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Posts posted by Zaku3

  1. 3 hours ago, stepee said:

    I’m on chapter 4 and this is a very good video game

    Does the game ever tell you about the shoot in the knees kick them then knife them thing? I never knew that before when playing that first part and it’s pretty great now that I know about it.


    I replay the game often well OG and I don't so that. Too 1337. I go for headshots, melee, and knife. I hate the TMP because it's ruining my like 89-90% accuracy. 


    I replay it for the camp. Bad Ass Leon and the combat is still that good. I want to try the Red 9's modern pistol counter part but I' a sucker for stripper clips on a pistol. I'd buy a IRL Red 9 or this m1912 Austrian pistol.

  2. 1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

    My man, most people don’t know anything about most things they say are important to them. Ask a random person why they believe something they believe (about any topic) and you’ll see this soooooo clearly.


    I have a theory that you are right however I'd go further and say the solution is more education. Not like Democrats or Republicans but how Marx would look at it. 


    Our education system is corrupted by the needs of capital. So the system wants the schools to suck. The current outcomes are desirable. People smart enough to do the work but dumb enough to just passively accept things. 


    Going to a pet hospital and the place telling you it's 14k to save Corey's life or 9k to get to watch him die or assisted suicide shouldn't be normal but it is. I proactively want to move out of this country over my disgust at profiting off of my misery. 


    I think I'm trying to say our problems seem normal to people and I feel they in fact aren't normal. So trying to give people better understanding is the way. Also push back on your friend's don't just be a listener actively engage in the conversation. Ask them why they feel this way. Why they did that. People aren't introspective enough.



    I should watch this but meh I don't buy 1000 graphics card to upscale stuff in RE engine games.


    Btw has anyone enounctered this before. This game relies on audio clues for certain secrets but I am playing with the best headphones I have and I feel like I can pick up on when the sound clues fail to help me find the object. I feel it's the FOV is too low and graphics are so good interactive items (lanterns you can shoot) don't stand out enough.


    Is there a FOV option im missing in the options menu? The game supportd 32:9 and I feel clostrophobic. 


  4. 3 hours ago, MarSolo said:

    So the solution is to start blasting 21 Jump Street at all of Trump’s Klan rallies?


    Technically yes. My psychoanalysis of my MAGA friend is he lives in fear. I got an appointment in Miami for a passport gonna cancel it. His first response to that is I will attempt to quote "Yo I'd say thats great but they be shooting in Miami." I live in Paterson. They do that stuff here. Like you have to show them they are wrong and avoid or aleviate their defense mechanism. 


    They fear the other, they fear the precarity of their material conditions, etc. 


    MAGA people are me if I was white and not brilliant. 


    It's why I don't comment on news articles that are about dunking on the alt-right. I'm not saying we need to tolerate them. I'm saying I need a list of people that are going to gulags and/or the wall and I want to be absolutely sure any given person on that list belongs on that list. Like I'd have a show trial and it wouldn't be for the illusion of legitamacy.


    Edit: Jewish people get shit for killing Jesus and because usery was a sin in the Catholic Church let people that usary isn't a sin for deal with money. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Reputator said:

    I did read the article, and she claims to have been fired for "refusing to do something reprehensible". It's not clear what that is, and the author of the articles goes onto speculate what the factors might be, including issues related to VFX schedules and cost. So it's not actually clear what the real reason is.


    That could just be "I am facing a megapowerful corporation and don't want to give them ammo against me."


    More or less anything you say or do can be and will be used against you in a court of law. So Disney wronged me and I can't exactly say why seems sus but there could be legal advice about keeping the details vague.


    I didn't read the article because she may not be saying what's wrong directly but might have enough info to paint a picture. It's 6am and I'm unsure if I should go back to sleep or just stay up and play RE4. 

  6. 5 hours ago, 5timechamp said:


    Him and the Undertaker must have gone to the same seminar on Kayfabe… Donald is still better cause its harder to play the “Rich, Brilliant, businessman who is also always in need of money”……


    Hes right up there with George Carlins “He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!”


    Donald Trump is a noob. He is Schrodinger's businessman. Simultaniously brilliant but so brilliant he always needs money.


    George wise that he is. Is explaining the paradox of Church donations. God is all powerful and all knowing but his Church isn't. It lives in a society built upon money as a means of exchange. The problem isn't the money so much as what they do with it. Like the Pope was an Italian king at one point in addition to the successor of Saint Peter. Funny joke but it's asking why does God need money. He doesn't we technically don't but do. 


    Trump is just right wing reactionary double speech. You hate illegal immigrants for "breaking the laws, bringing crime, a burden on our society, etc". While at the same time complaining they take away jobs from Americans. They do just jobs Americans won't do for the wages that the employer actually wants to pay. They come here because 1 USD is like 4,700 COL Pesos.

