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Posts posted by Zaku3

  1. 1 hour ago, SoberChef said:

    The Pope did recently make a statement about abolishing the practice of celibacy so things like this may not be quite as "common"? I mean I get how 1000 years ago, priests would be slinging ALL the dick in town because they hold the high ground morally & others were wanting to "get in good" with the men of the cloth. Today however, I don't think it's quite the same, but I'm fairly certain paternity suits would cost a hell of a lot less than child rape/molestation suits.


    The Catholic Church doesn't exist today because it's conservative. Like if we proved genetics affect a person being straight or LGTBQ then like our doctrine would have to change because a God that loves us wouldn't create a being meant to go to hell. 


    I think we should just let priests get married. As any man knows actual sex is what satisfies you so hopefully it would mean the guys left over doing this stuff are in fact actual pedos and not just horny and the kids are right there kinda thing. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Uaarkson said:

    How in the fuck is that legal.


    Our system is kinda designed to prevent the will of the people as funny as that sounds. If you think of it as a ruling document for a society of slave owners and a growing and growing ever more powerful urban elite alot of it makes sense.


    So something that makes sense a back door if you will. To prevent a majority from running wild without a super majority you have a fillibuster. The Condfederates secuded I think because Lincoln getting elected is a sure fire we are on the wrong side of history moment. The South will kinda try to invent a way for slavery to be the right side of history. There may come a time when you can't fillibuster an antislavery bill basically. Easier to break away and make slavery legal in the country's initial constitution. They mirrored our government because it's what they knew.

    • True 1
  3. On 4/1/2023 at 6:36 PM, LionFranco said:

    I know i've posted more in the past 20 minutes than i have in like, 5 years. But i just needed distractions today, and posting and being a bit goofy helps a little.


    My dad will be 90 this year, but it doesnt look like he is going to make it to 90, and even though my dad and I havent always been on the best of terms, i saw him today, and it nearly broke me. I honestly thought i hated the man, but seeing him today, sitting in a wheel chair, not even recognizing me at first, going in and out of consciousness, i was just at a complete loss. It was 2 hours each way to reach him, yet i only managed to stay for 30 minutes or so before i couldnt handle it anymore.


    So thats it, no it isnt an April Fools joke, i just needed to meddle, and i havent talked to most of you in forever, so yeah...


    I dunno if it makes you feel any better but reading your story makes me want to meet my father now. I just know a dude that last time I spoke to him was looking for a 25k business loan is borderline irredeemable. Not because he can't but he doesn't understand he hurts people and thus wouldn't want to change.


    Guess a hypothetical trip to Buffalo if I have kids might not be a terrible in your face.


    Yes I am saying your story makes me wish I could fix things with my father but I probably can't though. Grandkid doesn't hurt the situation I think.

  4. 19 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

    Yeah, for a franchise this huge and multi-generational, you hope for something better than “well it’s just a dumb kids movie, who cares if adults don’t like it?”


    Capitalism kiddo. It's an ad you pay for. You aren't used to it if you aren't a Gundam fan. (Anime is a vessel to sell plastic models story considerations are 2ndary to showing mecha model kits you can buy)

  5. 26 minutes ago, stepee said:

    holy shit twitter really is just pushing posts by goons now? I went on it for the first time since he took over on accident clicking on a tweet when searching for info on the cash app guy who was stabbed to death around here and the first posts I saw there were vile. They were all taking a post the guy made about how there should be racial equality and mocking him because he got stabbed to death in SF..I haven’t seen anything on who the perp is yet so idk if they even were black or not but either way holy shit it’s just full white supremacy blasting on the front page from an accidental click. Can’t imagine mainstream will even want to be caught looking at that site if that keeps up.


    We look at social media as something that makes humans worse. I propose we are wrong and it makes it easier to find like minded or near like minded individuals and radicalizing them. The idea of keeping in touch with people you lost along the way in life is cool but answering who would be atleast okay with the Nazis in the 1930s is ehhh.


    We always look at it as why it's profitable for these companies to foster hate but with Musk you can point at him and say he believes some/all of that hate.

  6. 2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


    Indeed - I went to a small "elite" liberal arts undergrad attached to an incredible undergraduate engineering school in all related engineering fields. I did the liberal education side of things but I knew a lot of engineers at the engineering school and this is indeed the case. :p 


    No group is monolithic but each profession definitely breeds a type.


