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Posts posted by finaljedi

  1. On 7/16/2021 at 4:22 PM, sblfilms said:

    Also, I have no idea why retailers don’t let people get in line this way for all these sorts of things. Just send it out once my number comes up in the line. I think that would get rid of a LOT of the frustration around purchasing gaming hardware.


    Yeah, this kills me, apparently Apple and Valve are the only ones who feel the need to set up a queue.  If I could reserve a 3080 with a shipping timeframe of months from now I'd be happy.


    Anyway, got in line for the 512GB version Friday, Q1 2022.

  2. 1 hour ago, brucoe said:

    The ironic part is that because Q stuff always involves children, it has zero tendency to lure me in. .I have no interest in "saving the children" whatsoever. I honestly don't care. And strangely enough, people get really upset whenever they hear that. An example: I was trying to turn off my amber alerts on my cell phone, and some Karen at work asked me why I would do that. I said because it wakes me up in the middle of the night, and I don't give a crap about anyone else's kid. And wow, that started a whole ton of shit all on its own. She didn't seem to accept that as someone who has no children, has no intention of ever having any children and no interest in interacting with children, might just not care that much about children.


    It's just a stupid trap of a conversation with the conspiracy theory types.  Half or more of the country doesn't give a shit about whether something is Christian or not so appealing to that morality has slipped a little over the years.  But the children, most people aren't willing to say they don't give a shit about the children, so they can lay a really stupid conversation trap and hijack a fairly benign hashtag.

    • stepee 1
  3. 1 hour ago, stepee said:


    Is all this Q shit so fucking weird because the russian translators aren’t any good? Like it’s just misinformation getting lost in translation so it comes out super crazy?


    It's just big tent, throw shit at the wall see what sticks nonsense.  Is JFK Jr secretly alive or was he sacrificed to Baphomet in an infernal ritual that crashed his plane?  It's all welcome

  4. 1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


    The reason they don't pull back the curtain is because there is a bigger curtain that they need to pull back, and just have to wait for the right time. And if you haven't noticed, all the conspiracies inevitably contain some plot against or involving children. There's some deep-rooted, fucked up shit going on in the minds of the people falling for this, some twisted pull on evolutionary pressure to care for the young.



    It's the Scientology approach, you don't start by telling people about Space Lord Xenu and the thetans from the volcanos that are sticking to your soul.  You start with self help.  That PDF that the URL on the card directs to that I linked to in my last post lays a lot of it out in all its rambling deranged moronic glory.



    The entire Democrat Party of today is wildly exposed in our video, Secret Satanic Sacrifices,

    as being connected to three pivotal Occult sacrifices in the 20th Century. They are:

    1. 1)  The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, TN, on April 4, 1968.

    2. 2)  The (intended?) crash of JFK, Jr’s small plane on July 16, 1999.

    3. 3)  A White Catholic Heterosexual Virgin named Mary - the Virgin Mary - sacrificed at

      the Dawn of the Space Age, two days AFTER the Moon Launch and two days BEFORE the Moon Landing. Watch the video and learn how the late Senator Ted Kennedy may now be thought of as the Original Zodiac Killer.

    Watch this condensed version of Secret Satanic Sacrifices, even if you see the Full Version. This version is newer and contains STUNNING NEW EVIDENCE of a Satanic connection between Joe Biden, MaryJo Kopechne and what appears to be his life committed to sacrilege against the Virgin Mary and Jesus of Nazareth.




    • stepee 1
    • Shocked 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, ort said:

    Do we think the people who wrote that card actually believe what's on it, or are they just grifters playing the dumb as shit trump supporters for the stupid fucking idiots they are?


    The scariest part of this entire Trump era is knowing just how unbelievable stupid so many people are. It's shocking to think about. It really is.


    The idea that someone could look over that card and think the information on there seems legit is just terrifying.


    I went to the web address on that card, it directs to the PDF




    In addition to the Condensed version, this full version of Secret Satanic Sacrifices contains the shocking fingerprints that connect these three Occult sacrifices with the signs of the Zodiac, and the murder of John-John, on the 30thanniversary of the very Moon launch which his father, John F. Kennedy, made into a reality.Also, you will see the connection of these sacrifices to a unifying script for managing the decline of America, which includes the birth of Black Lives Matter, as a coded message it marked the end of the Age of the White Man.


    One little nugget from that, so yeah, crazy pants.

  6. 4 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


    I've seen this so often, and have made a conscious effort to take jobs at places with great work culture, and with great teams. So far it's worked out. I was recently head-hunted for a cool job, but I turned it down because the culture was different (offer was at a full-stack startup with sprint schedules, etc, compared to my current IT job in public education). I don't need to love my job, but I want to be able to at least tolerate it so that I can make money and enjoy the rest of my life.


    I did 4 years at a large health insurance company.  Every once in a while one of their recruiters will call me and I'll tell them my salary expectations for that position is a firm $125k and the job probably caps at around $70 to $85k.  They tell me I'm being absurd, I tell them their company is awful and I'd rather work elsewhere for less, but that's the minimum I'll take if I'm going to hate where I work.

  7. 2 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:



    “They go after good, hard-working people for not paying taxes on a company car,” he said at a rally in Sarasota, Fla. “You didn't pay tax on the car or a company apartment. You used an apartment because you need an apartment because you have to travel too far where your house is. You didn't pay tax. Or education for your grandchildren. I don't even know. Do you have to? Does anybody know the answer to that stuff?”


    I'd hope the company CFO would know how taxes work at the very least.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


    We’re talking about it. :p

    Fair enough, I didn’t click though.  It reminds me of those random articles that are like “Here’s what Warren Buffett does every morning that is he key to his success”, you click it and it turns out he gets up at 6am and has eggs or something.  Doing that a couple times has made me not click out of curiosity anymore.

    • Haha 1
  9. I think it's kind of a game changer in that with work from home you could probably move to Appalachia or one of the many empty spaces in the middle of the country and still have reasonably reliable Internet.  I used to know a lady that used Hughes Net because it was the only option, it was not great.  Shitty caps, latency that could be measured in seconds, and slow speeds.

  10. 30 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

    If you’re the remnants of the Italian mob, how embarrassed are you that THIS GUY brought you down?


    Probably pretty satisfying knowing that his legacy would have been secured if he'd just fucked off 18 years ago and took money to make speeches, but instead he decided to repeat deranged conspiracy theories in a parking lot across the street from a porn shop with the world watching.  He's not the sharp litigator who beat the mob or the mayor during the worst attack on the United States, he's the old guy who got tricked by Borat and who screamed about communists infiltrating the election while sweat mixed with hair dye pours down his face.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


    I see.


    No, actually, I don't.  That's just plain ludicrous and anyone who is even remotely stimulated by that should be purged.



    There you go, this one has like 11 million views, I did a search and got past ones that looked weirder than this one.  I think I've watched a couple minutes of these things once or twice, but I don't have the patience or preference for all that.  I'm sure now my YouTube recommendations are screwed up, but anything that gets the goofy men's rights shit off my front page that showed up after watching like two video game videos is welcome.



  12. 32 minutes ago, Jason said:



    He's just simply incapable of processing even the most basic of nuance.  During his campaign he was telling women that he was saving their suburban paradise, then there was the rapist and murdering illegal immigrants, the shithole countries...  It's popular among his simple minded supporters, less so with most other people.

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