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Posts posted by elbobo

  1. oh I got issues and you are going to hear about them.


    Every problem this season came out of the writer's room. The acting and directing were all fine, it was just all about what was one the page.


    There might have been a decent 5 episode season here if they had made  few changes but dragging it out over 10 episodes was a huge mistake.


    Characters not being internal consistent on this show is killing me and I don't mean being consistent with versions of themselves from 25 years ago I mean within these 10 episodes. Episode 3 "ok everyone we can't break the timeline, no butterflies" everyone goes out and seems to have as many time breaking adventures as possible over the next few episodes.


    The biggest character problem I had this season was with 7, her one character throughline this year was the discrimination and hatred she experiences from being a former Borg and one of the only good things from last season was the show talking about how Borg drones aren't just canon fodder baddies they are victims, people that were transformed against their will into Borg. Then episode 9 rolls around and 7 is "just kill them all they are just Borg", like wtf.


    Q died of what old age? They really needed to give us a bit more explanation on this one especially since Voyager spent several episodes revolving around the Q's immortality and the boredom associated with it. There was even one episode where a Q expressly wanted to die and Janeway had to serve as judge in the trial if this was an acceptable thing to happen. Then there was the Q civil war where several Qs killed each other so they can die but everything we have been shown till this season is that it takes a Q to kill a Q, just a throw away line from De Lancie Q like "that war had consequences we could have not have foreseen and did damage to the continuum that we are still unsure of what the final result will be" something at least to let us know why the most powerful/immortal beings in the Trek universe suddenly aren't.


    Travelers/Guardians. I hate this concept so much, it removes all agency from everything if there is some grand plan out there that must be adhered to, who made this plan the Travelers?  If they were just playing time cops that would be fine, just going around making sure people don't actively change the timeline, no issue there but Wesley spells out there is a tapestry that must be made. Even the Q with all their power are all about free will and choice.


    At least Stewart was better this year, he didn't feel as old and decrepit as he did in season 1.

  2. I'm through episode 8. It started fairly strong with the first 2 episodes and then has been going off a cliff of idiocy since then.


    Borg Queen was fun during the first half of the series, the actress was clearly having a blast with the role.


    Q's dialogue is pseudo-intellectual word salad but De Lancie delivers it with complete dedication and vigor so that is at least entertaining. 


    Soong plot feels completely unnecessary and is just padding out the run time and giving another name drop which the show seems obsessed with.


    Rios was my favorite new character from the series but he went from competent starfleet captain concerned about not breaking time to bringing his new lady friend and her kid on to his future spaceship in a couple episode span.


    I don't understand why Disco and Picard seem to revolve around character's trauma, no one wants Trek to be full of sad people being sad all the time. We just want characters to go have fun optimistic space adventures, please SNW pull this off.

  3. 8 hours ago, Air_Delivery said:

    How much time would it take to train to use them? Seems like it isn't something you can do in an 8 hour course. 

    Espeically the upkeep and mainentence aspect.


    Those drones can be operated from the continental US with Ukrainian "pilots" sitting in the drone facility, I'm sure the US service members in there as well would just be advising them on what to do.

  4. 51tLKONCQ7L._AC_SL1200_.jpg


    Bought these in my freshman year of college back in spring of 2000 with my tax return money, they were the absolute god kings of computer speakers back then. They made it 22 years including some obnoxiously loud listening during college. Had a power surge a week ago and they are completely distorted now, thankfully the rest of my gear was not affected, what a run though.


    sad wilfred mott GIF

    • Like 2
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  5. 1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


    I cannot conceive of a scenario where that would be possible on any significant scale.


    In fairly localized areas of contact? Sure, but in any great depth on any of the fronts?  Not a chance.


    better question would be can Russia continue to feed troops and supplies into those areas that are going to get increasingly insurgent with ever passing day. 

  6. Star Trek Discovery season 4


    Best season yet but that is an extremely low bar to clear. The last couple of episodes were really good Trek though with first contact with an extremely alien alien although it aped a lot from Arrival, if they focus on those style of plots going forward it would be for the best.


    Book got absolutely character assassinated in the back half of the season and became a complete idiot.





    The Adam Project


    Paint by the numbers fine and completely forgettable as expected from a netflix movie. There was a genuinely sweet moment at the end though that got my finance choked up.



  7. 1 hour ago, Air_Delivery said:

    Yeah this is what I don't get. Like of all the things Russia should be able to do, being able to dominate the air should have been the easiest. Getting blasted by drones is shocking.


    The US Airforce struggles to maintain an aircraft operational rate of around 70% even with its massive budget and planes like the B-1 and F-22 are usually at a 50%. Not hard to imagine the Russians have a much lower rate than that.


    The Russians might have a lot planes but I'm guessing not many of them are combat capable. 

  8. 4 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:



    Maybe it just me being old or something but does anyone else find this entire situation entirely surreal? 


    Everything from one European country invading another in 2022 to the seemingly half hearted/incompetent nature of the invasion. Also you have the fact that nowadays literally everyone is essentially an imbedded reporter. Then you have that molotov video of people walking down the sidewalk on the cell phones like life is normal while there is street fighting going on.

    • True 1
  9. Yellowjackets


    This might the show I disagree with the critics the most on. I just didn't like it, the supernatural plot that lurks mostly in the background of most of the show is a major detriment to the series, should have just kept it a survival story. Acting is fine to good, wasn't a fan of some of the directing though.





    Vox Machina


    I was worried this might happen but I think Arcane has ruined animated series for me, having 6 years to make a season of television and an immense budget will kind of do that. Vox is fine for the most part although it ends in a weird place, not even like a cliff hanger just an end of an episode.



  10. 5 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

    As of the 2019-2020 school year, an average teacher's salary was $60,996, which is $3,905 more than the state average. On average, teachers had 10.5 years of experience.



    Statewide: $49,868


    I think you read something wrong.  60k is actually close to starting pay in districts near me in upstate NY, and like every district has that teacher thats been there forever making 6 figures 


    I just looked up my friend who I was talking about earlier in this thread. He makes 63k a year with 15 years experience all in the same school district. This is in Rochester NY.


    No where near worth it.

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