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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. We've seen Trump be a womanizing piece of shit for decades. She heard the Access Hollywood tape. She and her fraud of a father defended the fuck out of Trump. Did she think by attaching herself to him and joining his administration for power, followed by I'm sure a tell-all book down the road with which she'll make a profit, that he wouldn't do the same to her? Leopards and faces.
  2. So maybe these two will face off some time. Also, that Democratic primary in the fourth congressional district is SUPER close. Jesse Mermell 27,925 votes 22.4% Jake Auchincloss 27,820 votes 22.3% Becky Grossman 21,839 votes 17.5%
  3. "In the 4th District race to replace Kennedy, Jessie Mermell has taken the lead. She’s a former Brookline select board member who was endorsed by Representative Ayanna Pressley." There's a lot of that on the feed. A few parts: "There is still a deep reverence for the Kennedy name among older voters; I met women in their 60s or 70s who were clearly thrilled just to be in the room at Joe’s campaign events. The Kennedy name is not working the same way with younger voters. To a lot of them, the name scans as privilege, entitlement."
  4. More NY Times reporters on the live feed: "Kennedy’s team wasn’t reckless — polls were telling them he could win. But they did not anticipate what an A.O.C. endorsement meant, what the Sunrise Movement meant. Markey’s work on the Green New Deal, which he introduced last year with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, was central in turning this race around for him."
  5. A NY Times reporter: "Those numbers are staggering. A Kennedy! In Somerville! Just trounced. He never answered the Why Run question for those voters, even outside of progressive policy."
  6. There are still 900k votes to go and yet: I'm still waiting... but then again, I don't know Massachusetts like some of these number crunchers do.
  7. One of the NYTimes reporters: "Massachusetts officials were expecting record turnout for this primary, estimating that more than 1.2 million Democrats would cast ballots, and more than 150,000 Republicans."
  8. I wish I knew, state-by-state, how each one counts mail-in and if they start as they get them. I remember covering some local races in 08, and McCain was very close to Obama in our county, which is a heavily Democratic County. But that night, a bunch of mail-in/early votes came in and Obama easily soared ahead. So I don't think it takes forever even here in Florida.
  9. I now know what, "Repeating it over and over doesn't make is true," means. This has been explained to you. You're a really smart dude, but you're stubborn about this for some reason. There's nothing else that can be said that hasn't already been explained, man.
  10. Side note: I've been saying Minnesota was a swing state since IGN during the 08 primaries since people forgot how competitive Minnesota was in 00 and 04. You could have read my posts for that information.
  11. Former Chief of Staff of Olympia Snowe: "I can no longer support Sen. Susan Collins"
  12. I found a site that has the transcript but it's written a bit shoddy, so excuse any errors you see. So first, a shot fired at Trump's mental capacity as well as linking Trump to a rise in crime: And linking Trump to the rise in crime, which I'm sure they'll put into ads: He also links low crime to Democratic control in cities: Linking Trump to the looting and violence: And utilizing a similar strategy Obama did to McCain in 2008 when McCain's adviser said they want to turn the page on the economy: And speaking to independents:
  13. Biden's speech was great. I'm gonna pull some snippets for those who haven't watched it yet, but it goes into not just his strengths, but exposes Trump's weaknesses on crime.
  14. Yeah, there's really not much evidence. There was a wee bit of some a few weeks ago, for sure, but Biden's favorability this week is better than two weeks ago, while Trump's is stagnant and in some cases worse. I think Biden voters regardless of ideology are freaking out because they think violence -> crime -> Trump will take advantage of that better. Can't say I don't get that, but there are two sides to the violence. In Biden's case, framing this as Trump encouraging violence and being crappy on race relations is an area that people view Biden as stronger than Trump. Maybe Trump will change the narrative, but it's harder for him to talk about carnage while he's the incumbent. Trump's numbers soared after his 2016 convention; they didn't this year. Long-short: we don't have to wait for polling to see if there's tightening based on the betting markets. We need to wait for high-quality polling (pollsters say it may be a couple weeks) to get any sense. That's probably why people are cautioning about RCP using bad pollsters and not weighting them, especially with the lack of other polling.
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