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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Apparently the woman who says that is the succubus who was willing to marry Stephen Miller.
  2. A lot of Democrats will unironically say "good, Bernie isn't a Democrat" while ignoring Bloombie spending billions to get Toomey reelected.
  3. I think I only got one Bloomberg mailer, might have been because I didn't change my registration to Democrat until a couple of weeks before the deadline.
  4. Markets rally as the Dow closes up nearly 1,200 points on hopes of a Biden nomination and a coronavirus spending deal in Congress lol it's going to drive Trump fucking nuts that the markets are responding positively to Biden
  5. The point is Republicans never feel bound by "it won't happen" so the Democrats guarantee a perpetual rightward slide by always starting with the "realistic" position. The way to get these more "realistic" outcomes to actually happen is to start by swinging for the bleachers.
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