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Posts posted by TheGreatGamble

  1. 4 hours ago, Jason said:

    If I was the Media, every minute of coverage would literally be news anchors talking about how Trump is too afraid of old Mick to fire him. 


    "he doesn't have the balls to fire Mulvaney"

    "It's out of his tiny hands, he can't fire Mick"

    "Mick Mulvaney is running the show, Trump is just his No PuppeT!"


    Seriously, just taunt the fuck out of him. :lol:

  2. 16 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

    "Electability" means shitty, boring, supported-by-banks white guy.

    It also means appealing to centrist democrats. But yes, it also means that. It's pretty hard to expect the donors and lobbyists to support a candidate who is openly touting things like wealth taxes. And don't get me wrong, I completely support a wealth tax, I think it's decades overdue. But I also understand what Pelosi means when she says that far left progressive policy is popular in places like California and New York, but isn't going to be a vote getter in the midwest and more centrist areas. Even though they are the exact people who may actually benefit from things like public health care. 


    And if Bernie does somehow get the nomination, and pushes the Green New Deal, it would be easier to just cancel the election and give Trump four more years. (I'm being facetious about cancelling the election, obviously). Too many poor states see this as a direct attack on their livelihoods. Thats why Trump fighting against things like solar and wind power, and touting things like "Clean" coal (wtf? All these years later and still nobody knows what that is) and promising de-regulation went over so well in a lot of places. I know people want to believe it was only racism that got Trump elected, and want to ignore or deny that economic anxiety was a part of the problem, but it's a very real thing (which is often coupled with racism, I completely agree that racism still played a major part in this mess). People are not going to vote against what they see as their best interest, even if it hurts other people whom they believe they have nothing in common with. 


    The last three years of democrats claiming everyone who voted for Trump is racist has probably done nothing but increase the racist tendacies of people who voted for him. And the constant attacks and "call out culture" hasn't won the left very many new voters. I think the best hope democrats have is a 2008 kind of turnout, where democrats who don't usually vote come out in force. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jose said:


    I mean Louis CK had his career destroyed for asking permission (and receiving it) to masturbate in front of fellow less famous comedians.

    Again, this is different, they were in a relationship before she became a staffer. Louis CK used his power over 'subordinate' actresses to get them to agree. Everything i've read about this says otherwise. They were lovers who then began working together. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

    She broke house rules, but who cares? Let them slap her on the wrist. Everything was consensual right?

    Yeah, it was consensual, and the only people making a big deal of it is the right wing media. They had a sexual relationship, both enjoyed it, good for them. And it started before she was a staffer. So yes, who the hell cares? 

  5. 21 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Also it's hard to ever tell if there is a situation where there is consent between someone and their subordinate.

    Considering they were in a relationship before she became a staffer, im guessing yes. And if both parties are willing and want it, then thats consent. Harvey Weinstein=Rapist. Katie Hill=Woman who had a little fun in the bedroom and was punished for it by the right wing. The idea that their can't be consent with a subordinate is ridiculous. 

  6. 9 hours ago, number305 said:

    I would counter that with their computers have to be a lot more advanced than ours so, except for some reason much of their interface seems to be stuck in the late 70's.  :)

    If anything, I would say the rebels (this is obviously head cannon) would have used as much analog control over digital to prevent hacking by the empire, by not using too many computers. It's quite obvious the Empires systems are much more advanced and computerized. 


    I mean the Falcon couldn't even plot courses without Lando's droid, before she became an actual part of the ship. I know the Falcon wasn't a rebel ship originally, but a smuggler would want as little high technology as possible too. Computer Tech is easy to track, and gets hacked all the time. It might just be easier to use droids and manual input, instead of quantum or whatever computing they are using. 

  7. 9 hours ago, number305 said:

    I guess I'm a little dumbfounded.  I didn't think I was saying anything out of order.


    Droids are shown to be pretty high level in Star wars.  They even show emotion and are self aware.


    The first order/Empire spent 40 years creating 3 separate devices with the express intent of destroying worlds.  Alderan was destroyed by the Empire purely as a demonstration and a test of the first death star (they were unaware there was a rebel base on the planet).  This shows they were not very picky at all about using their destructive power or killing millions of innocent people on a whim.

    Alderan was destroyed to try to make Leia fear them enough to tell them what they wanted. Not just to test the Death Star. 

  8. 13 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


    As we now know, throwing someone off a cliff doesn't kill them (unless they are Mace Windu or Han Solo). Darth Maul and Sheev Palpatine apparently both survived their falls! So it really only kills you if you are a good guy.

    Palpatine did die, its his force ghost or whatever that was able to survive, Solo was stabbed with a lightsaber first, and Mace was badly shocked with force lightning beforehand.... So not really. Maul did somehow survive though.

  9. the only chance we ever have at proving the existence of alien life will probably be through radio telescopes and such, but we would have to massively upgrade and improve our equipment. I think funding SETI to massively expand their search is the only chance we ever have of finding evidence of intelligent life. Travelling and meeting in person definitely is not in the cards (and I wish it was, more than anyone). 


    Even then, if we detected signals, it could be from species that are already long dead. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


    Yes but despite the polling I think Harris even has a better shot. Pete winning Iowa and New Hampshire won't translate to wins in the south but Warren might and Harris definitely would. Pete might be the only candidate who would almost certainly still lose even after winning the first two states.

    hes just not a good candidate. and while it shouldnt matter, him being gay will absolutel bring out a large GOP turn out against him, and even push a lot of centrist dems away. 

  11. 7 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I've taken care of plenty of patients whose minds are sharp, but their bodies are letting them down. It's just not something to mock or judge a person for. Period. 


    It's very likely that he is in the early stages of dementia and he's clearly unfit and there are a thousand things we can ridicule him for. This is not one of them. We don't have to be as shitty as he is. 

    Quite literally, apparently. 

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