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Posts posted by BuckFly

  1. Mike Tomlin should now wisely be preparing to play either Monday or Tuesday.


    I finally get what looks like it might be a great season out my team and our next two games are against the "We are going to do whatever we want, whenever we feel like it, league regulations be damned" Raiders and then the "Raise your hand if any of you around here DON'T have COVID" Titans.


    Both games on the road.



  2. 5 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    Also funny the Vikings were one of the first go get it. This Kirk Cousins quote has aged badly



    Minnesota Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins said he is not worried about the coronavirus. "If I die, I die," he said during a recent interview. "I kind of have peace about that."




    He's been dying since kickoff on the 13th.  amirite, amirite?!   Ah, this is fun.  


    ...i'm gonna go away now.

  3. 3 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    @BuckFly oh it’s small but if Allen can outplay Wilson when they meet and Bills have best record in the AFC, it’s possible. 



    Cam looks great.  i would take this year's New England team over last team that got to 8 or 9 and 0.  


    Man-o-man...Bills and Pats, Steelers and Ravens, battling for their divisions.  Meanwhile I am not sure if the Titans are going to hang on over the Colts, and then the world champions in the West, with the Raiders playing great ball.


    Throw in the Browns and there are 9 teams going after 7 spots.  


    ...I don't know why I though it was going to be easier than this before the season...because it most assuredly isn't.  

  4. 10 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    @BuckFly I put a small bet on Allen winning MVP. Still won’t watch Buffalo play though. 



    I hear ya, Manny.  However, please make it a very small bet...my goodness as good as I always though Russell was how in the world can he be better than he has ever been...I mean, seriously!  


    I know he wouldn't be the same RW in what was an F'd up Bills organization for so many years, but when the Bills moved up in the third round I thought for sure it was to get WIlson, who I and many others wanted there in the third round to eventually take over for Fitz.


    ...TJ Graham...they moved up to get TJ Graham...his last year in the league was 2015...

  5. 10 hours ago, sblfilms said:

    Is that an illegal move? Because it seems like it should!


    9 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    It's only legal if you can get away with it.



    sb, I am sorry if I am wrong, I believe I saw that he is getting fined, but not suspended or any other punitive action against him so...yeah, kind of frowned upon.


    My friend, if I can just step up on the soap box for a minute:  so many claimed the early death of football due to the change in tackling rules...I was not one of them.  If it meant greater safety for these young men in the age of CTE and just general health I was fine with it, didn't think it would hurt the quality of play, and think they should go even further.


    Is today's game any worse than it was 3 years ago?  OK, maybe they still have to tweak kickoffs or onside kicks (receiving team, sorry, but you need to wait for the ball to go 10 yards, too), but I love this game and it makes me uncomfortable sometimes enjoying so much and seeing some of the abuse these guys take.  If they need to fine some of these guys until it hurts them, well...fine then.


    Side note, Keyser watches the Wiggles with no children around and sings the songs, word for word, too (just seeing if he is still lurking around in the week 3 thread).

  6. 3 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    1)  He was borderline terrible last year

    2)  They haven't updated anything based on week 2 games yet.  His week 1 QBR/DVOA were only OK. 

    3)  And he's only played Jets/Dolphins.  Let's see what happens when he plays real NFL teams.

    4)  Does anybody really think EA does a great job of reflecting actual NFL games in Madden?



    Respectfully, and correspondingly:


    1.  I put his numbers above and no he wasn’t.  And I wouldn’t even wast my time if I was making some sort of extraordinary comment on his ability, I’m just saying that his not 21st, as Madden has him.


    2.  They have updated, and his QBR is 84.8, 4th in the League.


    3.  I believe your point is a little more persuasive if against those teams he didn’t finish the two weeks #1 in yards, #2 in tds, #3 in standard qb rating and #4 in QBR.  Also, it would be more persuasive if he wasn’t among only 4 QBs in the modern era to throw for 650 yards, complete 70% and no interceptions in the first two games, along with Mahomes, Manning, and Brees...and I am not making the claim he is those guys, just that the stats bear out that he has done a little more than just yoeman duty.


    4.  EA has had movers all over the place after week 1:


    EA could ignore the both of us and go with his peers, who put him in the top 100, 12th among QBs and it is shaky to think that the 11th QB, Kirk Cousins, is better then him, with half the yards, 1/3 the tds and 4 picks when Allen has none.


    I agree EA is terrible at it.  It doesn’t make it OK, though.  I also don’t know how much better he is than 21, but I know he was better than that before the first pass was thrown, which also includes the impact of his support staff at WR in evaluation for the season.  

    And honestly and no offense, but I am quite sure I have watched a little more of him since 2018 and this year than you, and a few key things, things that I’ve loved are that he is controlled in the pocket, has touch on his deep ball and his been throwing guys open instead of just throwing to open guys. 

    I made no overt claims about him on this board in 2018 or 2019, but I am making them now...and they are not even grandiose. 



  7. 2 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    EA be like “You beat the Jets, worst team in football, and the dolphins.  Call us when you beat a good team. Until then Playoff J is still fresh in our minds.”


    Reality all be like.."Naw, switch the stats."  EA is all, "no way, why, we saw that playoff game!"  Reality: "Because in the last 14 games (save for a meaningless bow against the jets in the '19 finale) the kid has 23 tds, 3 interceptions, 31 tds if you include rushing and receiving...He also has the same number of picks since early October of 2019 that Brady has had since last Sunday."


