 hours ago, Jason said:


    Is the control scheme reasonably representative of modern action-adventure (or at least similar PS4) games? Maybe I'm just out of touch with the current thinking on how these sorts of games should control.


    But for comparison, the PS4 Spider-Man game's controls felt really natural to me, other than the occasional wonkiness with stuff like running around on buildings and whether or not the auto-ledge-grab stuff would engage the way you were anticipating.

    It’s a very deliberate combat. Kinda like Souls light, where the originals were hack and slash.

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