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Posts posted by gamer.tv

  1. 2 hours ago, Jason said:

    I felt really good when I did it a few years back. If you hunt around for instructors that focus on the body mechanics aspect of it you should be able to find someone who doesn't put the spirituality stuff into the class. 


    I just need the buzzword for everything involved in Yoga, without actually being Yoga in name.  'Body Mechanics' would be a great term for what I want.  Aka, controlled stretching, position holding and core balance - without the need to feel any energy, listen or think about spirituality or focus myself.  I do that aspect on my own, personal way, usually with: running, playing music or writing

  2. I'm looking to blend my exercise more (and ensuring that I'm actually taking care of parts of my body that I'll need later down the line) and Yoga is something that I'm interesting in trying on a weekly basis.  I've completed a one off session and really enjoyed it/hated the last 10 minutes of spirituality that came with it.  


    The focus though on core, stretching and strength seem well worth mixing in with running/weight training that I currently do. 


    Anyone a fan?  Any benefits that you've found off the back of it?

  3. I ended up snoozing my alarm this morning, so I'm posting now roughly when I expected to be getting home.  No matter, I'll be heading out in 25 minutes after some foam rolling and I've forced a coffee for all the 'benefits' that will bring pre-run. 


    Update: posting from a public toilet.  Just spent the last 10 minutes trying to not shit myself and so had to walk.  Which means extras at the end to make up for it. Only downside of a long run.


    Update 2: I checked, 8 1/2 miles in total with about 1 1/2 miles on incline.  I just need to find out what's wrong with my left hip which causes it to tighten up and then I could see a half marathon on the cards next year. 

  4. Planning on running around 3/4 of the main 'walking circuit' around the city I live in.  It should be about 6 miles or so.  Also, with returning back to the gym and re-introducing weight training, I'm looking at adjusting my eating.  Being a vegetarian however does paint a very, very boring picture of what I'll be eating on a daily basis.  At least I'll look glorious by the time I'm 30.

  5. Blade Runner - I've never watched it all the way through, mainly as I first attempted when I was about 12, but it was scheduled for a 10pm start and this I had no chance of seeing it through.  I've attempted once afterwards, but lacked the concentration. 


    Despite it's age and the borderline silliness of the time-frame it's set in, however I can see how influential it has been on cinema since (especially how sci-fi has been filmed in the past 20 years).  


    I did find that I loved the premise, though the last 25 minutes or so felt fairly rushed and for me, lost it's way.  I was however watching the theatrical release and not the directors cut, which memory serves has some changes. 


    I'll go with 8/10 however and I'll make sure to watch the follow up in the next week.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Yeah, but you're thinking about it wrong. Zero was better than the remake because well, the remake is old but newish while Zero had new things that were never in the original. If you're not playing zero, you're starting from the beginning (this game) and this game is not as bad as you're saying it is.


    Based on my limited time, even with interest in a series, I can only really play one game a month at an absolute push.  Out of the two, which of Y:K or Y:Z would you recommend as the better game?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    If you're interested in the series then you're interested in playing a remake of the first game.


    I'm interested in the series and potentially playing 0, based on the metacritic reviews and where it stands within the series.  If I do play it and enjoy it, then I'll more than likely try out others in the series, but I don't really want to start with a game in the series which across the spectrum, didn't review as well, not with the limited time that I have for games as a whole.

  8. On 11/1/2018 at 1:30 PM, Bloodporne said:

    Will be picking up Yakuza. It's a series I've always meant to try out and then...I forget or buy something else instead. Time to do this. 


    Same. It's consistently loved by its fan base and reviews well.  Although when I watch, say, a Quick Look I have no idea why.  I should probably read more as I would like to say the reasons for it's love come from: a well written story, good hand-to-hand combat, and fun minigames.  I'm interested in 2/3 of those, so maybe it's time.

  9. I really enjoyed it and found it great fun to play with my partner, where she would watch and hide whilst I played.  It is a shame that it couldn't find a more interesting enemy variety and like everyone has mentioned, parts of the game are just poor.  I would be happy however with a similar style for RE8, with some expansions.  More the point, thinking about the game makes me think of the RE2make and how good that will hopefully be.

  10. The downside of a relationship where you both enjoy games but have the one main games console.  As it's getting colder however, along with watching more new TV series/movies, reading more and working on some additional qualifications, it's always this time of the year when I'll return back to gaming after a vague summer hiatus. 


    So as I'll not be playing on the PS4 (and I'm quite OK with this), I thought I'd dip into some of my older consoles and either finish off some games or buy some new ones.  


    I've mentioned a few times in passing, but I've returned back to Breath of the Wild to dig out some more Shrines, upgrade some essentials and get better equipment so I can storm Ganon's castle and have a delightful time.  I've also had Pikmin 3 staring at me and I know that I've only got a few hours left, but it's hard returning to a game after 3 years. 


    I did however decide that I'd pick up one or two 360 games that I was interested in, but never played back in the day.  So for the princely sum of £5.50, I bought Gears of War: Judgement and Halo CE: Anniversary.  Just playing through Halo and whilst the overarching game does feel a bit dated (in the fact that it does take the occasional bit of wandering back to the start of the 'area' to find my bearings, to know where to go next) the art style is gorgeous and looks very striking, both 8 years after release and 18 years respectively.  


    I haven't opened Judgement but I just love Gears as a franchise so regardless of whether it feels like a rehash, I'll just enjoy shooting Grubs.


    There's also the temptation to either restart Dark Souls, or more likely make my way through the depths area (with those twatty curse frogs) and see if I can give it a go.  Then I can start to wonder how I can complete the somewhat severe PS4 backlog that I have when I have about 5 hours of spare time a week.

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