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Everything posted by DuesEXgame

  1. It evolved! (This is really stupid, I've just been struggling with insomnia, I did this for my brother's birthday today, it's on an 8 by 10 canvas, I was just goin' for a laugh.)
  2. Feels like it's been forever. I've been going through another very rough patch. But hangin' in, and wanted to share some arts.
  3. Overactive thoughts have been absolutely draining me, and it's been hard to feel creative. I wanna punch myself right in the thinker.
  4. Got some serious artist's block going on lately, but at least got some sketches done yesterday.
  5. Morning sketch for you.
  6. ...You feel straight people lack representation?
  7. No need to be a dick about it.
  8. Feeling a bit off for some reason. Working on it. Anyway, I colored this one in, it was really for therapeutic purposes -
  9. I did pretty good yesterday, I also did these -
  10. Sorry @Mr.Vic20 and @johnny, I haven't forgotten about your pics. I've been quite busy. For now, I've got this one. (Honestly never thought I'd do political cartoons, but, these is crazy times...)
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