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Posts posted by elbobo

  1. 18 hours ago, Moa said:

    Full spoilers below, I'm ultimately pretty disappointed in the narrative.


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    Jinx was set in stone the second she killed her "brothers" and was abandoned by Vi, whatever Silco did with her during the time skip is completely secondary to that. She was a troubled girl from episode 1, tacking on about as a traumatic event that a person can experience and I don't have a problem with her not being ok in the end


  2. 2 hours ago, Amazatron said:

    I was curious how this could even be possible and found this, seems like a good explanation but I don't know shit about guns so...



    In his first major interview since being involved in a fatal shooting on the set of his latest movie, Alec Baldwin made a surprising new claim about his actions that day.



    as stated in the article it is going to come down to whether this is transfer bar gun or not, being a replica it can very well be. This would take one second of looking at the gun to figure out. 

  3. Watched the first 3 episodes, HOLY SHIT even it just maintains this level of quality through the rest of the series it will end up as something very special.


    The animation is so good especially in the fight scenes, they are simultaneously super fluid while having tremendous impact to the blows, and a gritty scrappy realness to the choreography.


    The world/mechanical design is top notch as well.


    I am not even going to get into the characters or plot due to spoilers, rest assured they are also great. 

  4. The final episode does have some scenes that are shot for shot and line for line from the anime, and rightfully so, some of the shots are absolutely iconic.


    One I wished they changed though was the exchange between Vicious and Spike about having the blood of a killer and having bleed all that blood away, it is such a clunky line. It has bothered me since I watched the anime 20 years ago, I always wondered if it was one of those things that just doesn't translate well.

  5. 6 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    For everyone who said they wanted to see Ed on this show. Yikes




    I haven't got this far into the series but this is what I will now use as the absolute gold standard argument against staying as true to the original as possible when crossing mediums.


    Ed was a very "cartoony" character in the anime and trying to do that in real life is just... well just watch that clip. The actress and wardrobe and everything are dead on and it is the most cringe inducing thing I've seen in a long time.

    • Haha 1
  6. Watched the first 3 episodes. Great budget and the overall feel is close enough but as mentioned translating anime to live action is just so hard, the closer you try to stick to the source material the harder it will get, but this is a damned if you do damned if you don't case, if they did make more changes to make it flow better as a live action all the anime fans would bitch up a storm about it.


    Despite his age I find Cho to fine as Spike except for the fight scenes where it is glaring that he is not a martial artist and is just going through VERY blocked out choreography, this is what most likely makes the fight scenes feel so stilted.


    Mustafa Shakir is great as Jet, honestly this is as good as it could get.


    I found Vicious to be an "eh whatever" villain in the anime and much worse in the live action, another victim of trying to keep it close to the original. 


    The show is brightly lit but somehow devoid of color even in HDR.

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