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Posts posted by ALIEN-gunner

  1. If they're going to steal ideas from The Divison why not steal the  best one:  Matchmaking on all game modes. 


    But Destiny 2 is a MUCH better game with Forsaken and the sandbox update prior to that. Random Rolls are a thing again extending the life. The story telling still sucks but at least much the lore can finally be read in the game. The thing I dislike the most is the power level grind but I still play the game nearly every day for many hours at a time when I can because the core gameplay is still amazing and now there is so much more things to do even for a casual player that just likes to patrol and do a few strikes here and there. Destiny 2 is worth buying/playing again. 

  2. The title of this article should of been called "Rockstar Games: Culture of Fear".  You better work hard and long or risk shame from managment and shame from fellow employees. Just feel lucky you work for Rockstar and feed the ego of the Houser bros. Aside from all the crazy examples one that stuck with me was where Rockstar seems to care more about how many hours an employee has worked than how much work they complete. And that mentality is bragged about between employees as some sort of Stockholm Syndrom competition. For many people there Rockstar seems to be their life by force or risk being fired for wanting to have a life outside the company. 

  3. My exotic hand cannon Crimson is masterworked from Y1 and is a good pvp weapon. it's basically a pulse rifle in your hand with unlimited ammo and healing. But it's too late for me I've lost interest in Iron Banner. 


    Regarding those pyramid ships at the end of the Cabal Campaign, the only time we ever saw them before were in Destiny 1 concept art. They seemingly also appear in the brief Destiny 2 beginning intro as a shadow slowly approaching the Traveler and are referred to as the Traverlers' ancient enemy. Basically they are The Darkness. 

  4. Tusk - Ridiculous/10


    It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. Depp's character was mildly amusing. I liked where it was going and was happy about the main characters fate because he was a real slimeball and the antagonist is such a great actor to watch. But the second half of the movie got too cartoony probably because the overall story is rather weird. I liked it but would never watch again. 

  5. 54 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:


    Werent you an adamant defender of Destiny? 


    Barebones Battle Royale Mode?  I’ve played pretty much all the Battle Royales out to date and this is one of the best to be out out.  The reworked the guns, found a way to implement the perks and equipment from regular multiplayer, and even have mini objectives like the zombie spawns all within the game.  To define it as bare bones is rather dismissive and ignorant.

    It can have all the RNG guns and perks scattered all over the map but since it has no decent progression system you're basically playing just to play. Other Battle Royale games have carrots to chase. While it does have characters to unlock it takes ages to get them. Maybe Treyarch will add them later but as it is now it's just a better version of PUBG in first person. 

  6. It's possible because making shitloads of money is more important to Treyarch then throwing a few dollars into better servers...that the beta strangely had. 


    3 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    For him it pares in comparison of the greatness that was Killzone multiplayer.


    Killzone 2? Yeah they all pale in comparison. 


    I like some of what's going on in Black Ops 4 multiplayer (though it's graphics are somewhat worse than Black Ops 3) where they ditched the wall running and jetpack jumping and added  in manual healing and longer TTK for more tactical play styles. But with a tacked on bare bones Battle Royale mode which replaced the scrapped story campaign and a really shitty DLC pack that unlocks content already on the disc sorry if I don't accompany the rest of the COD cock suckers out there pretending to say the game is great. It's just not. It's a $30 game at most. Not $60 and certainly not $110 which is the games' true price. Not for what we're getting. 



  7. 1 hour ago, Reputator said:


    It doesn't indicate anything, except that people are curious how the show writes her out. I fully expect it to drop like a rock once people's curiosities are satisfied.

    Yep. General interest of the fiasco is what drew people to the first episode because it's an event. But once the show gets going normal where it's strickly about all the supporting characters then we'll see where the real ratings go. 

  8. 19 hours ago, Alpha1Cowboy said:

    You don't have to buy the toys at all...in fact the digital version is the one to get if you want everything unlocked from the beginning and it's just $60.    


    As far as Gameplay...it really depends on how you play.   I love the dogfights so reptiton is just fine there and there is a lot more content here than any Skylanders or Disney Infiniti game.  

    That's good to hear but I'll have too wait for a sale. I do love space games.

  9. Inaugural Address is the only way I can get by in pvp. Makes the crucible actually fun for me and melts some enemies in pve as well. I guess overall, pvp is a pulse rifle club. Haunted Forest is growing on me. You absolutely have to play it with matching. It's like a mini strike or a combination because of the multiple  bosses and what I hadn't noticed before, the rotating modifiers. 

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