    Tbh I have come to the conclusion. That my thought of "damn why am I not an incel?". Implies that my material conditions create incels but I didn't become an incel thus why are they incels. That difference is I respect women enough to go "hey they don't love me and they don't owe loving me to me. I have to earn it." Methodology is is wrong and practice was wrong the core sentiment wasn't. Women being whores wasn't a satisfactory answer to why can't I get a girl. 


    Similar circumstances but a desire a lust if you will for knowledge meant I discarded wrong answers as opposed to trying to make it fit my world view.

    • True 1
    • Hugs 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, stepee said:


    For emulation isn’t more cores not any helpful since it’s mostly single threaded? I know with dolphin you want to disable SMT on Steam deck using power tools plugin and it actually performs much better.


    I could be wrong in fairness. I buy 7900XTX for the of course I can play MGS4 on an emulator at 4k. The 7950x is like what if I want to rip/encode a blu ray and play a game. What if The Last of Us takes forever to compile shaders and I might as well play something else while I wait. It's like edge use cases but you do it because you can do it. I could probably have done that on an 8 core processor or 12 core. I just dunno if Zen4's speed improvements have made my system super responsive or that in combo with 32 threads does. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    How well would Jump King run on it. Could you test it for me?


    If it's reputation is Rogue Leader, Twin Snakes, or MGS4 like then I'm gonna say not worth trying. 4 Zen 2 cores sounds great until you realize the clock speeds are gimped for the iGPU's clock speeds. 



    @Brian Ya ultimately a 13 or 16in screen with a keyboard and mouse that I can put somewhere comfortable next to me is better then a handheld PC for strategy games. I can probably play TW3 at native res close to 60FPS probably. I ran into less 5 speed on Stellaris/Vic is slow on the steam deck because clock speeds on the CPU limit performance so an Aya Neo felt better foe the games I normally play kinda thing. I used to buy 3k+ alienwares and a seperate ultrabook but Asus makes affordable gaming ultrabooks that are 2 in 1s so why bother buying 2 seperate devices at that point.

  9. 9 minutes ago, stepee said:


    i love that gif so damn much


    Also I forgot to mention how much I love Steam Deck for emulation when discussing a new device. I have all that set up now and the controls are easier to map with the steam os templates so I don’t want to move that off there either.  And the trackpads for things like ds emulation and wii are so great. 


    I actually play emulation on it more days than not even if it’s just 20min or so on some game that popped in my head. Like last night was a mix of Kirby Air Ride and Rocky Rodent lol.


    See but this is where the steam deck kinda sucks. It's only a 4 core processor. I tried MGS4 on the Aya Neo Next and ya that didn't work. I think the 6800u just about maintains 60FPS in Twin Snakes. Like I'd buy this to be able to like play Metal Gear games that are basically lost to time when I can't use a good enough laptop to do it. I will try it but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hit 60FPS at 1200p with a 3050 and Ryzen 6800HX. Those parts are literally more powerful then the gamecube designers could have imagined. 


    Technology has improved and low power but at the same time excellent performance wasn't really a thing. Now depending on the specs this thing might run The Last of Us out of the box. 


    The performance claims are 1.5x at I think 15-18 watts and double at 32 I think. Imagine a Zen 5/24CU RDNA3+ or 4 APU that is a lower power version of a high end chip for thin and lights. The 24CU is like a 6500XT now. It's pretty exciting.

  10. 6 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Yeah and a new special election to be held next year if what I read is correct. 

    but yeah they were absolutely counting on judges to give them the election. At this point conservative judges are using their distance from the political process to rule by fiat to make explicitly unpopular decisions to overturn the elected branches because their political wing isn’t that popular. 


    Almost as if people that benefit from the status quo want to keep it going dispite all evidence the status quo needs a major shake up.

    • Halal 2
  11. 2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    The Republican in that senate race has declared victory but that’s all who has called it, there’s about 500 votes separating the two and there was still a town not reporting


    I fear he is claiming victory because this like pro-wrestling can at times feel scripted.


    It's a legitimacy question. He is say yes the election result is so close I can contest and by doing that win the election by him saying he has already won. He could just be an idiot but if he isn't then he would say these kind of things to sow doubt in the election results.

