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Commodore D

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Posts posted by Commodore D

  1. 4 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


    You almost had it. The best reparations payment would be land and the most economically feasible way to do that would be in the form of highly subsidised home loans. That would give the African American community the mobility many just don't have.

    Access to debt is not an answer; that’s figuratively keeping people in chain. The IMF and its ilk take the same approach helping “liberated” countries. You be better off just giving them the money to buy houses, but in both cases white America would benefit significantly from those actions. Plus, black people don’t need to mobilize to “white” areas, that already devastated the poor black community, and enriched all other communities.


    Land will always be a no go because the PTB (I know, I know) understand that is real freedom. It’s why the government made an effort in the south to tell economically free people they were poor and paid them “handsomely” for their land.


    @b_m_b_m_b_m agreed on health for the community, that would do wonders. Though I’d need new facilities in the black areas to be run and staffed by people who look like the community. The black community (especially the poorest) has a significant lack of trust of the medical community; and rightfully so.




  2. 4 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    A black economy that’s separate but equal, what could go wrong?

    You say it as if together and "equal" works. Its fantasy to remove the "".


    But we know what could go wrong, we can revisit history, which is why you learn from it and build. So I prefer to ask, what can go right? Plenty is the answer. 

  3. On 6/18/2019 at 7:40 PM, Jason said:


    Reparations will be used to fill the coffers of soon dying industries (that are supported by the poor), or an economic stimulus in the time of serve decline, once all other measures have been exhausted. When reparations happen know, the end of the USA (financially as we know it) isn't far away.


    Through the past weeks I've had many discussion on this properly, obviously the best reparations payment would obviously be land. But since that isn't going to happen. One of the best concepts was the government creating a black currency / cryptocurrency to be only used in the community, giving the black population its own side economy. Then there needs to be options for buying back into the dollar economy with increasing returns as time moves on, giving families a way to create generational wealth (you know what really matters). You'd have to start at least one for one, otherwise you'd have a portion of the community trading two Obamas for one Washington, like Snap money.

  4. "Because of what's going on in the world right now, attention goes directly to the African American community and how we can make it better," Tennessee State coach Brian "Penny" Collins added. "Playing for those universities, they make those universities better. There's a sentiment to do whatever they can to help their community. This is just one of the things on the list."


    Hope to see things like this come to fruition, in all areas of the black community. The black community needs to take an isolationist approach, its the only thing that will save the community. 


    "They want to reclaim their power. We need to care about us. It shouldn't be a crime that I want to go support my own." - North Carolina Central coach LeVelle Moton


  5. 9 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

    Right, it won’t lead to any of those things. All it will really lead to is the countries past being white washed, and that is more detrimental to the black community than any statue will every be.


    I was around 11 years old, when I experienced the slave white wash first hand. We were on a family vacation, in South Carolina, and visited a tobacco plantation that had a history tour, thinking we’d get some slave history. Nope, first presentation, they walk through the entire history of the plantation. They never once referenced slaves, and the time period that followed the end of slavery they spoke to the decline of the plantation as factors of economics. The white people in the room ate it up, my mother turned us around and asked for her money back.


    That was in the 90s, imagine what can be done in 50 years after remove the slave legacy from everyday education. It will be like Juneteenth, the Tulsa massacre, or how people think the only slave uprising was lead Nat Turner.


    Pretty tired of white people thinking they know what’s best for the black community. Pretty tired of the black community signing up with everyone else’s Diversity and Inclusion when it only includes us (especially heterosexual black men) when it “necessary.”

  6. On 5/7/2020 at 11:56 AM, Dodger said:



    Walmart has been open the whole time doe. Sure was nice of this virus to just officially crush the remaining opposition to Amazon and Walmart. Just wait until Amazon buys Walmart, then we're really fucked. 

    Target was also coming out well in this, then you know.....


    Also this is a win for Ross and TJ Maxx.  Bought a bunch (couple hundred) of TJX at $37 March 23 (the end of the Covid slam), I’m sure it be back at its high of $60.

  7. <Shrugs shoulders>, no, yes.

    My neighbor and her son. He’s 22, believes he got it “hanging out,” gave it to her (probably mid 50s). He was ill for about four days, she was ill for two weeks. Neither was hospitalized. 

    Wouldn’t surprise me if I had it though; whatever I had when I got back from Japan was so crucial, the International Clinic had no idea what it was, said it’s probably from the cigarette smoke inhalation. Had all the signs of Covid, but doesn’t fit the time line.

  8. 10 hours ago, sblfilms said:

    I was talking to my parents tonight and I brought up how my dad has a lot of white friend who like to read his GOP talking points on race issues in particular because it makes them feel better about holding terrible views on race because a black man agrees.

    I also noted that he through no fault of his own actually reinforces their narratives about black people because he represents “one of the good ones” and is a model for how blacks ought to be and could be if they just behave right.


    Later in the evening on Facebook, one of his idiot white friends responded to me on a post and explicitly called my dad a rare black man for being married to the same woman for 40 years and only having children by her. It was nice to have this perfect example of the way many of his white conservative friends view him on full display.

    Unfortunately that is rare.


    I’ve had the same said of me. No offense was taken, I understand I’m part of Dubois’s 10%; it’s how I impact the 90% that matters; not what white people think of me, good or bad.

  9. 22 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

    So many people in this thread have 3-4 this gen Xbox's.  Like, I've heard of families buying multiple 3DSs for their kids, or people buying consoles as 'collectors,' but having duplicates of the same box and claiming to actually use all of them is a revelation to me.


    Since I'm curious... do any of you not own any other platforms?  Like no Switch, PS4, or reasonably up to date PC?

    Have Switch and a Switch Lite (eldest child), PS3, a WiiU, and a” gaming” laptop. All get play time. 

    Since I’ve been an adult and especially owned my own homes (vs renting an apartment in college), I’ve had multiple of my main consoles for different rooms. Just makes it easier to play when I want, the kids have taken that to another level.

  10. 10 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Important to note here this is functionally impossible in much of the country, by deliberate design. It's one of the many subtle ways racism has pervaded every aspect of government policy

    I did my city’s citizen police academy and they talked about how walking the beat, or at least having police officers on bicycles did wonders for community engagement.

    It’s worth it in communities that can support it, and can definitely be done in areas that you see the most police and citizen issues (inner city).

  11. WFH, same pay, got the children stimulus (surprised since no SS#), do not qualify for other.

    I know it’s been tough for a lot of people, but this has been fantastic; I’m in better shape, get to watch the kids hit all types of milestones, marriage is better than it’s been in a while, people at work are more productive, it’s been a blessing. 


    Going to be tough to go back to anything that looks similar to before the Stay Home order. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


    Minorities are dying in the street because of our country's asymmetrical application of the law.  Ending the war on drugs, prostitution, other gray/black market activities, etc,  will have more impact on people of color than taking away legally owned guns. 

    My comment wasn’t serious.


    Agreed though.

  13. 21 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    I remember when I was in Germany for a film festival and a local German of Black descent (I didn't even know they existed until then) warned me that there were certain parts of Germany I couldn't go to because they would "slit my thoat" for being black and also for being an American. That always stuck with me. We got into the habit of telling people we were from Canada 🇨🇦 


    First time I was ever turned away from an establishment outwardly because of my race was in Düsseldorf. Happened twice in the same night. Funniest part is a black girl working the door told me why at the second place.


    Based on the conversation on the plane ride over with a black service man, I can’t say I blame them. 

    The red light district was welcoming though.

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