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Posts posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. Tournament Play is somewhat different than casual play.

    Organized Play -- everything from store championships all the way up to worlds is a way of getting people to play.  Having active communities in a LGS is a great way of bringing in new players.

    I recognize that many of the people who are into MCP/Legion/Shatterpoint are in in more for the painting, than the actual playing.

    That's not the case for X-Wing, and probably not for Armada.


    I don't think AMG should be paying for tickets and hotels, but I do think they need to hold a "World Championship".

    If they don't, I think the community will do one -- and it will likely be online.

  2. 13 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

    Depends on what you’re looking for.  Getting the “S” right is important for multiplayer, but FPS bosses are really hard to get right IMO.  You can have the best shooting mechanics around, but still have the big encounters boil down to a simple deathmatch sort of thing, a circle strafe war of attrition, or peekaboo firing explosive rounds from behind walls/cover.  It all feels so hollow compared to playing other human beings.


    The Prime games largely avoided that by making bosses more about positioning than keeping your cursor on the target and/or running behind things.  I found that refreshing at the time, still do.

    I don’t think bosses are a big part of the FPS genre. Which is why so many of them culminate with a set piece. 

  3. 1 hour ago, best3444 said:


    I know you were a PC gamer before Halo on console so it didn't hit as hard for you. 


    I guess you guys are saying Robocop is one of the best FPS's ever which is contradictory to review scores. The lighting and reflections must be awe inspiring. 

    Games in 2024 are objectively better than 20 years ago. I’m only including games I’ve played, and 1 per franchise. 
    If Halo 3 came out today, exactly as it originally released, with only a single player campaign, it wouldn’t review well. 

    The best FPS games strongest points are their multiplayer, which is ignored in this ranking. 


    9 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    Destiny’s story campaign was awesome 

    Agreed.  If I were to consider it a single player campaign, I would rate it very highly. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, best3444 said:


    Halo 1 on Xbox was revolutionary for console gaming. Wait, you put Robocop on your list because of the lighting? You sick bastard! :p

    I don’t differentiate between platforms. I agree the controls were revolutionary for a controller, but were still a step back from the standard set 8 years before with Doom (KB/Mouse). 
    I still think Halo’s vehicle controls were garbage, and some parts (like jumping) felt terrible. As someone who played a LOT of PC FPSs in the 90s and I was extremely underwhelmed (if that’s a word) by Halo. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Why not? Clearly there's still a fanbase and Ubi is still supporting it. Game is what? 10 years old now? EDIT: It's 8 years old. 

    Ubi is focused on big swings, and I don't think For Honor 2 is a big swing -- unless they massively revamp it enough that it's no longer For Honor 2.

    If they thought it was an IP that would justify a sequel, they probably would have done one by now.

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