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Posts posted by Ricofoley

  1. Sludge-Tillis%20120920.jpg?cb=8292a0b582

    Felony streaming legislation from Sen. Thom Tillis will be attached to an upcoming ‘must-pass’ omnibus government funding bill.



    Congress has once again put itself in a situation of having to pass a last-minute omnibus bill to fund the government and prevent a shutdown. These truly are must-pass bills since much of the government grinds to a halt without them, so they often get used as vehicles for controversial bills that can’t pass on their own. Senators and representatives work out backroom deals to attach their pet measures to funding for things like food inspections and airport safety and then dare their colleagues to object.


    This time around, one of the measures being crammed into the omnibus is a proposal from Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) to turn unauthorized commercial streaming of copyrighted material like an album on YouTube, a video clip on Twitch, or a song in an Instagram story into a felony offense with a possible prison sentence rather than a misdemeanor, according to Protocol. The text of the measure has not been publicly released yet, but it is expected to be broadly similar to past entertainment industry-backed attempts to criminalize unauthorized streaming, such as the provisions of the SOPA/PIPA bills in 2012 that sparked an unprecedented internet “blackout” protest or the Commercial Felony Streaming Act, which prompted Justin Bieber to say that its sponsor, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), should be “locked up.”


    Back to this shit again

    • Guillotine 5
  2. 4 hours ago, CayceG said:



    I cannot understand how these cold opens stretch to over 9 minutes. I ducked out after Mike Lindell and that felt like it just went on and on and on. 


    Lorne fucking sucks. 

    The Chappelle episode on the Saturday after the election was the first time I'd watched SNL all the way through in a long time and it was just absolute cringe the entire way through. The show is just coasting on everyone's nostalgia for whatever seasons they grew up on at this point, which is why there's like 3 former cast members in every sketch now. It's not good.

  3. I really think that a big part of why specifically like 55-60-ish year old men being the core base of the absolute most toxic, bullying politics in the country are in large part an inability to cope with their dicks not working anymore. A bunch of these type of dudes already in the "masks are tyranny" crowd, getting COVID as a result of not wearing masks, and then getting ED because of it is probably not gonna lead to anything good.

  4. It'll be interesting to see what Pence does, since I can't imagine there was any reason why Mike Pence agreed to be Trump's VP in the first place other than wanting to be the next president after him. But I'm not sure Pence has any actual appeal with Trump voters other than "guy who was willing to stand alongside Trump."

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