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Posts posted by Bloodporne

  1. 5 hours ago, johnny said:

    who cares. scorsese and bong joon ho loved hereditary. maybe… people don’t care. do you think scorsese was sitting there like wow good movie but meh, kinda just biting off of polanski‘s work. get real. 


    X oozed coolness and was fun to watch


    i barely even remember men 

    I mean it's my opinion, I don't give a shit if others care or not, I was talking about my take on Men specifically as part of that bigger picture. 

  2. 16 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    But Kanye told me that Jews control the media!

    I wish I could find a clip of it online but the whole Jews control the media line will never not bring to mind Jon Stewart on the Daily Show doing a segment about some white supremacist calling TV the Electric Jew. The punchline was him going "coincidentally that was my breakdance name in High School" and it had one of the greatest bad photoshops they ever had on there. It was some old pic of Stewart with an absolutely ridiculous Grandmaster Flash looking studded-out yarmulke and huge shades or something. I almost pissed myself

  3. On 12/19/2022 at 10:05 AM, Bloodporne said:



    Men - 6/10


    I feel like at this point I should just stop writing my thoughts on A24 films on this forum because it's always the same post. I thought Men had a really good setup and very intriguing mystery in the shape of their relationship and marriage. There was some really beautiful atmosphere going on in the first half of the film and I especially enjoyed the soundtrack. Also, some quite gothic scenes here and there, a nice cocktail overall.


    Then the by now trademark A24-ing occurs and of course shit has to get CUHHH-RAZZYYY. It's not that I don't understand the metaphors for the most part, it's more that I find the execution and the way it ties into the infinitely more interesting issue of their relationship and last day to be just so fucking "arthouse rote". Much imagery, much religion, much psychological stuff! But it felt empty and detached from the actual, interesting conflict to me. It felt like the sequence in the 3rd act were shoehorned in because goddamnit, we'll make em fit. It all felt very haphazardly related. Yes, I get it, bad men birth bad men, men are bad, cycles of abuse, there's some absurdly on-the-nose Adam & Eve shit but why are we truly concerned with this in the greater scheme of things when we know the absolutely devastating personal tragedy at hand? The film spends so much time fixated on Geoffrey (sp?), it just didn't congeal for me at all and felt more like an empty exercise in pretentious imagery with a flimsy excuse that it ties into the actual crux of plot. 


    A lot of potential and so much wasted, the story of A24 films for me at this point. Just because it's ambiguous or surreal doesn't mean it's good and creates a coherent atmosphere. 


    And really, one of those points of the 6 is for the first act's nature photography and the church scene, which I loved. 

    Also to add one thing I keep circling back to with some of these Arthouse Horror flicks. Many seem to be essentially semi-inept rehashes of Repulsion and Rosemary's Baby. To me, a movie like Men is to Repulsion what a movie like X is to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I get everything, especially at this stage, is heavily influenced by something but there's something extra annoying to me about blatant "template movies" that also fail at it. And not, I don't think Men for example is a 100% rip of the aforementioned either but just something that kept nagging me. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    You've never played Zero? It's generally considered bottom tier of RE games. You came in with lofty expectations my friend. :p

    Not I always avoided it because of that but figured hey, I'll finally try it for $4 or whatever it was...how bad can it be hot on the heels of RE1R!?


    Even the basic act of shooting the zombies feels somehow noticeably worse. Weird game.

  5. I just bought Resident Evil Zero for a few bucks last night. It looks great, it controls well but man, I was two hours in and gave up. This partner system is so obnoxious, the item management sucks ass and is them completely overthinking something that did not need to change and already worked well. First boss fight is a giant...Scorpion! On a train! Okay, no, I'm good. 


    I just replayed RE1 Remake and that game is a masterpiece so I expected this to be at least a chip off that block. It's just fucking annoying. 

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  6. 23 minutes ago, legend said:


    The abruptness didn't help for sure. I just wasn't sure what I was supposed to take away from the end and I don't really have any sense about the characters having changed in some important way. It was just this very weird event that then ended.

    I took it as a futuristic take on classic Southern Gothic themes. Coincidentally I've been reading quite a few books of that ilk lately. The obsession with a Christ-like figure coming down the Mississippi for example, very Delta Blues-ish in my eyes. It reminds me a lot of a movie like Inherent Vice, or I guess the Big Lebowski. It's the overall place, like Los Angeles in TBL's case, that's the main character and we're witnessing the weird stories in it. I really, really like this game in that regard, I think it has a really strong sense of place and its mysticism.


