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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Most of the time, yeah. But there are all these things that just irritate me too. Like, I'm still bummed that you can't save the tieflings while siding with the goblins. I feel like that is such an obvious middle ground. I disliked that killing all the druids seemed to not even matter. No one fuckin' cared. The one guy who should care only does something about it if you say you did it for fun. The Drow has no interaction if you had killed all the druids beforehand. She probably would if you wiped out the entire grove, but still. Combat being prolonged due to the constant misses on both sides is not fun. It's not fun that the enemy just wastes its turn. It literally happens in the video I posted. It has happened numerous times. But I really enjoy stuff like the Barbarian RP. I've rescued people just by yelling. I've gotten people to fuck off just by yelling. While I'm not very creative in combat, I love how much shit you can do even if I'm not doing it. Like, my one character has a melee attack knockback. I sent a guy flying through a cloud of daggers that way, one-shotting him. I like it when I feel like the game lets me do something clever. Like, I was locked in a room and in conversation, but I had my companions lockpick their way back in while the NPC I was about to kill was talking to me. I set them all up and then combat started I had 3 party members in stealth ready to wail on the fucker. And then I tossed their body into a chasm. There's bad shit and good shit, but I get really frustrated with the bad shit. Bad shit that I feel was never an issue in similar games of the past.
  2. Like, I didn't save scum the entire fight where the tief and goblins were both hostile after summoning the ogres. I killed everyone, including the surviving ogre. I had no exploding barrels placed beforehand or anything. I just played it out naturally. It was well over 30 minutes with how many enemies were bugged out just standing in place. The drow fucking misty stepped atop the gate and spent three turns doing nothing while I killed everyone else. I was rewarded with the drow being unkillable, and when I knocked her out the game removed her after a long rest. Quests just stopped progressing and didn't end either. They just were active in my log. Like, fuck that shit man. I was unwilling to go thru that fight again, so I just set up everything to nearly one-shot it.
  3. I don't. But part of the point that I made is that I don't want combat to drag and reloading is just faster. Cuz all that happens is literally doing the exact same thing next turn. It's actually pretty shit. No amount of colon-p is going to change my opinion on that.
  4. TRUE! I don't get how there are sightlines where I can shoot arrows over but not magic. Magic is cast a chest level for the most part. HOW is it not going over this waist-high barrier?!?!?!? Well, I have yet to really like an NPC. Like, when I think of Morrigan, Garrus, Wrex, or most of the ME cast really, I'm pretty let down by BG3's companions in comparison, SO FAR. I have always liked how the romance aspect of ME was something that started ***slowly*** at the beginning and hit its climax before the climax. Not that ME is amazing in romance, but I think BioWare did it better. Lae'zel is probably the most interesting female companion just because she is an alien. I like Astarion a lot, and it sucks that he's a dude lol. Like, if there is anyone I would want to become bros with in BG3, it is Astarion. The best bros would make for the best romances 90% of the time. Vetra Nyx was the best part of MEA. Yep, only in Act 1 and there have been so many times where I just felt like I had the freedom to do something only for the game to just say no. It's a very BG3 problem because they didn't make the limitation clear. When I play something like ME, I'm never like "Well, why can't I do that". I can pretty much tell what kinds of choices I'll be offered and what my limitations are before going into it. Yeah, it's frustrating for shit to not just work because of dice rolls. It actually makes combat worse. I actually enjoy the combat in small fights, but it's bullshit that a one-round fight can take 3 rounds because, lol, you missed, or your 6-36 damage spell does 9. It gets to the point where reloading is faster than switching to your sidearm. I mean, reloading is faster than just letting the round play out. And my god am I sick and tired of enemies bugging out and just standing there for what feels like forever. I'm only playing on balanced, but the game isn't hard enough for combat to take as long as it does. Like, while this is a decent Dragon Age: Origins alternative, the game just makes me wish BioWare still existed. BioWare just did it better. Sorry, if something doesn't make sense. My sleep is all fucked up.
  5. I have a feeling I will 100% agree with this review. Most of what I dislike are limitations where I expected freedom, and I think the DnD rules are a detriment.
  6. So, I first tried out the evil route, but I summoned these ogres and they turned EVERYONE hostile. Wondering what would happen if I then just killed everyone, I did. The problem comes from the Drow being hostile. She can't die. She won't even die at 0 hp. So, I just knocked her out, robbing her naked, but she wouldn't wake up even after healing her. I then long rested and she disappeared. The quest said I needed to kill the rest of the tiefs so I did that but she did not appear. Guess that was some kind of major bug. It was only after I restarted and went the good guy route. It took a few tries, like 3, to actually set up all the barrels in a way that would do the majority of the work. Mostly that involved me making grease trails so everything connected. e: Oh, and I was going to restart even further and kill Halsin by saying I enjoyed killing all the druids which would get him to aggro, but while I saved right before the major fork in my road, I ended up doing a lot of talking to NPCs and I can't remember what I did and I quicked saved so much that I had no quick save old enough to take me back. So, now there are two Druids alive and that's it. Much to my dismay, Halsin literally doesn't care if you keep the fact that you killed all the druids a secret. In fact, if you allow him to discover their demise for himself he's just like "Well, that's now nature be sometimes." He is only slightly mad if you tell him right as you save him, and he only fights you if you claim to enjoy it. Fuckin' lame.
  7. Yeah, if you find him you, two gob kids are throwing rocks at him. I knocked them out, basically saving them. If you don't do that Halsin WILL kill them.
  8. I also don't like thickburgers. I dislike a heavy beef flavor. I want a balance. Edit: I brought that up cuz people say "oh this place has good burgers" and it's thickburgers
  9. I don't want other toppings I want a bacon cheeseburger Everywhere else sucks
  10. For really nasty adhesive I have used vegetable oil to remove it from glass and walls. Not sure how that will work with sap or if it could damage a car's paint job.
  11. I mean, you can I guess, but not via dialogue. Honestly, my whole master plan might be down the drain because the devs just didn't include the interactions. Step 1 was to kill the Druids Step 2 is to free Halsin and get him back to the grove where he finds out I killed every druid except for the one who wasn't hostile Step 3 is to direct the Goblins to the grove Step 4 is to save and decide where I want to go from there(you can double cross the goblins or so the game and internet say). I found out that there is no added content for siding with the goblins, only a removal of content with nothing to replace it. I also found out that Halsin basically doesn't care that you killed all the druids as you tell him when you free him. You also can send him back to the grove until you kill the goblin leaders. My plan now is to see if I can reverse steps 2 and 3 somehow. Cuz I do know that if you talk to the drow first, all the leaders leave but you can still rescue Halsin. Either the game will bug out, Halsin will be hostile, or I get something similar to what I wanted.
  12. I also am not a fan of ham on pizza despite liking a hot ham and cheese sando. Like, I feel it is way too chewy. The few times I have had it it's been very large pieces, not some tiny cubed ham. I feel that it has never been salty enough. It also isn't spicy enough, and I don't mean hot spicy. The chewy part is why I generally don't get bacon on pizza either. I love crispy toppings, and bacon can be pretty hit or miss. I don't want burnt bacon, but I want that shit pretty crispy on a pizza. When it comes to just eating bacon I don't mind a bit of a chew. Ideally, it should be stiff but still bends slowly when you hold it out. Bacon that is part crispy and part chewy is the best.
  13. I have on a taco, probably.
  14. No. The problem, as I have stated, is the cheese. It's all the wrong kind of sweet and salty. Please remember everything I have said about food next time.
  15. As I have said in another thread, you have shit tastes when it comes to fries.
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