    Reality:  "How do you like them apples?  (mic drop)."

  8. 20 hours ago, stepee said:

    That’s rough - I’ll admit, I’m part of the problem with the stock, I totally sold my og switch for above cost on ebay because of the stock issues. I had already switched to my lite as my main switch and used it to buy an oculus quest! 





    ...and not even remotely part of the problem.


    COVID says, "stepee, no worries, Brah.  I got this."



  9. On 8/23/2020 at 8:31 PM, thewhyteboar said:

    Carroll should have won multiple coach of the year awards for how well he managed all the wild personalities the Seahawks have had over the years. Harbaugh couldn't even manage ET for more than one season.



    Are we ever going to hear the story on why he got cut, or is just going to be soft speculation on the "doesn't play well with others"?


    Forgive is I am not familiar with him, but this is big time "You're an a**hole" if they are kicking a player of his caliber.


    As a Bills fan there were many outsiders around the League that thought Beane was crazy when he and McDermott did their purge a few years ago.  


    I was fine with it then, overjoyed with it now...quickly get the guys out that don't want to be here, don't want to work, and/or both.  No matter how good they are, they will drag the team down. 


    Still curious, though, on Thomas' situation.

  10. 52 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:


    I had a 128 for the longest time and thought that was plenty, but then I never really bought many eshop games....them somewhere around June or July I decided to check out the 'deals' section and since then I seem to be buying games at an insane rate. The 128 was filling fast so I switch to a 256 and have basically maxed that out as well, having had to delete more than a few games. So definitely snag the biggest one you are comfortable buying. 



    Thank you, because, ED, being 100% honest with you...it is the eshop games that are my primary focus.  


    Side Note:  I had not played my launch Switch in forever.  I had 128 GB HD, Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart...wanted to play with my young daughter, amongst other games on the Switch, and get back into it.


    ...gone...just simply...gone.  tore the house apart.  up and down.  no where.  everything was gone and I still have no explanation why it wasn't where it should be.


    Also during a global dearth of the system.   Availability of systems for sale would last, what...10 minutes?  and at outrageous prices.


    I was up early one morning and got in on a reasonable deal with GS, which included the shield (which I didn't use their brand) and Mario Kart.


    Trying to get my small library and set-up, back up right now.


    ...and to my dying days I will wonder what happened to my old switch and the $700 or so total investment I had with it.

  11. 4 minutes ago, stepee said:

    Eshop downloads are slowww so I would go with what you reasonably think you will fill up just so you never have to worry/think about it. If you think you’ll eventually go over, then just bite the bullet now since it’s not that much for a 256. 



    Thank you.  Honestly, Stepee, I know it seems like a simple concept, but you helped me a great deal.


    EDIT:  Think I am pulling the trigger on the 400 as it is only $19 more than the 256 and should last me...hell, for a long time.



    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, stepee said:


    Yep, that is correct. I have two 400gb cards I swap between. The only problems with their policy is A) having to redownload B) the cards have to be formatted and  everything has to be redownload if you want to use the card on another switch.





    Stepee, thank you again, and I am sorry as I have one more thing...and this is an opinion request even though I see what you have with the 400GBs:


    I am not necessarily going to be that active, but do you think I should just go ahead and start loading up with the blank 128GB, or what the hell, just bite it, grab the 256, as it will lengthen my space capacity in the long run, and avoid having to recopy because of the 128GB?



    EDIT:  In short, get the biggest HD drive I'm willing to pay for now?


    EDIT 2:  Hmmm...400GB isn't that much more, is it.


  13. 1 hour ago, stepee said:

    You can redownload onto the new card and swap the cards back and forth but you can’t just transfer from one card to another using a pc or whatever. All your saves are stored on the system.

    Stepee, thank you.  


    So even though I have it on another card I can re-download on a new card, but it will only work with my switch and my saves, is what I am gathering from your response.  


    If so that is fine.


    I have an unused 128, but was thinking about getting a 256, especially with the eshop sale going on right now.


    Again, thank you.

  14. I'll make a long story short...I know (or I believe) that if I have a Nintendo Switch game on my 32GB internal HD I can move to a 128 GB micro SD inserted in my Switch, and vice versa.


    However, what if I have a game or various files that are larger than the 32GB internal HD or if I want a larger capacity micro SD?  


    Can I move what I have on my 128GB hard drive, say to my computer and then switch (no pun intended) it to a new 256GB micro SD?


    Again, we are not talking copying, just moving...or does Nintendo poo-poo on all this?


    Thank you in advance for your thoughts and comments.

  15. On 3/17/2020 at 3:14 AM, Keyser_Soze said:

    To put this in context 



    congrats @BuckFly

    Thank you.  This draft is extremely deep at WR, but we needed someone who is a number 1 WR right now.  Someone who can run all the routes and do all the things you need an expect from a number 1.  It was more than worth what the Bills gave up to get him.  The other concerns, really aren't concerns at all.  Additionally he is under contract for four years at 12 million dollars per, which is a good deal.


    Diggs, Brown, and Beasely make a nice and varied trio, to go along with some of the other talent they have at the position, still with the option of picking one up a little later in the draft.



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