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Posts posted by Ricofoley

  1. 2 hours ago, Brick said:

    Society, or at least North American society, is selfish, impatient, and short sighted. That's why a full lockdown for even a relatively short amount of time wouldn't work, because people complain too much. Remember at the beginning when people were complaining because they couldn't get a haircut? Our leaders are incompetent, and can't even come up with a proper plan that would protect the economy, which so many of these assholes care more about than the lives of people. The economy can recover; dead people can't. 


    We're doomed. 

    The one that will always stick with me is the guy at the Michigan state capital protest who was basically fighting back tears saying he couldn't get grass seed. You can absolutely get grass seed my dude, you just have to do curbside pickup. Also, maybe just let your lawn look like shit for a few weeks and count your blessings that you're safe and healthy.

  2. It's such an inane argument at this point because you can just look at the various studies that have looked at total excess mortality compared to an average year and see how much higher it is. It doesn't matter what gets written on the death certificate if people are ending up dead all the same. But I guess if you're willing to believe that the pandemic is fake you're also willing to believe that the excess mortality is actually due to secret antifa murders or something.

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