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Posts posted by Ricofoley

  1. 1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:

    I'm seeing people now say that the RV had dominion voting machines and this is how "they" are getting rid of the evidence. Lol. How stupid do people have to be to believe this? Why wouldn't "they" just destroy them wherever they were being held before, or in a desert or something?

    I guess it makes equally as much sense as "Building 7 collapsed during 9/11 because that's where all the secret 9/11 plans were"

  2. 46 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


    But they'll still control the Senate most of the time, the House some of the time, and the Presidency half of the time because of the massive institutional advantages the Constitution provides (and gerrymandering, etc).

    Also, the inherent advantage of the media just refusing to acknowledge what the party actually stands for. Consider that Maggie Haberman at the New York Times and Johnathan Swan at Axios yesterday both separately reported that even Trump loyalists in his immediate circle are disturbed by his behavior and think that something dangerous might happen in the next month. You might think that that would mean that the newspaper would determine based on that that you, the reader, should be equally disturbed by what's going on and cover it across the entire paper like it's a national emergency, but they're just.... not. You're just supposed to treat it like it's a weird curiosity, it seems like.


    Then you have the stimulus negotiations, where the GOP is putting in poison pillsthat are explicitly designed to sabotage Biden's presidency, but every headline is just something banal like, "Congress fails to reach agreement on stimlus"

  3. 1608407543249.jpg

    Officials say Trump is spending too much time with people they consider crackpots or conspiracy theorists.



    A senior administration official said that when Trump is "retweeting threats of putting politicians in jail, and spends his time talking to conspiracy nuts who openly say declaring martial law is no big deal, it’s impossible not to start getting anxious about how this ends."

    • "People who are concerned and nervous aren’t the weak-kneed bureaucrats that we loathe," the official added. "These are people who have endured arguably more insanity and mayhem than any administration officials in history."

    Again, useless statement. Who is this person? Why don't they just resign in protest when his job's gonna end in a month anyway? If all you're willing to do is just sit there and occasionally text a reporter you don't get credit for that.

  4. Man, I'm so, so sick of reading shit like this. This was in a "dangerous new place" months ago when Trump started publicly suggesting that mail-in voting was rigged. Anyone working him who earnestly cares about the integrity of election could've resigned then. Nobody gets partial credit for anonymously telling a reporter, "Hey, some of this stuff Trump is suggesting seems kinda messed up" a month after the election already happened.

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