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Posts posted by heydude93

  1. 4 hours ago, johnny said:

    i couldn’t tell you one overwatch or tekken character. WTF at that comparison lol 


    Living in a cultural bubble might have its perks I guess, but it's baffling to me that anyone with basic interest of video games wouldn't recognize Heihachi and Tracer alone and that's just going on popularity-level, not appreciation of inspired character designs.


    Tbf I'll concede that Street Fighter might've been better for that comparison, but whatever.

  2. 1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


    Writer/director Gore Verbinski's (The Ring, Pirates trilogy, Rango) R-rated adaptation of Bioshock into a film sounded awesome, but was cancelled due to a ballooning budget and his demand for an R-rating (I think an R-rating is needed, and of course you need a big budget). A series is even better, would have loved to have seen that film though.



    And guess what? It rules.



    Was this the version of the movie initially pitched as "So...does Rapture need to be underwater?"


    EDIT: Definitely not. That screenplay does sound awesome. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Ominous said:

    I eat delicious food every day. But I also make sure not to indulge every meal. And when you burn 1500+ calories running you can have your cake and eat 2 of them. 


    True, increased activity buys more calories in meals. If you're regularly doing athlete-level workouts then you can eat what you want, when you want. It's seems almost like a cruel system when you think about it, but C'est la vie

  4. 5 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


    Normally I'd say "I'm not the one that has to do the proving or disproving. You're making the claim so the onus is on you to prove it." But I just conducted a little experiment for this conversation's sake.


    Question: Are Overwatch characters part of the cultural milieu outside of video games?


    Hypothesis: No. Most of my friends and family aren't gamers and I've never heard Overwatch discussion among them. Unlike other video games.


    Prediction: My wife, who is not a gamer, and who has seen me play Overwatch plenty of times over the years, will not be able to recognize an Overwatch character.

    Experiment: Show her an Overwatch character (the most-picked one on PC according to this site, at that) and ask her to name the character and/or what game they are from. To my non-shock, she could not name Ana, and she couldn't say that she recognized the character from something. I told her she's from Overwatch. "Oh."


    I didn't stop there, however. I took this question to my friends who are gamers on our small Discord server. Here are the results from the seven of us who play games with some frequency:




    Now, I expected the guy on there who I've played Overwatch with before to be able to answer that and he did. But I thought I'd get at least one more that could recognize her. I didn't.


    Note, I am not saying that Overwatch isn't popular or a behemoth in the industry. I'm not even saying the game itself isn't recognizable to some degree among non-gamers. I fucking love the game. But it's characters absolutely are not icons. My wife and friends recognize Mario and Master Chief and Scorpion. 100%. Those are icons.


    Nice quantitative analysis, bruh :p

  5. 54 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

    You guys must be high, Sigma 2 butchered the original and it wasn't even that amazing to begin with compared to the first one.


    They removed the insane gore and dismemberment, dialed down enemy counts majorly, increased health pools into sponge levels...the original had a certain flow of combat that was insane controlled chaos and actually fun. Sigma 2 plays much differently and is balanced even worse somehow. They removed portions of the levels even.


    I own them both and Sigma 2 is way altered and worse and the original was already heavily flawed.


    Sigma 1 isn't nearly as drastic but the original had a perfect flow and was a borderline impeccable game to me at least. When I bought Sigma, I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the original but It's nowhere near as much of a downgrade as Sigma 2. I just think the forced Rachel bits are lame specifically and they made some other goofy changes I didn't get the point of. 


    I think for anyone new to the series, Sigma 1 is perfectly fine and really fun, I just think it's a slightly lesser version of a GOAT game. Sigma 2 on the other hand, jesus. And I've never played NG3 because the demo back in the day sucked too hard.




    I don't disagree about Sigma 2.  The original was attempting something quite different with it's grindhouse martial arts movie-inspired dismemberment and a combat system based on tackling massive amounts of enemies at once.  S2 ditched that in favor of a return to more of the same combat in part one.  I don't think it's bad per se, but it is more of the same whereas NG2 was trying something new, and that makes it reasonable to be disappointed.  


    Regardless of how we feel though, Microsoft still owns the IP of Black and the original NG2, so those versions were never going to be in this collection.  But since gore was again added to the Vita port, maybe it will be present here, as unlikely as it seems (this collection definitely looks like it will be a portjob, similar to the Devil May Cry one)

  6. 23 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


    About as much labor for somebody to realize that I'm saying that Soldier76 and Eddy Gordo aren't iconic nor are they interesting.


    K. An opinion, and you're entitled to it, but I disgree! 


    Also it seems difficult to prove that MK, Overwatch and to a lesser extent Tekken characters aren't objectively well recognized and well received for the most part (both. within and beyond gaming culture), which was my point :sun:

  7. 10 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

    Is that the "Cole" character? MK9 is the only MK game I've played much since the 90's, so I didn't know if that was just a newer character.


    Could be wrong, but I looked it up and he seems to be a new character specific to the movie.



    The MK series is up there with Overwatch and Tekken as having arguably the most iconic and interesting characters in the medium. How the fuck is any screenwriter's first thought "none of these characters are interesting enough to be a protagonist" lmao


    EDIT: I guess it's possible there could be a twist at the end revealing them as one of the iconic characters...but why?

  8. Seems ok so far. The only thing that sucks...and it REALLY sucks...is the idea of making a superfluous new character for the story to revolve around. This is the kind of trope you ALWAYS see in bad video game adaptations and for that reason alone I'm fairly sure this will not be very good.

  9. 14 hours ago, stepee said:

    Did Sigma 2 on vita put back the full gore including the dismemberment? Because if not and they don’t add it back here then NG2 on X/SX at 4k/60 ripping apart enemies is still probably the best place to play it. 


    Edit: Didn’t they also reduce enemy count?


    There was a comprehensive rundown in some reddit post but /ninjagaiden seems to be down right now so I can't link it.  Basically, some weapons were removed, some added. Less emphasis on fighting large waves of enemies vs small groups who are tougher to fight one on one, added chapters where you play as another character, some removed enemies, added ones like the statue of Liberty and Buddha statue, and other various minor tweaks and changes.  It's all pretty subjective in terms of whether they make the game better or worse, but the censorship of the stylish gore is the main thing most will agree sucks and shouldn't have been changed.  Oddly it was still in the Vita version, so it's possible it could appear again in the upcoming one. But all the gameplay footage of Sigma 2 in the trailers seems to go out of its way to show moments from fights where there wouldn't be any gore, so I'm doubtful.

  10. How good/bad the changes are in the Sigma editions mostly comes down to personal taste but hopefully the bafflingly awful water effects in Sigma 1 and the purple mist "gore" in  2 are updated if nothing else.  The blood was added back into Sigma 2 on Vita, so it's possible.


    So far this looks like basic PS3 port...but even if it is at this point I'll take it. There's still no other action game that plays like any version of the 3D Ninja Gaiden's

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