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Posts posted by TUFKAK

  1. 7 hours ago, stepee said:

    Well, I think with the adoption of pretending conservatives are pro union now the “conservatives are the party of the working people!” fort of wool has been completed!l. Conservative propaganda is so damn good but tbf propaganda is just a lot easier when you have no morals and don’t stand for anything.

    Remember when a bunch of Christian conservatives got pissy at that commercial about Jesus washing feet?


    Says everything you need to know about conservatives.

    • True 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, GoldenTongue said:

    I don't believe this for a second.  Setting aside the fact that, with the exception of the past eight years, unions have been overwhelmingly left-leaning in support, do you know when union support began to erode among the mainstream in a meaningful way?  Do you know who the president was, and the nickname he earned among union organizations? 


    Ronald "Union Buster" Reagan.


    The idea that conservatives aren't anti-union, that they haven't historically (and still do) land on the side of management, is patently absurd.


    Are you being willfully ignorant, or is this just a bit of partisan hackery coming through?

    No see, a democrat supported it once therefore it’s truthfully a left thing to be against the left!

  3. Just now, Spork3245 said:


    The puppy sounded like it was being a puppy, even when taking her at her word. It was chasing after birds and later a friends chickens having the "time of it's life". Like, yea, not every fucking dog makes a good hunting dog. So, her solution, "kill it"? Fuck that. There's a 1000 other solutions, but she wanted some type of sick revenge on something that was only in the world for 14 months and didn't know any better. She can fuck right off and there is literally no explanation that makes what she did even remotely understandable as the dog was not a threat to anyone in her story even though she claimed "it was dangerous to anyone it came in contact with", at the end of the day, that dog just "ruined the hunt" she was on and it probably embarrassed her so she wanted to "feel good" by getting revenge.

    I mean, FFS, look at Commander. Dog bit how many USSS agents? Biden put him in proper care where he is less stressed and won't do that.

    To be fair what I read was killed a bunch of chickens then went after her aggressively when she tried to stop the dog,  that’s not puppy behavior, that’s aggressive dog behavior as most dogs don’t decimate a chicken coop. I could see in the moment killing the dog, but not the after.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    It's just extra enjoyable because she wanted that VP pick so badly and it's probably why she even wrote this shit book in the first place.

    Like I read the excerpt, I can sortve see it, taking her at her word that dog was a problem, but it’s the callous ass way she describes it that makes it sociopathic Abd then just going, that goat  smells kill it too, and such a shit shot she fucking missed her first shot. I’ve known ranchers; they don’t cull that way 

  5. 2 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

    A lot of assumptions there, and more of the attitude that pushes people to the right.

    the crack epidemic was a fucking travesty and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t care about the lives of others, except seemingly modern liberals. What came after the crack epidemic? Oh yeah, the Hillary/Biden double team crime bill. Are we really pretending the DNC tried to help black America. 


    My life is neither shitty, nor do I believe in god, so not sure where you’re going. Southern Evangelicalism doesn’t really exist around me. 

    I don’t personally know a single conservative who is anti-union. Most people in this area were proud union members before NAFTA came a long and decimated thriving rural communities.

    I’m absolutely willing to admit that the modern GOP is a disgusting organization that needs to be torn down, but I’m not willing to pretend the DNC is trying to better life for Americans. They are elitists who are completely beholden to lobbyists and defence contractors. 

    If you had said those things about any other group, this board would be screaming about how hateful you are. 

    lmfao. Conservatives care about the other. lolol. Thors beard what a load of shit. Let’s ask them how they feel about trans people real quick. As I said, fucking miss me with this bullshit. But I do not care about conservatives and their families either, I am just not trying to burn the country down over it. They would love my niece, until they meet her interracial gay parents then it's an issue.

    This just in, rich powerful white people have never cared about poc in this shithole country, more news at 10. But remind me, how many people voted yay on that legislation? But yep, totally a Biden thing only. Again, miss me.

    This board has called me a hateful bigot for my views on islam before, i do not give a shit. I've lived this life, I have been insulted by mouth breathers for my views and who I am my whole ass life, fuck em, I hate them as only someone who has been attacked for being lgbtqi can. at least liberals won't attack me for going to PRIDE whereas conservatives will call me a groomer because I took my niece to a drag show in a park while they talk about breeding 16 yos and watch "Alpha Male" content like the fucking losers they are.

    I was speaking in general terms as someone you're portraying yourself to be, specifically in reference to american conservatives.

    lol, anti-union sentiment is a hallmark conservative trait, wtf. Pretending otherwise means I can completely ignore you like you did the Regan and Bushx2 administrations.

