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Posts posted by HardAct

  1. 2 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Personally I'm ready. It's always when the next card comes out we all say wait for the next one. Well, we're gonna keep waiting and waiting that upgrade is never going to come. :p

    I hear ya! I'm ready and willing to spend 12-1300 bucks on one of the great triple fanned cards like the MSI one. No way I'm paying 2+ though, so I will wait for things to calm down, but after that, totals looking like 2600 for a great future proof PC to take me into this / next gen in style. I know I'll never make it all the way to the 30 series cards no way. I did very well to make it past the 1080Ti, thus getting a  great run out of my 980Ti. So a thought? Is the 8700k i7 still the CPU gamer of choice this gen?

  2. On 10/9/2018 at 6:40 AM, Keyser_Soze said:

    Going for the 4K.

    I'm pretty much still rocking your 980.


    In any case I should have looked before I posted that because looking like the ti versions of those cards are sold out pretty much everywhere. :p

    Yea it's simply crazy shit out there right now. I planned all along to just build my next PC around a I7 8700k, 16 gigs 3200, and a 2080Ti. It will be some time until these prices come down. I think I might just see if I can wait another year and get a 3080Ti. I just have been fixed around building this next PC and waiting this long has been hard. I want to fully use this 4k Tv and I'm not able to now. I will honestly say, that a lot of 4k gaming is possible with my 980Ti and it really has been a GREAT card hands down.


    It'll be another 14 months at least till we see 30 series cards right?

  3. On 9/25/2018 at 8:22 PM, Paperclyp said:

    Most used game mom and pop shops I’ve been to have always been very nice and honest about their old stuff. They’ll usually have a pretty upfront policy. 


    They make a range of tech to converting the SNES video output to modern TVs, but I personally think the easiest way is to just have a CRT TV on hand.

    This is what I did up till I gave my old Sony Wega 34" HD CRT tv to my son. I have regretted it ever since. Though the damned thing weighed nearly 200lbs no joke! I also gave my extra Dreamcast to MadKevin and have slowly been deciding to get rid of my most prided stuff all in their original boxes, ala: Nes, SNES, Atari 2600, Genesis, Intellivision, dreamcast, and many more. After the complete remodel of my basement into our gaming movie theater, there was no room for it. You can find a cheap crt tv somewhere too. Maybe 100 bucks and you'll find a TV and SNES on ebay. Maybe craigslist the TV as shipping would kill you . . lol 

  4. On 10/8/2018 at 12:27 AM, Xbob42 said:

    Like absolute fucking shit. It, no joke would go single digits relatively often, and looked worse than a badly compressed, 2009-era Youtube video about half the time.


    In docked it was okay. Not amazing, but okay.


    In handheld it was basically unplayable unless you have literally no standards and are maybe a little slow.


    So by virtue of merely asking this question, I can already tell your standards will be too high to enjoy this game in handheld, because it is easily the worst game on the system for that mode.


    On 10/8/2018 at 5:36 AM, Ghost_MH said:


    Thanks guys, this is what I needed to hear. I can't just ignore a game no matter how good it is if it runs like shit. This is what I needed to here, appreciated!

  5.       I only play my Switch in handheld mode and have been eyeing Xenoblade 2 for some time. I never played the first one, but always wondered / and wanted to. This game would be a great time killer as it's a huge game from what I hear. Honestly though I have been a bit underwhelmed by a few titles that many ppl rave about on this little hand held gem of a system.


        SO! Just how well in the game in your opinions does it play this way, and hell why not. It it as good as it look and all. I loved Zelda, I'm really wanting some opinions here. The Switch has actually been getting some serious time lately, and for me that's a big thing. Still trucking through Dead Souls, Hollow Knight, and Bastion {yes, I know but I never beat it. I own it on everything and it's brother but never finished Bastion} So Xenoblade 2 worth the time to put on my Switch?

    • Confused 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    Then you probably shouldn't be looking at one :p 

    Better off just going for the 2080 non-ti, IMO.

    Just keep talking myself into not jumping on the 2080Ti first editions, and it's so much more easier to do when you can't even get one! I'll be gaming up there with you and Vic soon enough, just trying against all hope not to jump before looking, I know the end result. It's always the same . .  

  7.    Not looking to spend that much on a 1080Ti. There everywhere for 450-750, but that's 1/2 the price of a 2080Ti give or take. I'm not cheap, {actually never even used a piece from a previous PC towards my new one, let alone used GPUs}  I always buy name brand shit, but I just can't do that kinda price if the best {though sold out, and no after market cards yet either} is just another 400+. Looks like the PC I'm thinking about if I go all out new, and give my Gamer to the wife going from scratch is about 2600. That's do'able but seems like just waiting a little bit could save me a few hundred or so, or at least give me far more options.


