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Posts posted by heydude93

  1. This game is unfinished, but imagine the fury of gamers if it was delayed again. From a glass half full perspective console owners have early access to the version that'll be done probably/hopefully sometime early next year.  Until then I'm having fun putting the main story missions on hold while grinding side content and exploring the amazing-looking environments that were clearly poured over.  

  2. There's definitely some I can't recall rn or find on my subscription list, but...


    ActualJake, Hannah & Jake


    Bob Ross


    Ahrelevant (mainly via twitch, but he started a youtube channel recently )




    Skeleton Network

    First we Feast



  3. The prospect of reading Greatoneshere's eloquent movie reviews always make me look forward to lurking and posting when I do.  And the stuff with sbifilms's theater, fox news appearance and that documentary is some tip-top D1P lore and second only to the trump presidency in terms of the most interesting things to talk about here recently that I know of (still plenty of drama I haven't discovered yet though tbf). 


    If y'all don't come back within a couple months I may or may not know someone who can hire a deep web kidnapper and extorter who's a bit more persuasive...



    • Like 3
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    • Haha 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

    The thing to remember is that the vast majority of people who voted for Trump are not the "put a bullet in their skull" variety. 70 million people voted for Trump. Trump's vote among POC actually increased since 2016. They are not a monolith.


    The point being, there is a base of people that the Democrats clearly do not speak to. Democrats need to be better.


    Whatever their reasons for voting his ticket are, Trump supporters of all walks of life showed the non grayscale world that they suck at middleschool history class knowledge.  They're either ruled by self-interest, or have terribly unevolved critical thinking skills. There might've been hope for one time Trump supporters, but it's extremely difficult to give any benefit of the doubt to anyone who remained on board, and there will be long term effects of this for some time.  


    Your second point...do you think Biden is a radical democrat?  The base you're hinting sounds like republicans at best which is kinda the opposite of what democrats are about.  Are you saying anyone who voted for Trump twice would be in favor of social democratic policies?




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