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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. It seems the biggest spreader at this point is just people seeing their friends and family. My own person rules are: Never be in a room with anyone without my mask, except for with my wife at home Never be in a room with anyone with my mask for more than 15 minutes (including shopping) We've done all our grocery shopping since April with online delivery, and have only really needed to go into the pharmacy to get my wife's prescriptions (necessary for her MS). Oh, and she gets bloodwork once per month. But otherwise, I haven't been in a room with anyone but my wife since...August or September?
  2. NYPD anti-discrimination chief retires amid inquiry into racist online posts | New York | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM James Kobel was commanding officer for division responsible for preventing and investigating employment and harassment claims Classic NYPD.
  3. Brooklyn Judge's Fur-Loving Son Arrested For Joining Capitol Insurrection GOTHAMIST.COM In one video shared with Gothamist, federal agents can be seen leaving the suspect's basement apartment holding a walking stick and animal skins.
  4. Politicians will continue to lay the responsibility for choices on the public, and continue to ask "why aren't people following the rules?" There needs to be greater enforcement combined with much stricter rules. No one should be leaving their house at this point except for life-essential shopping (of which much can be ordered online, or for pickup) and if you can't work from home. People shopping for hockey sticks or lumber or anything else need to be fined (well, stopped by shutting down the stores).
  5. "The woman's drunken husband beat her last night, and it was regrettable. But she should keep in mind that he is arriving home again in a few minutes, and he's drunk, so now is not the time to report him to the police."
  6. House Democrats Briefed On 3 Terrifying Plots To Overthrow Government | HuffPost Canada WWW.HUFFINGTONPOST.CA One plot includes surrounding the Capitol and murdering Democrats to allow Republicans to take control of the government.
  7. Capitol police officer who steered mob away from Senate chambers hailed a hero | US Capitol breach | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Officer identified as Eugene Goodman induced the crowd to chase him toward officers and away from the Senate chambers The moment he saved the Senate through quick-thinking:
  8. My stance has pretty much always been: The world would be better off with some people dead, but I don't trust anyone to make the decision on who those people are. And I also believe that the list is very short, and all of them can be kept behind bars if they will be a constant threat to society.
  9. Here's the article on Trump no longer wanting to pardon anyone: Trump warned about potential civil liability, as some aides clear out desks - ABC News ABCNEWS.GO.COM Trump has been advised he could face civil liability connected to the rioters that stormed Congress, sources familiar with conversations told ABC News.
  10. Have you seen the video of her being shot? It's literally a mob of people pressing up against the last door before the House chamber, and there are two armed officers inside the door. Something has been pressed up against the door, but the mob has smashed the windows on the top half. The officers are shouting for them to stop, but the woman climbs through the window anyway. They shoot, and she falls back.
  11. Democrats Unveil Legislation To Abolish The Federal Death Penalty WWW.NPR.ORG In an exclusive interview with NPR, Sen. Dick Durbin and Rep. Ayanna Pressley discuss their push to end capital punishment at the federal level as their party takes full control of Congress. Excellent news. Probably will require killing the filibuster to pass it, though.
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