  12. 2 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

    There's also a special election that would give Republicans a supermajority in the state senate, and some Republican Senators have already floated the idea of immediately impeaching Protasiewiczif she wins


    We are so disfuctional Jesus. Imagine thinking this is "normal". I am uncomfortable with how I am able to define the United States as an oligarchy desperate to keep the oligarchy going. In the face of every new article screaming change is needed now and as crazy as it sounds more oligarchy isn't the solution. 

    • True 1
  13. Just now, Reputator said:


    Well on the subject of consequences, I for one am in favor of setting a precedent that Presidents can be found guilty of crimes related to their presidency.


    Yes this kinda thing. This is saying "Yes even a former President can be sent to jail for crimes commited in his name before he becomes a president." That leads to he can be tried for crimes commited while in and eventually while holding the office of President.


    Our president's by virtue of the job could be described as war criminals. I wouldn't want that job if I can get put on trial for crimes commited on behalf of the state.


    I'm watching history in the making and being a history nerd means I know grim dark things happen and I should expect the grim dark things to happen. Plus I don't want grim dark things to happen. They tend to interupt the flow of my day.

  14. 1 minute ago, Air_Delivery said:

    MAGA has to be taken head on. To ignore it would let is fester.


    Oo I am 100% on board. I'm just older and wiser now so I try to think about the blowback of my actions. I do this by trying to not do things that could result in blowback. I don't want to inadvertantly make things worse for others. I can but I need to like live with my actions.

  15. 15 minutes ago, outsida said:

    This statute of limitations argument is stupid and even trumps lawyers didn’t attempt to make it in court. 


    It is but if you can get your client off on a technicality you do that. If it's all they got it's better then nothing. 


    Edit: For trials like this it is still with a jury of peers and a judge provides a sentence?


    I kinda fear this situation not gonna lie. It's an escalation of our political tension and we really need to be de-escalating.

  16. Also a custom APU for this could be a negative. Ultimately this is a handheld x86 PC and the closer you are to that the better. So like off the shelf laptop parts would yeild better support as opposed to forcing AMD to make drivers for it. I can see why Valve went with 4 cores and it is a smart choice but it's a product of it's time. AMD was developing a laptop APU that was Zen 2/RDNA2 but never launched them. I can only imagine they figured it didn't have enough of a wow factor to bother producing. So we don't know what kind of work AMD had to put into making a 4 core APU when most of them seem to have 8 cores by default. Like did Valve save the day the chips were launched and the Valve idea meant they had chips for a customer. I'm interested in what differences does being an actual OEM affect the Ally vs other handheld PCs. 


    When you think about it the Switch is a tablet. So handheld PCs are tablet PCs with a built in controller. As long as you approach these devices as a tablet Windows PC they aren't too bad to use. Actually that makes a use case for like people that might want something alittle bigger. I still love these things because it's cool being in a time where you can once again get it to PC gaming via integrated graphics. The Zen5 version of this is supposed to have like 24 compute units. As our boards Radeon dude that sounds really cool. 


    Edit: I checked ya dude a 6500XT is 24CUs like I could see like entry level cards just disappear because an AMD APU would be like a bargain at that point. I'd love it if the APU did something like 4 cores but more then vanilla CUs so like 16CUs. 


    Damn it @Brian ASUS did it. They got me intrigued.


    They Pull Me Back In Al Pacino GIF by The Godfather

    • Haha 1
  17. On 4/3/2023 at 8:03 AM, Kal-El814 said:


    People are so fucking dumb.


    Aside from the fact that the VO work for Ada is perfectly fine... she still flirts with Leon, is obviously attracted to him, and her more "grounded" appearance involves a sweater dress that she'd have to pour herself into paired with thigh high boots with a kitten heel. Yes she's not wearing a dress cut to her ass anymore, but she's still not dressing for the job she actually has.


    Mean is the better word. We can fix someone being mean. We can't fix someone being dumb in theory. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Yeah. Plus with him being wealthy and powerful, he will be getting the full letter and intent of the law. 

    but usually the case law benefits the prosecution so who knows!


    I am sure it benefits them in this case because he (allegedly) did do this. 


    They normally drop these cases but it's telling they are not. 


    We are in uncharted waters.



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