    • Halal 1
  7. Damn you got ahead of me. I'm taking my time a bit. Btw FYI upgrade your guns. You don't lose money by upgrading them. I like it promotes build variety. I'm legit an old fart. I don't use the bolt thrower because it's not my build. I broke RE4. I think I should have done their hard mode tbh. Ill try it later i guess.


    I enjoy RE4 so much I want to design new builds so it technically lowers replay value. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:





    Oh, I think personal revelation and whatever the hell their Pastor says on Sundays does the heavy lifting for most of Protestants, too.


    Your average Protestant's understanding of what's in the Bible is about equivalent to someone's understanding of Grimm's Fairy Tales after watching Disney's Cinderella.


    He's saying it shouldnt apply to Roman Catholics. We have bible nerds called theologians that contemplate our dogma. They will figure it out eventually. 

  9. I'm gonna just say it. Warcraft and Starcraft is the basterdized version of 40k and WFB. There is more artistic merit to GW's properties over Blizzards. 


    The craft universes are the warhammer we have at home.


    Edit: New opinion. I should fight my ban from resetera so I can be banned for speaking the truth.



  10. 41 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

    No, see, you're not supposed to actually read it.


    You are just supposed to assert that within it's murky, unknowable depths lies the basis for your randomly cobbled together morals and world views constructed from your own personal environment and cultural upbringing.




    The problem is they do read the bible. They just pick and choose which hey I get it. I'd gladly sin with my ex-wife or another worthy partner again but I know I'm doing wrong and will confess my sins when I can guarente I won't do it again. 

    • True 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, stepee said:


    On the demo it was in the 90s in the big action section, Im pretty sure that is 120 on the new pc build. But with the latest nvidia driver and on the final release it could run better than the demo too. I think I’ll just play through the demo part for the 500th time and then decide.


    I bailed on the demo when I realizrd it was the opening. And bailed on that HD project run because if they fuck this up I'd be so disappointed.


    Omg stealth kills I loved that about TEW. 


    Fuk the new Merchant voice sucks. Feels like they thought let's find an iconic voice. The OG devs stumbled upon an icon voice. Like good in and of itself but not a direct improvement over the OG.

  12. 5 minutes ago, stepee said:


    This is my first time playing RE4 past the point of the demo :P


    I meant hard to resist starting it this weekend vs waiting for my cpu/ram/ssd/etc upgrade likely coming in about two weeks!


    RE engine games run like a dream. I'm over 75 FPS with high RT. My minimun without was like 90. 


    Remember I don't have an Nvidia card for RT.

  13. 23 minutes ago, stepee said:

    Gonna be realllll hard - to not dive right in here since I already purchased it as well. 


    Naw if you "mastered" RE4 combat this is that but modern. Add dodges parries improve enemies to account for modern controls and other improvements and you have this. I legit have nothing to fear from this game. I will die and take damage from mistakes. 


    Also leon's such a bad ass i shot a trip wire explosive trap and he like doesnt even flinch from the blast its great. I'd have to look at the Imperial Guard in 40k or the human factions in WFB to find balls of steel this large. Real ya I'll take on a Greater Daemon with a halberd energy. It's cool because Ashley is just his job not an emotional attachment so a degree of selflessness which I adore.

  14. 51 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:

    Everything about this game rules.  The knife durability is awesome because it forces you to be strategic about positioning and how to fight groups of enemies, which are so far more frequent and more aggressive.  It just adds another strategic layer on what is already a very dynamic gameplay system.  Playing through the first Village square section multiple times because I kept dying, I was pretty amazed at how different it was each time.  I saw all sorts of things I didn't notice in the demo.  The game really pushes you in these fights and it makes for such awesome, variable encounters.  This in no way invalidates the original game, which has a brilliant and unique control scheme and will always remain an all-time great.  This remake is surprisingly different and feels like playing an all new game in many respects.  It's the best recent RE game, and one of the best overall of the past several years, and I'm only a few chapters in.


    Also the typewriter save music remix...


    Sad Doctor Who GIF


    I am still 1337 so it doesn't matter if like critial hits need to wait for the reticle to close because I'll put enough lead in your skull to stun you and kick. Twitchers get popped until they drop loot. I think all enemies just drop loot. 


    Or to simplify if fools want to get in between me and Ashley (mission objective not waifu but she could be in fairness) you gonna get it.


    Also I'm deducting points because they didn't solve animal cruelty. Crows still drop items.

  15. 4 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:


    Agreed, I hadn't assumed that this game would be too spoilable, but even a short way into the game there are all sorts of fantastic left turns.  We'll see how the rest of the game is, but this is maybe the quintessential example so far of how to remake a classic game.  Where I found the Dead Space remake pretty safe and dull, this is quite the opposite.


    They asked themselves what would make RE4 better beyond just better graphics.

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