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Everything posted by Best

  1. Yea, it's definitely worth playing and a majority of you guys will love it. My taste in games can be odd sometimes. It's a classic horror game that's for sure.
  2. He needs to be in jail and then get brutally raped then beaten to a bloody pulp.
  3. Lol, true but it's supernatural. It's really interesting but I just wish there was more action. Everything else is phenomenally done.
  4. I have TLOU2 and Alan Wake 2 to keep me busy. I am extremely tempted to fire spidey up but ill wait until I beat those games first. I am really pumped to play it though.
  5. Ok, 5 hours in and this is not an action adventure game. It's strictly a investigation game with searching clues throughout. I fought maybe 6 enemies in my playthrough. It's not an easy game for me because you are always trying to figure out what to do next. It's an extremely strange game that can be very confusing for an idiot like myself. The production values and visuals are incredible. It's just not an action game in any way. So I was getting a bit frustrated with constantly searching for clues and finding my way around mazes without exciting combat. It's a quality title but definitely not my type of game. I'm still interested and I will beat it because I am at least interested in what's going to happen. Oh, and and the game is pretty scary and best played at night.
  6. No, I consider TLOU and TLOU 2 one big game. So that leaves me with 4 other games in my top 5.
  7. Yep, part 2 takes everything from part 1 and elevates it by 100. Just a true masterpiece and it looks like a PS5 game. 60fps is key.
  8. This game is confusing me. I need to use a guide to advance where I'm at now. Hopefully there is some action soon, too. It's been an investigation through my two hours with no action what so ever.
  9. Not necessarily. I see him soon so I will go into detail in what's going on.
  10. I decided to play TLOU2 before Alan Wake 2 and Spiderman 2. The HBO series has me hyped and I just beat part 1 today so I decided to play part 2. Spiderman and Alan Wake aren't going anywhere.
  11. I played 3 hours today. It's a detective investigation type game but it's really well done with terrific visuals and voice acting. I find myself getting lost a lot though because it's been really dark and rainy. I've only fought one monster in my time playing. Right now I'm stuck in what to do next so I took a break. It's definitely a cool game.
  12. Holy shit, I spent almost 2 hours trying to figure out what to do in Alan Wake lol. It starts off EXTREMELY slow but it's really interesting with terrific visuals. I'm going to have to look up what I'm doing wrong because it's an investigation situation where I must be missing something. It has a really cool vibe and I really liked what I played so far. I think I'll play Spiderman tonight to check it out.
  13. It's a more realistic vibe and not really a comic book type game.
  14. I litteraly just finished TLOU part 1 five minutes ago. It's a 10/10 no questions asked. I'm in the mood for more realistic games so I'm asking you guys if I should play the more realistic Alan Wake 2 or the comic inspired Spiderman 2. I'm leaning towards Alan Wake but I understand Spiderman 2 is incredible. What do you guys recommend? Is Alan Wake 2 extremely good?
  15. I bought Spiderman 2 and Alan Wake 2 tonight. I have a 3 day weekend so I'm going to binge lol. These games are to good to pass up.
  16. With Alan Wake 2 getting rave reviews, anyone passing on Spiderman and playing that first? I just can't keep up with these amazing games. It's out now.
  17. A slug? It's nonstop action every 5 minutes lol. Part 2 takes things to another level but the end kinda disappointed me.
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