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Everything posted by Vitalsign

  1. The last Dem who ran for governor here was found in a hotel room covered in vomit with gay escorts on meth too drunk to talk. The FL Democratic Party is a comedy of buffoonery. Dems gonna be kissing those white boots soon.
  2. There is no shame in that. If it were not for a certain couple of medications, I would have no career. I have to give presentations to CEOs and elected officials. Without help, I wouldn't be able to do it physically.
  3. This place needs me, I answered the call. Everyone's been huffing their own farts too long.
  4. I ran across that picture the other day and it made think of you. When was that, like 2010?
  5. I voted straight GOP. Looks like the Dems might have lost Miami Dade, which is pretty amazing. Latinos are going for GOP. Florida may no longer be a swing state. I’ve had two friends who were Bernie voters vote DeSantis. He’s very popular here. This is the most pathetic I’ve seen the Democratic Party since the early 2000s. I eagerly look forward to a red sweep.
  6. Back on topic. I think the law is dumb. Federal loans is how we got into the tuition cost death spiral. They should be worse not better.
  7. Clearwater Beach, Florida is overrun with Canadians trying to escape the safety net up there right now. You can smell the ketchup chips in the air.
  8. Homogeneous societies are safer. However we value diversity here. Let us know when Canada figures out capital markets.
  9. I guess you can drive around in your Prius with a “Fuck Elon” bumper sticker next to the “CoExist” one. Meanwhile real Gs will be getting road head with Autopilot on.
  10. What does math tell you when you compute ”Black guy from Chicago”?
  11. You are right, he’s big dummy. Definitely a product of white supremacy and the patriarchy.
  12. That’s fair. I would like more manual things like glovebox release and on windshield speedometer.
  13. Some would say going to that much college is pretty stupid but I'm not one of them!
  14. Elon is awesome. He could have cashed his chips in long before Paypal and lived on an island somewhere, but he parlayed his fortune over and over and it paid off bigly. Sure he's probably a dick head, he's the wealthiest human on the planet. Steve Jobs was an infamous douchebag, even to his own child, and he's is praised to this day by the tofu eating Whole Foods crowd. Beyond the one liners, watch the Tesla AI demo days videos on Youtube, the guy is a genius. Anyone denying that is simping for some social virtue signaling.
  15. Show me what good fucking looks like and I'll show you how to shit.
  16. I got a Performance Model 3 in 2019 and I don't think I'll ever own a non Tesla again. The car is still a pure joy to drive and I look forward to every red light and 0-60 feels like a jet plane taking off.
  17. I've reached the age of 45. Some of my younger friends, one who is 31, likes to talk about sex with his wife. What once would sound exciting now sounds exhausting and a huge pain in the ass. He has yet to know the joy of a Metamucil bowel movement and a 1 wiper. I pity the young.
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