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Posts posted by TUFKAK

  1. 57 minutes ago, GoldenTongue said:

    TUDCA + NAC?  My doctor recommended those to me since my ALT & AST are chronically about 10% higher than testing reference intervals.  I'm a bit skeptical since the levels have been relatively steady at those numbers for a long, long time now, and there are no other indicators of liver damage.

    Actually no, choline and inositol, its an OTC supplement you can buy that my urologist back in Bmore suggested I take.

    I went from elevated AST and ALT to normal within a few months of taking them, back when I was competing I did labs twice a year and between my initial and the repeat they normalized, I have never had an elevated liver enzyme since. But, when you take the full dose, 3grams, you dump everything out of your gut.

    My update is, breakups will always make bodybuilders, my diet is basically competition level perfect right now, low carb, high protein (300 grams due to this next piece) I am back on bodybuilding doses (1gram test, 500 tren) and getting two a days four days a week with cardio daily. My non two a days is because I am working so I only train once then. Getting every muscle group atleast twice a week, it has been a long time since I have trained like this. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Dodger said:

    The problem with that is at that point you’re glued to your toilet for a day or two. Since moving out of commiefornia where a half gallon is like literally a buck forty I’ll go like 3 days. Just doesn’t cost so much that I worry about throwing out some

    Thankfully I have a guy of iron so I never have that issue, I once accidentally ate half a cup of rotten cottage cheese and was just fine. The avocado and honey covered up the bad taste.

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  3. 26 minutes ago, stepee said:

    Actually after thinking about it, I really think this is someone who was thinking about their dick, fell down a rabbit hole about the baby dick expression, googled it online and found this post, and then created an account just to share because they were happy to find the affirmation.

    Please, there is no way this website shows up on google. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

    They’re claiming it’s the “same as Trump” because Stewart was paying taxes on the assessed value while living there, and not the market value someone paid for it years later… their argument makes total sense unless you take 1 second to think about it :p 

    You mean chud losers who don’t own property don’t understand how real estate works? Shocking 

    • Halal 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Nokra said:

    Sometimes I wonder if upsetting people is just the easiest way chuds can find to feel relevant in a world that keeps moving on. 


    As the great George Carlin said: Imagine how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of all people are dumber than that. 


    At the risk of sounding condescending or patronizing to the chuds (and probably rambling a bit): In my calmer, more rational moments I have to remind myself that most people are just doing the best they can and that if I wasn't lucky to have had the luck, background, experiences, education, etc. that I did, maybe I would be a chud too. But yeah, it gets really goddamn frustrating sometimes. 

    As I’ve said before, a lot of these guys are fucking losers who failed at life and their dreams so it’s easier to blame others for why their life sucks than accept the reality that they just suck and didn’t have that “it” factor to get what they wanted out of life. Which then transfers into rage at others to overcome their own inadequacies. You see this from everything to the incels to socially conservatives angry at “wokeness” and then promoting this crap makes them think they’re fail life is actually relevant, that they’re special, know things nobody else does, despite not being able to differentiate socialism, communism or explain speciation. It’s the lazy way to overcome their feelings.


    With that said I am not above rubbing my life in their faces when they annoy me with their stupidity. Like oh, bumble doesn’t work for you? I just swipe, it’s easy.

  6. 33 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


    "Hey we should blow up a bridge."

    "Awesome, what's the best way?"


    "Nice, but that would be discovered too easily. We'll need cover."

    "I agree. We'll plow a giant ship into the bridge at the same time the dynamite blows."


    And real people believe this. They also likely believe that it was done to cover for/promote minorities being hired in companies.

    Lizard people I’m telling you guys 

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