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Posts posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I liked The Grapes of Wrath, but it was kind of a slog while they were on the road. I look forward to reading East of Eden at some point. Folio Society has a beautiful copy I'd love to get my hands on at some point.


    I finished Stalingrad last night. Still working on It Can't Happen here, but I also decided to read The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Draggin' Dixie Outta the Dark, by Trae Crowder, Corey Ryan Forrester, and Drew Morgan. I like the guy's videos, so I'm interested in reading his book. I have a copy autographed by all of them.

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  2. 28 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    It's not if I say so; it just is. I'm just glad this board wasn't in charge of being the opposition in the past year, because I'm pretty sure everybody who voted in Alabama, everybody who protested after Parkland, and everybody who protested in the reddest of districts during the health care debates last year were told the same thing. "Good luck with that."



    Damn right, and our Republican Senate candidate, Rick Scott.

    Look, I know you like to pat yourself on the back over the Alabama thing, but a fairly conservative Democrat just barely eeked out a victory over a credibly accused child molester there. And his term will end in 2020, when he'll likely face a much better Republican candidate. 


    I vote. I call my senators. But I'm also well-aware of the fact that Tom Cotton isn't up for re-election anytime soon and his head is sitting comfortably up Trump's ass. 


    The reality is, we're about to have a really, really conservative court for the next several decades and a lot of progress is going to get reversed. No Blue Wave in November is gonna change that right now.

  3. 9 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    I know. It's not like when Mitch decided to hold it off since he was leader.


    However, I think the argument works in an election year. It'd be nice to get a retiring GOP Senator to vote no since McCain can't even show up, giving Republicans a 50-49 Senate currently. I have a feeling someone gets confirmed this year, but I'll do what I can via organized calls and public pressure with others who want this on hold. 

    Good luck with that. 

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