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Posts posted by Ricofoley

  1. From what I've read today, it's honestly hard to tell if any of these are actually actionable in any way. 3 of the 4 are merely "memorandum" and not executive orders. The one actual executive order is the eviction one, and apparently the actual text of it just kinda says something like, "Hey, somebody should probably look into doing something about all of these evictions."

  2. Was just driving back from somewhere, and CBS radio just aired Trump's entire press conference from Bedminster because they'd announced that it was going to be about the COVID relief executive orders. It was like 20 minutes of his usual campaign rally schtick before he said anything about what he was signing. You could hear the country club dipshits laughing in the background. It's incredible how effortlessly they completely play the media like a fiddle time and again.

  3. It seems like there's plenty of evidence now that they really are just trying to straight-up rig the mail-in vote. The one thing I still don't get is that tweet from some time last week where he was like, "Uh... it turns out that mail-in voting in Florida is fine, actually! Definitely vote for me by mail if you're in Florida!" Is this just one of those things where different people in his orbit think that either they can get away with rigging the mail-in vote or that it's gonna backfire by suppressing elderly Republican votes, and he's just changing his mind day-to-day depending on the last person he's talked to?

  4. I wouldn't read anything into that other than it's the same kinda thing as when he has to make a statement ahead of a hurricane hitting and he'll actually sort of half-brag about the strength of the hurricane, like, "It's a category 5, I'm not sure anyone's ever even heard of a category this high,  actually." When he's just kind of rambling and doesn't really know what he's talking about one of his go-to moves is to just talk about how big some numbers are, and it doesn't really matter if they're numbers that indicate something good.

  5. Two Republicans from Montana signed on to a letter asking for the Post Office to reverse the mail collection changes. That might be the best course of action here--trying to get rural Republicans to sign on to opposing this . Keep collecting stories of people in rural areas not getting their meds on time.



  6. Yeah, I was gonna say, I think local news is at least as big a role as overtly conservative media, and maybe bigger. My parents vote Democrat and absolutely will not watch Fox News, but will watch the local news regularly, and I absolutely cannot convince them that there are way fewer shootings in Chicago now then there were 20 or 30 years ago. I'll show them the stats and then they'll pivot to something like, "Well.... I don't remember shootings like THIS," where "THIS" is whatever the worst or most brazen shooting that had been in the news a couple of days beforehand.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Jason said:


    It's solving a problem with tunneling that isn't the problem with tunneling. Tunneling is usually a bit more expensive than a Boring Company tunnel but mostly because nobody would build a tunnel that tiny because you can't actually fit anything in it. Sticking the drilling machine in the ground is the expensive part, not the per-mile tunneling; I guess costs can add up if you have to delay to map out utility connections and stuff, and I guess a Boring Company tunnel could be a little more nimble with that just by virtue of being smaller, but I'm gonna assume it's not a huge difference.


    Also, apparently Boring Company tunnels don't have basic shit like emergency exits. :silly:


    Meanwhile, it's the stations that are usually expensive. Like with the Second Avenue Subway stations, which are both obscenely deep and obscenely huge. If they'd gone for shallower, smaller station caverns, that would have knocked off a LOT of the cost of the SAS project.

    And my understand is that they just bought a used Chinese-built machine after originally saying they were going to design their own. Is that right?

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