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Posts posted by Remarkableriots

  1. One other thing about the Jaguar as a kid during that time was that I was thinking, Why the heck does it have so many buttons on the controller? I used to go to a mom-and-pop game store that let you try out games before you bought them. They had a few game systems hooked up to TVs with chairs. They even had the 3DO and Jaguar hooked up. It was just something I recalled from when I was a teenager.


    Rockstar Games has made the drastic choice of removing the video editor out of GTA 5 in the previous generation consoles due to a technical limitation.

    If you have videos saved in the editor, it’s time to get them out of there. Rockstar points out that all the projects you have saved will disappear on the same date mentioned, so you have to hurry: you have a month to make the move to YouTube, the only way to preserve your adventures on video.

    Just in case anybody else was interested in finishing the Rockstar Editor trophies that won't be available after February 20th. I'm currently playing the PS4 version on PS5. 

    I didn't realize you had to finish the story for some characters, I believe. I did that a long time ago on the PS3 version, but that was years ago.

  3. I'm playing GTA V again to try to finish the Rockstar Editor trophies before they remove them on PS4 version.



    Before I could start recording, I was falling through the street a few times. I actually thought I was going to have to restart it, but as you can see in the video, it finally loaded the street correctly. I don't recall having many glitches, and this is the first during this playthrough. I just thought it was funny.

    I had this happen which was kinda funny. A small spoiler not too far into the game.


    Many of professional wrestling's top stars were sending their prayers and well-wishes Saturday.

    All 11 implants came back as Serious Borderline Tumors,” she said. “A very rare pre-cancer of the ovaries. Very sneaky and aggressive. If those became cancer, the survival rate is less than a year.”

    Mizanin said she is now scheduled for the total hysterectomy in four weeks.

    “I’m remaining positive and determined to beat this thing,” she said. “There is only one option and it’s winning this battle! As a mom of two young daughters, I have too.”

    She finished by asking that more light be brought to “a huge woman healthcare issue.”

    “This cycle has to be broken!” she wrote. “If you get dismissed by a doctor, go see an new one until you get the help you need!”

    I hope Maryse Mizanin beats this and recovers completely. Fuck cancer!

    • Shocked 1
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