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Posts posted by SimpleG

  1. 1 minute ago, mclumber1 said:


    Wouldn't putting all loan applications on hold completely fuck up secondary education?  I'm not saying your ideas aren't worth exploring or doing, but surely there are a bunch of negative ramifications people are not addressing if colleges stop getting paid for the services they are providing under the current funding mechanisms.  You can't magically do any of what you said without legislation, aside from putting loan apps on hold. 

    I am sure there is a fuck ton of issues that would arise.  The process can't continue down the same path it has been while we sit on our hands . And if I had to choose between colleges getting paid or people being able to live a respectable existence,  the choice is easy.

  2. Took me 10+ years to get my loans paid off. During those 10+ years there was times that I had to scrounge for food because there wasn't enough to pay for both. So why the fuck should people now get off without paying them?















































    Because no one should ever have to choose between food and school loans, like I did. 

    Kill that shit so people can move on without dragging the albatross around for the next 30+ years.

    • True 2
    • Halal 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    I was watching the new Iron Chef and they were talking about why Korea has good fried chicken and it's because the black US soldiers from the Korean war taught them how to make it. Did the Korean war have a lot of black folks in it? I know my dad was in the Korean war but never thought that was the reason why.

    And now I wanna have some Korean fried chicken. Sounds like they do it better than the pizza. :p

    It was just US soldiers in general but it didnt really start to boom until the late 60's and 70's as chicken was eaten that much and was expensive. Once "The Miracle Of The Han River" happened people started eating more chicken. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, Uaarkson said:

    So they cried wolf dozens of times, then the wolf actually showed up and killed a bunch of kids. Awesome.


    I worked with a client that had an active shooter alert system installed by the customers IT. It was horribly done and for the first year it would false alarm at least twice month. So they paid us to fix it, I fixed it and they ran a drill 2 days later. They called screaming bloody murder that it didnt work properly and if students or facility had died because of it, the lawsuits would be enormous. I show up and have the superintendent set it off, it goes off but less then half school evac. " You need to fix this NOW!" he says

    We walk through the halls and I show him its working but the most of the teachers just ignore it now. One teacher had stuffed towels into the speaker grill so they didnt have to hear it.

    • Guillotine 1
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