    Since I tend to get wrapped up in things that strike me like this, I went on a deep dive yesterday and checked out some developer interviews. They're very involved in the Steam community surrounding the game and flat-out answer people's lore and story questions and so on. Interestingly, they basically answered "we did what we could with our budget and schedule limitations in terms of scope but trust us, there was WAY more wanted to tell" and they've apparently made the whole lore document they used to write the game available to posters on the Steam board, kind of wild. 


    I might take a dive into that over the weekend if I feel up to and report back. 

    • Halal 1
  7. 11 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I usually really like Skarsgard, but you’re right. He did seem bored throughout. 

    Movie has a good RT score, so it kinda bums me that I didn’t care much for this one. 

    I went with two other people and yeah, they thought it was great and were baffled by my reaction to it. I thought it was a rote exercise in style that felt oddly boring and thin despite the endless "intensity" of half-naked men screaming and fighting. Really disappointing film overall and a baffling performance by Skarsgard imo. 


    PS: And yeah, I was really looking forward to it myself because it's Robert Eggers. He's one of those directors that I feel like has a legit masterpiece in him but hasn't gotten there just yet. Northman feels like a misstep but many great directors take those and I'd love to see him come back swinging. 

  8. 9 hours ago, legend said:

    I have absolutely no idea what to make of Norco after finishing it. The end is really fucking weird and not in a way that made me think. My reaction was "oh okay." I played it with my wife and she felt similarly.


    But the entire game was worth for the hotdog story. 

    I was expecting an epilogue of sorts. I thought we would circle back to the people in the fishing huts where we initially got the boat. I didn't mind the weirdness but I felt the abruptness of the end left me hanging. Again, I was firmly expecting to circle back with the folks in the room. I guess I should've brought the Meter back earlier. 


    One of my biggest questions really is 


    why don't Kay and Blake have faces? Is this supposed to be an "immersive" thing? Weirdly enough, this is the only thing I flat-out didn't like about the game. Blake especially is barely existent as a character who is a focal point. 


  9. I think I wrote about it in the "Movies You've Seen" thread but yeah, I loved this one as well. It's one of those movies that kind of just took me with its ride and vastly more bizarre shit could've happened and I would've been on board with it just because I found the world and atmosphere it created so believable and immersive. 


    His sister cursing people out was a real treat every single time! 


    PS: Also big fan of In Bruges. Saw it at the local indie theater when it came out and preordered it on DVD as soon as I had the chance. 

  10. spacer.png


    Men - 6/10


    I feel like at this point I should just stop writing my thoughts on A24 films on this forum because it's always the same post. I thought Men had a really good setup and very intriguing mystery in the shape of their relationship and marriage. There was some really beautiful atmosphere going on in the first half of the film and I especially enjoyed the soundtrack. Also, some quite gothic scenes here and there, a nice cocktail overall.


    Then the by now trademark A24-ing occurs and of course shit has to get CUHHH-RAZZYYY. It's not that I don't understand the metaphors for the most part, it's more that I find the execution and the way it ties into the infinitely more interesting issue of their relationship and last day to be just so fucking "arthouse rote". Much imagery, much religion, much psychological stuff! But it felt empty and detached from the actual, interesting conflict to me. It felt like the sequence in the 3rd act were shoehorned in because goddamnit, we'll make em fit. It all felt very haphazardly related. Yes, I get it, bad men birth bad men, men are bad, cycles of abuse, there's some absurdly on-the-nose Adam & Eve shit but why are we truly concerned with this in the greater scheme of things when we know the absolutely devastating personal tragedy at hand? The film spends so much time fixated on Geoffrey (sp?), it just didn't congeal for me at all and felt more like an empty exercise in pretentious imagery with a flimsy excuse that it ties into the actual crux of plot. 


    A lot of potential and so much wasted, the story of A24 films for me at this point. Just because it's ambiguous or surreal doesn't mean it's good and creates a coherent atmosphere. 


    And really, one of those points of the 6 is for the first act's nature photography and the church scene, which I loved. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 7 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    The Northman - 6/10


    I usually love Viking stuff, but this was just weird. The action scenes were fine, but it didn't do much for me overall.

    Thought this movie was incredibly underwhelming and forgettable from any angle really. It wasn't good at being Conan-ish, it wasn't good at being surreal and mystical feeling, Skarsgard felt weirdly detached and...bored a lot of the time. Movie just didn't work for me and just felt thin and empty. 

  12. On 4/22/2022 at 10:15 AM, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    I completely lost it at this dialog in Norco:


    "You've got to have a clean ass to fight crime.  Everybody knows that."
    "Had I been done wiping...I guarantee you they'd be dead right now.  I'm serious."



    The Garretts have some great funny lines. I thoroughly enjoy the overall sarcastic tone of a lot of the writing, including the constant use of "breh" and "bruh". Love the zealot who rants and raves about Kenner John wearing shoes. 

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