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XxEvil AshxX

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Posts posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Ugh.. I like 60fps, but 30 is usually okay for big open worlds and slower action... but an uncapped 30? What the fuck is that all about? That tells me "45fps in a small room" and "25fps everywhere else".


    I was on the fence about getting this on console or PC, but it looks like I'll be hitting up the PC version, unless the specs are ridiculous.

  2. Finally finished up God of War Ragnarok, so hopefully I'll get that one posted after I get off work today. 


    I did realize something that was made painfully clear to me while I was playing this, and it's that (shocker) not all games are created equal. So far, I've been putting $10 per game that I've completed. Well, it's been the same whether that game has taken me 5 hours to beat, or 50.


    GoW Ragnarok took me the better part of a month to beat, and under my current structure, I would only be throwing ten bucks into my savings for it. That's not good productivity, if you know what I mean. 


    And I've known this in the back of my mind. It's why I've been avoiding the longer games in favor of the shorter ones, because I know it's gonna take me a while to beat and thus not be as "profitable." 


    So starting with Ragnarok, I'm changing my structure a bit. I will now be putting in $10 for every ten hours it takes me to beat a game, with $10 being the minimum. This is obviously going to be tricky when it comes to games like Cyberpunk or Starfield, that can take dozens of hours, or games that don't track play time, but I'm hoping that it will alleviate some of the FOMO or the urge to "rush" through a game to get it done so I can get my $10 and move on to the next one. 


    So in theory, whether I spend 70 hours in one month playing 7 different games, or a single game, the payout into my savings should be relatively similar.


    Will this completely defeat the purpose of finishing games? Will it cause me to continue to avoid bigger games knowing it will cost me more? Will I ever stop buying more games and completely defeating the purpose of all of this?


    Tune in next week to find out!

  3. The only thing I remember about the first Greedfall is that I would run all the way across the map, have someone get mad at me, then run all the way back across the map to tell someone they got mad at me, and have that person get mad at me as well.


    I swear the entirety of the game was just people bitching at me for one reason or another.


    I do hope Greefall II drops the diplomacy and just lets me shoot a motherfucker in the face.

  4. 2 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:


    Sometimes those shitty shovel ware turned into larger franchises 


    Well they could crap out a shitty Marie Kate and Ashley Olsen game, or a Barbie Horse Adventures for pennies on the dollar, and it would sell 100,000 copies and make them a quick buck because they were so cheap to produce. Not to mention they'd push 10 or 20 of them out a year. So yeah, they did alright.


    Ubisoft used to do the same thing. Now they all pretend like every game has to be this big $200 million production that takes five years and has to sell 10 million copies just to break even.


    • Halal 1
  5. I picked it up last night as well... I have pretty fond memories of playing this back when it first released. I have all four of the Dark Forces games and I've been wanting to do a playthrough of them all, but nostalgia can only get me so far, and that OG Dark Forces game was pretty rough.... 


    It's gonna be fun blasting through this with a controller and the FPS controls I've grown accustomed to. Having to go back and play with a keyboard again was not my idea of a swell time.

  6. 5 hours ago, best3444 said:


    Ragnarok is a bit more bloated than GOW 18 but it's the better overall game imo. It's incredible. 


    Something about the combat is more annoying to me this time around. It took a while for me to get used to in GoW 18 but ended up liking it once I got the feel for it. But something is different here. I can't put my finger on it.


    Maybe the enemies are spongier this time around? I dunno.


    I do feel like I'm constantly dodging attacks from behind now. I feel like I can't even get a combo started because I have to interrupt my own attacks to dodge.

  7. Wow, it has literally taken me all month to get through one game.


    That one game is God of War Ragnarok. I've been playing it like, an hour or two at a time in the evenings when I get home from work. Which is enough time to get practically nothing done.


    My main issue with getting through the game is that I.... don't like it very much? Which is weird because I enjoyed the first one. This will be an interesting write-up for sure... if I ever actually finish it.

  8. 1 hour ago, GameDadGrant said:

    Sure, but it’s not unheard of when the games are discounted by 25%-41% (which admittedly is an odd percentage).


    My point was more about how their games are sometimes not even $60. In recent(ish) memory, games like Cruis’n Blast, WarioWare and Mario vs Donkey Kong launched at $50 or less. 

    Again, for whatever that is worth. *shrugs*


    Oh yeah, I own Cruis'n Blast too, lol. I forgot about that one. I think I paid about $20 for it but to be fair, it's only worth about that much. It's.... not great.


    I don't have a problem paying full price for a game like MUA 3 or Mario Odyssey.... but their business of double-dipping into the Wii U's library and re-releasing those older games for $50+ was a kick in the nuts for some of us who owned them the first time. I owned Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, New Super Mario U, Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3 all on the Wii U, and would've totally double-dipped at the right price. 


    I'll be real though, if Nintendo announces the Switch 2 and fully supports all Switch games (like it's rumored to) without any of that profile transfer bullshit, I'd be tempted to go back and buy some of those games again. But I gotta know my shit will carry over seamlessly.

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