       These cards aren't even in peoples hands yet, yet alone the vender cards with better OC and cooling etc. I'm just really itching to play with the Tech that I have invested in mainly 4k / 60 and not compromise. I know that blindly jumping out of excitement isn't a good thing, and patience almost always rewards the consumer, I'm just really ready to push these games and not have it kill FPS. I do not care about over 60, but 60 is a good mark to have as a standard!

  8. any of you Awesome gamers out there coming from a 1080Ti to a 20series card wanna part with there old card at a good deal ? Not asking for a handout, but I really wanna upgrade to 4k/30 at least and Forza 4 is crushing my hopes of getting anything more than that. It's showing @4k fps are all over the place in ultra settings shadows to medium im getting above 30 at least with my I7 4790k, 32gigs 1800 ddr4, 980 ti. I don't mind the cost as I tend to ride my rigs for at least 5 years, usually longer. I feel a 2080Ti down the road will be a beast paired with 8700k and 16 gigs of say 3200 ddr4. A PC like that would ride me off well into the future @4k mostly 60fps! I think I need to build the PC but find a deal on a 1080Ti to hold me over, then I just swap out the new card say a year later?


    Any sellers out there?

  9. 34 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    Get good


    Get a car that doesn’t oversteer: mid engine and rear wheel drive.

    I joined Day One Patch Racing, deleted the other one!


    I find that using a controller i hold the left {steer} stick up and then steer using smaller movements, unless the road require it to be more of course. I find this makes it less touchy and thus less over-steer, at least to me. Having it just in the middle and rocking it left and right for the most part cause me to turn to much!

  10.      Man I'm just itching to build a new Gaming PC. Knowing the cost is just making me spin my wheels, now for about 6 months. I know it's time but to justify a 1200 dollar card is hard with all that's happened to us in the last year or so. I may not be able to do it, but I will not unless it's a 2080Ti period. If I stick to my guns, this alone might make me wait for a very long time! Cant wait to see the 2080Ti cards from other venders, at least I can look forward to pictures and amazing testimonials from everyone and their dog! I will build my next PC with the top card out there this time. My 980Ti is still trucking along well enough. But having all 4k TV's in my house isn't helping that's for sure!

         I might just have to build with a 1080Ti I find on the cheap {anyone? :twothumbsup:} and upgrade after the cards have been out for some time . . . 

  11. 30 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

    Age of Empires IV gameplay.

    Ohhhh that grabbed my attention! Love Age of Empires.


          Honestly if games are important to you, and you could care less about who a games console is played on {controller bias aside} as long as it's quality through out. Then we the "GAMERS" are in for one hell of a ride finishing these consoles out {ps4 and xbox} and through the next generation what ever there called!


          We know Microsoft is invested, and has really closed the gap from the launch of the Xbox One! No arguing, Sony has been on an AMAZING roll and isn't looking to coast. I don't Fucking care in the least, and anyone who knows me knows it. It's the GAMES not the NAMES to me.


           I own a Gaming PC, Switch, PS4Pro and an Xbox X. To me, I believe the next 5-7 years counting this Year will be mind blowing! Competition is a Very Good thing! I've never had Sony console without an Xbox console to pair it with, except when the Ps1 launched and it's competition was only Nintendo. Even then, I had what ever was available at the time. Trolls, and talking shit talking aside, we live in a good time if you honestly call yourself a "GAMER"! Piece . . . 

  12. 2 hours ago, mikechorney said:

    I even provided a link to the existing club up above....

    I followed the link it takes you to clubs in Xbox live. If I'm missing something then I'm sorry, but I didn't see where it was a Forza Horizon 4 Club? I searched and looked, I clicked follow, etc. It's no biggie to me at all. Didn't want the Club name and tag {D1P} to be used / gone. I'll gladly switch, and or hand over privileges etc. I'm no club leader / moderator type I can assure you!


    So it's:

    Club: Day1Patch

    Tag: D1P

  13. Ok,

    I saw the dayonepatch club on xbox live and I'm following now. There was NO Day1Patch (in the game f4) forza club so I made one, it's open to the public and The / Our tag is D1P.


    If this stepped on anyone's toes I apologize. I dont mind turning it over to someone who's better equipped to manage a club. If we dont want this one to be the official one. I'll move to the one we vote on, or relinquish control, or add people to manage the one I made. 


    It's just me in there guys. So what do we ALL want?

  14. On 9/25/2018 at 3:26 PM, Emblazon said:

    Curious if I should play this on PC...

    you have the option at anytime! It's play anywhere! I co back and forth from Xbox one x to PC on Forza 3 all the time! I truely wish Black ops 4 was this way too :(, but I understand. 


    Just spent 99.99 on the Ultimate Edition as I know you will in no dought get your moneys worth on this title. It's too important to microsoft, and production value is alway very high! See you all on the road!

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