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Posts posted by Kal-El814

  1. 3 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    The new Chancellor of the Exchequer is now speaking about the new fiscal policies and the language he's using "I have decided..." all-but-confirms that he's running the show now in the government, not the actual Prime Minister.


    Those who are watching the proceedings are saying that Truss genuinely appears to have been medicated as she's staring straight ahead blankly and blinking rapidly.


    Jesus Christ.

    • Sicko 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    It really did turn my stomach a bit. and this is what he was willing to do on national TV! Can’t imagine what she was feeling. She put on quite the brave face, and I'm glad this sort of thing seems to be less and less common as there are at least some protections in place nowadays. 

    Also, I forgot how attractive 90s era Geena Davis was. Had a HUGE crush on her as a boy 😍


    Geena Davis is an icon in the tall lady hall of fame :p

  3. I hadn't eaten at Taco Bell for years, and during one of my first times back I got a couple cheesy gordita crunches with Doritos shells, a couple extra tacos, and a soda. It came to a little shy of $20 I think. It was entirely too much food even for a a soft boy like me, if you're eating $28 of Taco Bell I don't know how you live.

  4. 6 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    It didn't really become a thing until the 80's, post blockbuster period. Prior to that the only ones who cared about Box- office numbers were Hollywood accountants and executives. Movies USED to stay in theaters for YEARS so no one really cared about the numbers because it wasn't something the average person could easily track. Once the internet became a thing, regular people started tracking these number. I didn't start really paying attention to this stuff until college and websites like Joblo and The Hollywood Stock Exchange. It definitely hasn't been a forever thing.


    I love it when old movies are in theaters. I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark in the theater a couple years back and it fucking ruled.

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