    • Halal 3
  6. I took five years away, and your first message to me was trying to mock me over a guy who pretended to be me after I had already knew he was pretending 


    I am all about personal growth, life is about improving and being better than you were yesterday 


    But, waiting five years to try and win on a dying message board community. Yeah 

    • Halal 1
  7. They do not have push back. Like yeah, game 3 was annoying, Leafs got jobbed with those non calls, but they had five powerplays and did nothing. You are gonna have missed calls, it's the sport, refs dont call the game they manage the game. Guess what the Bruins did after the Leafs took the lead, pushed back. Because the Bruins are a good team, the Leafs are not.

    Domi and and Bertuzzi are great value, I want them back, if the whole core is back next year, I will treat this team like I did circa 2015, just check the scores. Keefe keeps getting outcoached, but at somepoint it's the players. Matthews gets 70 but they bow out first round, again. Who cares.

    this team, this roster, could have Scotty Bowman and they'd still go out in the first round. There is no Stevie Y on this franchise.

  8. 3 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

    Before the pandemic, I had finally moved out from my parents into my own apartment, met up with friends I originally knew from IGN, was in decent shape, and adopted my own kitten.  Since then, nothing has gone right for me.  I've grown ugly, fat, and balding, every friend I've known has distanced themselves from me, I have no money, developed a crippling alcohol addiction, my cat refuses to use the litterbox and pee on the rug, and not a day has gone by where I haven't thought about death or suicide.

    Things get better. If you need to talk this board is always here.

    • Hugs 1
  9. 6 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

    You can’t judge Trumps economy on 2020 alone. I don’t think there’s any question that millions of Americans were better off before the pandemic than they are after. It doesn’t matter if there are more jobs than ever if people need to work two or three to get by. It doesn’t matter if inflation is down when grocery prices and Rent aren’t coming down. Not getting more unaffordable doesn’t make the current system affordable. People seeing huge jumps in their mortgage don’t care that inflation is “only 3 percent right now”. 

    theres a lot of people who don’t seem to understand how much worst life has gotten for many people over the last three years of Biden’s presidency. People who were getting by before are drowning now. 

    And if presidents are going to brag about “their economy” they can’t be surprised when they are blamed when the lives of voters get worse. That’s their mistake, convincing voters it’s “their economy”. 

    How about one of the worst quarters since the great recession, 4th 2018, you can not divorce his shit record on the economy by claiming not real economy and then at the same time say the Pandemic is unique but the Pandemic recovery isn't. This bullshit mindsight is why America is the shithole it is. Further, if your mortgages have increased sounds like you didn't learn from the great recession. Maybe you shouldn't have agreed to a variable rate mortgage, sounds like a you fucked up thing not the system did. Conservatives are all about personal responsibility until they're forced to confront their own failures then it's someone else's fault. They remain the true snowflake crybaby bitches. Also I bought a house in the bay while Biden was President, thanks Biden. Almost like success and failure is a personal thing, don't tell conservatives though. If eggs costing three dollars more breaks you, you fail as a person.

    Further, to your other point.

    Conservatives getting made fun of. Oh the horror. lolol

    Fucking spare me. My entire life I've moved in conservative circles and as a result I've been insulted for it. I've had terrible things said about me from: mentally deranged, fucked in the head, traitor, unamerican etc all because I am to the left. And guess who was saying it. I was literally in the Marines, wearing boots, and called a traitor by some fat conservatives mouth breather because I said gay people should be allowed to get married. Now they wanna cry like bitches because their shit hole cities in their flyover states get made fun of while insulting me, my cities, my communities my entire life. Crybaby fucks. They can't handle what they dished out for decades and now want to burn the country down over it. Fuck em, your life is still gonna suck even if you make ours harder.

    No, I don't care your shit towns are dying, I care as much about your kids dying due to Heroin as you did about my family during the crack epidemic, to paraphrase a certain comic, amazing how when your kids started dying it became a public health crisis over a personal failing. I have zero sympathy for your failures especially when my success is owed to traditional liberal values like unions and collective bargaining. But hey, pray to Jesus, maybe he will save your shit life.

    I'm heading back to Spain next week, My life is great.

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  10. 44 minutes ago, Reputator said:


    God people are stupid. So Trump polled better after the insurrection than Biden who is actually getting stuff done?


    This country deserves to be a shithole.

    I mean there’s that, but it’s an abstract concept, democracy 


    We legit lost a million Americans, I watched many die during the pandemic, and this shithole country now views that time as favorable. We are not a country worth saving That justifies a million dead because mortgage rates were low.


    Donald Trump continues to hold an advantage over President Joe Biden as the campaign – and Trump’s criminal trial – move forward, according to a new CNN poll...

    another example of why I’m done.


    America is a shithole not worth my mental stress.


    the people who died were just old total successful administration. There is nothing redeemable about this country.

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